09.09.2019 - 09.10.2019: a teacher Joanna Pavlyak successfully passed her internship.

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As part of the collaboration between UNFU and the University of Life Sciences, Lublin (Poland), at the Department of Management of International Activity Joanna Pavlyak (EngD) successfully passed an internship from 09.09.2019 till 09.10.2019. Together with the head of the internship, associate professor Didovych I.I., she became acquainted with the main activities of UNFU and some departments of IEEM; also with financial, organizational and legal principles of the activities of forestry and agricultural enterprises of Ukraine and visited an ecological farm in Lviv region. Joanna Pavlyak collected and analyzed statistics on the activities of Ukrainian forestry and agricultural enterprises, visited Lviv-based organic stores. As a result of her internship, Ms. Joanna Pavlyak received a relevant certificate and will continue her studies at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin.

Last modified on Friday, 25 October 2019 08:49

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