Department of Economical Theory



Liubomyr Ribun, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38 (032) 258-42-61
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


79057, Lviv, 103, Gen.Chuprynky St.

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+38 (032) 258-42-61, (032) 258-42-63

Head of the Department,
Liubomyr Ribun, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

The Department of Economic Theory was established on September 1, 1947. At different times the heads of the department were Assoc. Prof. Chekin V.P., Assoc. Prof. Kostyuk R.S., Assoc. Prof. Yakimtsov P.P., Prof. Dzyubik S.D., Assoc.Prof. Grynovets I.F., Prof. Kulchytskyy Ya.V. Since 2001 the department has been headed by Assoc. Prof. Ribun L.

  1. Liubomyr Ribun, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Yaroslav Kulchitsky, Doctor of Economics, Prof.;
  3. Halyna Lech, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof, Deputy Head;
  4. Irina Stasiuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof;
  5. Ihor Onufryk, Senior lecturer;
  6. Miroslava Malinovskaya, Assistant;

Educational support personnel:

  1. Stefania Tsion, senior laboratory assistant

In recent years, the efforts of the department staff have been aimed at constant updating of methodological support and proper scientific level of all disciplines of the department, widespread use of active teaching methods, competency approach, introduction of computer-information technologies and methods of distance learning into the educational process.

  • The basics of economic theory;
  • Political economy;
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Microeconomics;
  • History of economy and economical thought;
  • Global economy;
  • Greening of modern ecological and economical systems;
  • Economic theory and policy of development;
  • Economic theory and economic activity;
  • National economy;
  • State and regional management;
  • The basics of entrepreneurship.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 09:52

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