Erasmus+ training at the University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde (Germany) – course “Forest Governance and Policy I”

erasmos 19.12 1Professor of the Department of Ecological Economics, Doctor of Economics Ihor Soloviy  and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Enterprise Economics, Ph.D Roksolana Risna took part in the European Union Erasmus + Program (KA1) at the University of Sustainable Development, Eberswalde (Germany) in November 2019.

The purpose of the short-term internship was to exchange experience, to establish contacts with foreign colleagues and to get acquainted with the latest teaching methods and principles of student knowledge assessment.

During the internship Ihor Soloviy and Roksolana Risna have studied the experience of teaching the course called “Forest Governance and Policy I”. The course consisted of two parts: “Concepts, institutions and actors” and “Environmental Policy and Nature Conservation”. The classes were conducted by Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann, Ph.D. Peter Hobson and Ph.D. Dr. Heike Walk.

It was interesting to experience the group work with students who came to the University for Sustainable Development from the USA, France, Spain, Turkey, Nepal and other countries.

erasmos 19.12 1In addition to attending lectures and practical classes, our employees had the opportunity to visit the Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement office in Berlin. During the meeting with the head of the organization, Dr. Ansgar Klein, they discussed the role of civil society in the sustainable management of natural resources at the local, national and international levels.

Another interesting event was the presentation of awards by the rector of the University to students for the best scientific works and a lecture by Prof. Dr. Niko Paech "Sustainable Development Beyond Economic Growth", dedicated to environmental issues.

Staying at the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde made it possible to become acquainted with European educational study programs, to deepen the knowledge of foreign languages, to establish professional contacts, which will allow to continue cooperation between the universities, and to develop some modules of disciplines that will be integrated in Ukraine.

Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2019 00:30

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