An important tripartite agreement was signed.

In order to protect the rights of students, their educational, scientific, and professional development, and increase public activity, the level of civic consciousness, and involvement in charitable activities, on September 11, the Ukrainian National Forestry University concluded a tripartite Memorandum on partnership and cooperation between the Ukrainian National Forestry University, the Charity Organization "Ukrainian Student League," and the Student Council of UNFU.

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Rector of the University, member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, Prof. Volodymyr Zahorskyi, vice director of the "Ukrainian Student League" BO, Serhii Galchynskyi, and acting Head of the Student Council of UNFU, Yuliya Zongheim, realizing the importance of protecting students' rights, cooperation in educational, scientific, public, and charitable activities, and aiming to promote the implementation of social initiatives and student projects, decided to consolidate efforts.

During the working meeting, the format of preparation and implementation of joint events and projects was discussed, as well as the directions of activity and opportunities to involve other student public organizations, student self-government bodies, and trade union organizations to achieve the goal of the Memorandum.

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The main directions are defined as:

  • support and participation in educational and scientific events; professional training;
  • promotion of inter-student communication through involvement in public, educational, scientific, and charitable activities;
  • coordination of policies regarding the protection of students' rights;
  • organization and implementation of charity projects aimed at helping students;
  • preparation of collective statements regarding events that affect studentship in all areas;
  • organization of joint educational and research activities.

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