Erasmus+ opportunities for study and internships abroad

On May 22, 2024, the University held a regular competitive selection of students to study at the University of Valladolid (Spain) under the Erasmus+ program within the framework of the recently announced competition. The Erasmus+ academic mobility projects have been implemented by UNFU in partnership with the University of Valladolid for more than 5 years, which allows UNFU students to study for a semester at a Spanish university with the possibility of transferring their academic results.

As part of the competitive selection process, 10 students from the Institute of Ecological Economics and Management and the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies presented short reports in a foreign language on a topic related to their specialty. The competition committee evaluates the applicants according to the following criteria: academic performance, motivation and relevance of the mobility proposal.

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International academic mobility programs are an opportunity for students to improve their foreign language skills, deepen their knowledge of their future profession, develop soft skills, and increase their competitiveness in the labor market. Five students who are currently studying at the University of Valladolid note that “despite all the difficulties and homesickness, mobility is worth it because you immerse yourself in a new culture and gain incredible life experience.” Similar opinions are expressed by students undergoing their exchange semester at the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (Germany).

The development of international cooperation and the creation of opportunities for study and internships for students and teachers abroad is one of the priorities of the University's Internationalization Strategy 2026.

The university has already implemented more than 35 Erasmus+ projects, and in the next academic year will implement the projects won in the program's competition in 2023 with partners: Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria (2023-1-AT01-KA171-HED-000115357), University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany (2023-1-DE01-KA171-HED-000149162), University of Valladolid, Spain (2023-1-ES01-KA171-HED-000135436), Lodz University of Technology, Poland (2023-1-PL-KA171-HED-000146903), University of Transylvania Brasov, Romania (2023-1-RO01-KA171-HED-000138769), Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia (2023-1-SK01-KA171-HED-000147039), Bartin University, Turkey (2023-1-TK01-KA171-HED-000167383), Kastamonu University, Turkey (2023-1-TK01-KA171-HED-000167459).

In addition, the university is currently implementing Erasmus+ cooperation projects in the field of higher education (direction KA2), in particular: “Discovering Sustainability Thinking - New Dimensions of Education for Sustainable Development with a Focus on Intercultural Values and Ethics” (SysMind), “Transformational Learning Network for Sustainable Development - Promoting the Contribution of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions to Sustainable and Strong Reconstruction of (Post-War) Ukraine” (TransLearnN), “Manager for the Transition to a Circular Economy: Leading Furniture Industry Companies to Implement a Strategy for the Transition to a Circular Economy” (CirCLER), ‘Awareness through Science Education for Ecosystem, Society and Governance’ (EcoSocMan), which will result in the development of new disciplines in English.

More about international academic mobility at the university by the link.

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