Solving the problem of providing housing for internally displaced persons together!

S1750012On August 10, 2022, a round table meeting was held at the Ukrainian National Forestry University under the initiative of the NGO "Association of Woodworkers and Lumber Harvesters of the Lviv Region" (the head of the Association - Mykola Kogut) on the topic: "Wooden house construction and provision of housing for IDPs". Such an idea attracted the interest and support of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine, the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Lviv Regional Council, People's Deputies of Ukraine, heads of regional administrations, directors of forestry enterprises, heads of local communities and business representatives.

Rector of the university, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi mentioned the importance of discussing the problem of providing housing for internally displaced persons, since there are more than 230,000 of such persons in the Lviv region alone! Today, enterprises producing wooden houses of various types and designs are operating in Ukraine, but an essential task is to develop rational solutions regarding the selection of such types and designs of wooden houses that will be effective for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. It is the Ukrainian National Forestry University that trains specialists for the production of houses made of wood and wooden materials, as well as for the manufacture of furniture and other wood products necessary for furnishing such houses. The university has the opportunity to participate in the designing of a program for the development of wooden house construction and, together with representatives of government structures and businesses, to implement such important projects today.

The topics of the round table concerned the following important issues: priorities for the development of the forest sector of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law (speaker: head of the Department of Technology of Furniture and Wooden Products (UNFU), PhD, Prof. Orest Kiyko), ensuring the stability of the supply of wood resources to market (deputy head of the Lviv Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting Yuriy Gromyak), the impact of military operations on the state and prospects for the development of forestry in Ukraine (head of the Department of Strategy and Economic Development of the State Forestry Agency, Doctor of Economics Ihor Lytsur), provision of housing for internally displaced persons on the territory of the Lviv region (moderator of the round table, deputy director of the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Vadym Tabakera), financial service as a component of the implementation of the development of wooden house construction in Ukraine (manager of MTB BANK Dmytro Tkachenko), the advantages of wooden frame - shield building in Ukraine (Commercial Director of Servus Company Oksana Lloret and Co-Founder of Servus Company Andriy Maly), changes in war conditions (Managing Partner of WOWIN.UA Volodymyr Turchyn), construction of modular wooden houses during the war (founder of the company "Chornomorsk Stroy Group" Mykyta Lukyanchuk), a creative space for the cooperation of entrepreneurs in wartime (vice-president of the National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine, founder of Budmall.Center, Ph.D. Taras Demkura), system technologies for the manufacture of residential wooden buildings (director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design (UNFU), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Volodymyr Maevskyi; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Roman Shchupakivskyi; Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Yuriy Huber; Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Yosyp Andrashek).

Taking into account modern economic and political challenges, the security situation due to the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the participants of the round table worked out basic proposals and recommendations, coordinated their actions, confirmed their readiness for cooperation between state and executive authorities, foundations, foreign partners, investors, business and communal representatives, enterprises of the forestry and woodworking industries and the Ukrainian National Forestry, on the basis of which it is proposed to create a scientific and technical hub.

The organizers of the event express their gratitude and respect to all participants of the round table who joined the discussion of these important issues.

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