Ranking of Lviv universities by IT Specialties - 2020

uaThe ranking of Lviv universities by IT Specialties, based on the results of the 2020 admission campaign, is already updated. It was analyzed which universities were the most popular and where the entrants with the highest competitive score aspired to enter.

The first ranking of universities was published at DOU in 2016, when the opinions of students and university graduates were taken as a basis and surveys were conducted annually. But this year the methodology was changed.

New Methodology: The rating of each university was calculated based on data from Unified State Electronic Database on Education (USEDE). It was focused on the level of preparation of entrants and the popularity of specialties and calculated the rating using the average competitive score for the specialty, "weighted" by the share of applications for it in universities. For example, the university has two IT specialties with average scores of entrants of 170 and 150 points. The first specialty received 70% of all number of applications, the second - 30% of applications. If you take the arithmetic mean, you get 160 points. But this will not fully reflect the popularity / demand for specialties in higher education. Therefore, the ranking is based on "weigh" the average score of the specialty on the share of applications for the specialty. That is, in our example, the rating of the university: (170 * 0.7) + (150 * 0.3) = 164 points.

Specialties that were analyzed in ranking: "Computer Science", "Software Engineering", "Cyber security", "Computer Engineering", "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies", "Information Systems and Technologies", "System analysis", "Telecommunications and radio engineering", "Applied mathematics", "Mathematics", "Electronics", "Applied physics and nanomaterials".

Position amonginstitutions
of higher education
of Lviv region
(IT Specialties)

Position amonginstitutions
of higher education in Ukraine
(IT Specialties)

Institution of higher education of Lviv



Ukrainian Catholic University



Lviv Polytechnic National University



Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



Ukrainian National Forestry University



Lviv University of Trade and Economics



Ukrainian Academy of Printing



Lviv State University of Life Safety

Last modified on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 11:28

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