Cooperation with friendly Latvia has been started.

At the invitation of the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, member-cor. of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zahorskyi, and with the assistance of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, adviser on international issues to the Deputy Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Olena Kondratyuk, candidate of legal sciences, and ex-ambassador to Australia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Latvia, Oleksandr Mishchenko, representatives of friendly Latvia visited the university on a working visit.

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The delegation included: Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Nature Management of the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies Linards Sisenis; Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the company "Latvijas Finieris" Uldis Bikis; Head of the Development Department of the Joint Stock Company "State Forests of Latvia" Janis Gertsans; and Chairman of the Forest Certification Council of Latvia Maris Liopa.

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The purpose of the visit is to discuss joint projects and sign a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies.

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The main directions of cooperation are: creation of opportunities for internships of Ukrainian teachers and students in Latvia; organization of joint scientific research; and conducting scientific and communicative events. It is also planned, within the framework of the concluded Memorandum, to allocate individual scholarships by the "Latvijas Finieris" Corporation to the best students of NLTU of Ukraine for long-term study in Latvia in order to study European experience and criteria in the field of forestry.

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During the ceremonial signing of the Memorandum, the administration and staff of the university thanked the guests from Latvia for their principled and unchanging position in supporting Ukraine. The meeting ended with mutual positive hopes for the successful implementation of everything planned.

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