New cooperation for innovative training of specialists in the field of service

On the first day of the academic year, September 4, the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation on Healthy Nutrition with one of the successful entrepreneurs of the Lviv Region, Petro Spodaryk.

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First of all, the goal of such cooperation is the consolidation of efforts aimed at the organization of innovative training of specialists in the fields of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" and 24 "Sphere of Service,", as well as the preparation of concepts, programs, and plans for the development of the healthy food system, in particular on the example of catering and other methods rational preparation, consumption, and sale of finished products.

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Within the framework of the memorandum, joint trainings, master classes, conferences, business idea contests, work meetings, presentations, and, importantly, the involvement of students in the implementation of projects are foreseen. Such cooperation will contribute to the development of entrepreneurial skills among students in creative industries.

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