Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies



Oksana Lobodynska, Assoc. Prof.
Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 12
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, r. 308

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+38 (032) 258 42 12

Head of the Department,
Oksana Lobodynska

The Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies was established in 1989 in order to enhance the social and humanitarian component of student preparation. At the time of its founding, it was called the Department of Foundations of Culture, Sociology and Law. The staff of the department were instructed to teach courses: "History and theory of world and national culture", "History of Ukraine", "Fundamentals of Sociology", "Fundamentals of Law", "History of Art and Architecture", "Ethnic Studies", "Sociology and Psychology of Labor", “Forest Law”, “Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education” and “Ukrainian Language”.

During the existence of the department there were several reorganizations with the redistribution of disciplines between the departments of the social-humanitarian cycle of specialists training. Since 2003 the department has its present name. Today the scientific-pedagogical staff of the department provides teaching of the following disciplines: "History of Ukrainian culture", "Sociology", "Ukrainian language" (by professional direction), "History of art and architecture", "Religious studies", "Cultural studies", "Personality culture", "Production Culture", "Factors of Successful Employment by Specialty", "Professional Terminology", "Image of a Business Person", "Social Responsibility and Intellectual Property", "Sociology of Sustainable Development".

In 1989-2017 the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies was headed by Iryna Mahazynshchykova, Assistant Professor.

Nowadays the duties of the head of the department are performed by Oksana Lobodynska, Associate Professor. The teaching staff of the department today are experienced pedagogues, well-known scientists with an active civic position, associate professors Mykola Kravets, Svitlana Shlemkevych, Natalya Duda, Oksana Hrydzhuk, Iryna Denys. All lecturers of the department have scientific degrees of candidate of sciences. For many years, the senior assistant of the department Lyubov Berezovych has provided a great help in organizing and conducting classes and educational events.

There are many prominent Ukrainian scientists worked at the department in different times: Stepan Pavlyuk, Doctor of History, Prof., Academic of the NAS of Ukraine, Mykola Mozdyr, famous scientist-art critic, Vasyl Kostytsky, Doctor of Law, Prof., Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Vitaliy Semkiv, Assoc. Prof., Karina Shamlyan, Assoc. Prof., Tayisiya Hontar, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer Roksolana Vintoniv, assistants Zenoviy Kinash, Taras Dovhy, Olena Tarasenko, Alisa Burmaka and others.

The Public Center of Sociological Research of UNFU has been active on the basis of the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies since 2002.

The purpose of the Center's activity is an analysis of educational activities aimed at providing information support to the management activities of the Rectorate, institutes, trade unions and public organizations in order to improve the educational process at the University.


  1. Oksana Lobodynska, Head of the Department
  2. Oksana Hrydzhuk, Assoc. Prof.
  3. Iryna Denys, Assoc. Prof.
  4. Nataliya Duda, Assoc.Prof.
  5. Mykola Kravets, Assoc. Prof.
  6. Svitlana Shlemkevych, Assoc. Prof.
  7. Lyubov Berezovych, Sen. Labor. Assis.

Scientists of the department research the scientific problems in the field of sociology, cultural studies, personality culture, history of Ukrainian culture, history of art and architecture, linguistics, ethno-linguistics, factors of successful employment, etc.

  1. History of Ukrainian Culture / N. Duda, S. Shlemkevych, M. Kravets, etc.
  2. Sociology: Structural and Logical Schemes / I. Mahazynshchykova, O. Lobodynska, etc.
  3. Ukrainian Language (professionally oriented) in tables and diagrams / O. Hrydzhuk
  4. Double Accent: Dictionary-guide / O. Hrydzhuk
  5. Cultural Studies / M. Kravets
  6. Ecological Culture of a Specialist as a Factor of Sustainable Development / edited I. Mahazynshchykova
  7. Cultural Texts / N. Duda, S. Shlemkevych, etc.
  8. The Cultural Heritage of Human / edited I. Mahazynshchykova
  9. History of Art and Architecture: Practicum / S. Shlemkevych
  10. Applied Sociological Research / I. Mahazynshchykova, O. Lobodynska
  11. Professional Terminology / O. Hrydzhuk
  12. Formation of Ecological Competence of a Specialist by Means of Social and Humanitarian Education / edited I. Mahazynshchykova
  13. Personality Culture / S. Shlemkevych
  14. History of Ukrainian Culture / S. Shlemkevych
  15. History of Art and Architecture: in 2 parts / S. Shlemkevych
  16. Factors of Successful Employment / O. Lobodynska, I. Mahazynshchykova
  17. Business Ukrainian Languages: in 2 parts / edited N. Duda
  18. World Religions / N. Duda, O. Tarasenko
  19. Young Specialist in the Modern Labor Market / I. Mahazynshchykova, O. Lobodynska
  20. Ukrainian Traditions of the Child Naming in the Territory of Opillya / I. Denys
  21. Short Explanatory Financial-legal Dictionary-guide / R. Vintoniv, I. Denys

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 09:47

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