A charity concert of the Cologne Symphony Orchestra in support of the Ukrainian National Forestry University

The staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University received touching words of support during a charity concert held on September 28, 2023, in Cologne.

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In the spring of this year, the UNFU was visited by a well-known German politician, a referent on issues of integration of the CDU political party, and a candidate for the European Parliament, Mustafa Al-Ammar. The purpose of the visit is to establish mutual relations to overcome today's challenges, provide support, and provide assistance. Mustafa Al-Ammar, as a peace ambassador, visited Ukraine back in 2013, and since then he has been studying problems in various spheres of life, and he is especially interested in the sphere of education. During the meeting, the Rector of the University, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, Professor of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, Ihor Solovyi, and Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Educational Work and International Relations, Mykola Borys, had the opportunity to discuss with the guest the peculiarities of the educational process during martial law, talk about the university's material and technical needs, and raise the issue of energy supply.

Mustafa Al-Ammar said that the European Parliament has long been working on various programs to minimize dependence on the Russian Federation, introducing the use of alternative energy sources. This meeting was successful, and as a result, a concert of the Cologne Symphony Orchestra was held in support of UNFU, in particular for the repair of the heating and energy supply system of one of the educational buildings. The project is ongoing. After the concert in Cologne, which was designed to draw the attention of German society to our problems, the organization Humanitarian without Borders, headed by Mustafa Al-Ammar, is working to raise funds to implement the idea. We hope for the full implementation of this project!

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