A round table: "Woman-warrior through the prism of the century".


On October 16, 2019, in the room 405 teachers of the departments of history of Ukraine, political science and law and foreign languages organized a round table discussion: "Woman-warrior through the prism of the century". The student of the EK-11 group Olshanets'ka A. informed the audience about the biography of Olga Basarab, who is a public and political figure, the head of the women's troop of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. In September we celebrated 130 years from the birthday of this courageous woman, who was tortured by the Polish police.

More than 100 years have passed since those tragic times, and the struggle for Ukraine continues.

Our guest Golosna Irina, sanitary instructor of 24 separate mechanized brigade, told about these events. Irina is a migrant from Crimea, who has been defending Ukraine for two years in the Joint Forces Operation area. Students had the opportunity to talk to a female serviceman, ask questions, share their political views and views on ending the war conflict.

Head of the reading room of socio-economic literature Gritsak L.O. presented an interesting exhibition of non-fiction and fiction literature on the subject of the round table.

Last modified on Friday, 25 October 2019 08:52

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