"Hutsul Vacations" art project of Yuriy Yamash

На відкритті виставки виступає зав.каф.дизайну доц. В.Прусак

On October 1, 2020, an exhibition of paintings of the artist, senior lecturer of the UNFU Department of Design Yuriy Yamash entitled "Hutsul Vacations" was opened at the cafe-gallery "Shtuka" (8 Kotlyarska street).

13 works, thematically combined, were presented to the public. The works presented at the exhibition are the result of Yuriy Yamash's creative vacations in the Carpathians - a place with a strange natural and cultural phenomenon, which has always attracted people of art, artists, poets, directors, musicians.

Bright saturated acrylic painting by Yuriy Yamash is characterized by temperament, expressive life-affirming energy, the works are easily recognizable by strong strokes, dynamic compositions, and their emotional action is concentrated in color.

The opening of the "Hutsul Vacations" art project was attended by the curator of the exhibition, owner of the "Shtuka" cafe-gallery Yevhen Bulavin, the head of Department of Design Volodymyr Prusak, associate professor of Lviv Polytechnic National University Oleksandr Kalinichenko. Friends, colleagues, professors and students of the Department of Design of UNFU, the artistic elite of Lviv - were the first to congratulate Yuriy Yamash on the opening of his personal exhibition, as well as to be the first to evaluate his work.

Роботи Ю.ЯмашаРоботи Ю.Ямаша 2

Ю.Ямаш з колегами по кафедрі дизайнуЮрій Ямаш

Last modified on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 11:39

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