Forest Sector Council of Lviv Region: questions and answers

At the end of November this year, a round table was held at UNFU, where the members of the Forest Sector Council of Lviv region exchanged views on urgent issues regarding the situation in the forest.

Official name of the round table was "Political and economic analysis of forestry in the furniture and wood processing sectors in Ukraine". The event was organized by UNFU scientists as a part of the USAID “Competitive Economy Program”. The program aims to analyze the state of forest management: from logging and supplying chains to competition and trade issues. The task is to find out what impedes sustainable forest management and equitable access to resources for furniture and woodworking businesses. The ultimate goal of the program is to engage international analysts, investors and provide them with the information they need to develop a “roadmap” for the development of our timber sector.erasmos 19.12 3

Orest Kiyko, PhD, Head of the Department of Technology of Furniture and Wooden Products at UNFU, led the meeting. Volodymyr Vorobey, executive director of PPV Knowledge Networks, known in Ukraine for implementing business projects of the creative and green economy, was present as an expert of the program. Coordinator of the event was Olga Melnyk, Head of the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs at Lviv Polytechnic.

At the event, such people as Andrii Vovk (representative of the woodworking cluster), Ruslan Grechanyk (Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Lviv Regional State Administration), Stepan Miklush (Professor of the Department of Forest Taxation and Forest Management of Ukraine, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences), Yurii Gromiak (Deputy Head of Lviv Regional Forestry Department), Mykola Kogut (Head of Lviv Woodworkers Association), Ruslan Yushchishyn (owner of PE “Yushchyshyn”, involved in production of woodworking equipment), Yurii Huber (PhD, Department of Environmental Technologies and Wood Protection Techniques, and Social Communications, UNFU), Anatoly Deyneka, Stella Mamaeva and others were able to express their thoughts on these issues.

At the end of the meeting, Orest Kiyko summarized the opinions of all participants.

Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2019 00:30

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