On May 22, the Lviv National University of Environmental Management hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Environmental Challenges. Strategies for Environmental Safety” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Ecology.

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Colleagues from the Institute of Animal Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration, Western Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Institute of Carpathian Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, National Scientific Center “O. Sokolovskyi Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry”, as well as  colleagues from Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, the University of Natural Sciences in Poznan, the Askania Nova Biosphere Reserve named after F.E. Falz-Fein of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Yavoriv National Nature Park and the Kholodnyi Yar National Nature Park, and lecturers of the Department of Ecology of the Ukrainian National Forestry University took part in the conference.

During the conference, many topical issues were raised and the results of scientific research were shared. Scientists of the Department of Ecology of the Ukrainian National Forestry University took an active part in the discussion and reports, in particular: Associate Professor Victoria Oliferchuk, topic: “Management of mycorrhizal associations as a basis for sustainable development of ecosystems”; Associate Professor Ihor Kulchytskyi-Zhyhailo, topic: “Means of small-scale runoff regulation in the forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians”; Ihor Hnativ and Svitlana Melnychuk, topic: “Analysis of the impact of channel processes of the Stryi River channel on the increase of landslide hazard”; Maria Kopiy, topic: “Options for environmental restoration and rehabilitation of the population in the postwar period”; Associate Professor Mykola Cherniavskyi, topic: “Primeval forest natural monuments ‘Hlyhulska’ and ‘Malozvarashska’ and their conservation regime”; Senior Lecturer Oksana Oshurkevych-Pankivska and Associate Professor Yurii Pankivskyi, topic: “Evaluation of the effectiveness of the sanitary protection zone of Koker LLC”. The presentations were interesting and informative, aroused interest and good feedback from colleagues, and on occasion agreed on new joint promising areas of cooperation in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

On May 22, 2024, the University held a regular competitive selection of students to study at the University of Valladolid (Spain) under the Erasmus+ program within the framework of the recently announced competition. The Erasmus+ academic mobility projects have been implemented by UNFU in partnership with the University of Valladolid for more than 5 years, which allows UNFU students to study for a semester at a Spanish university with the possibility of transferring their academic results.

As part of the competitive selection process, 10 students from the Institute of Ecological Economics and Management and the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies presented short reports in a foreign language on a topic related to their specialty. The competition committee evaluates the applicants according to the following criteria: academic performance, motivation and relevance of the mobility proposal.

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International academic mobility programs are an opportunity for students to improve their foreign language skills, deepen their knowledge of their future profession, develop soft skills, and increase their competitiveness in the labor market. Five students who are currently studying at the University of Valladolid note that “despite all the difficulties and homesickness, mobility is worth it because you immerse yourself in a new culture and gain incredible life experience.” Similar opinions are expressed by students undergoing their exchange semester at the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (Germany).

The development of international cooperation and the creation of opportunities for study and internships for students and teachers abroad is one of the priorities of the University's Internationalization Strategy 2026.

The university has already implemented more than 35 Erasmus+ projects, and in the next academic year will implement the projects won in the program's competition in 2023 with partners: Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria (2023-1-AT01-KA171-HED-000115357), University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany (2023-1-DE01-KA171-HED-000149162), University of Valladolid, Spain (2023-1-ES01-KA171-HED-000135436), Lodz University of Technology, Poland (2023-1-PL-KA171-HED-000146903), University of Transylvania Brasov, Romania (2023-1-RO01-KA171-HED-000138769), Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia (2023-1-SK01-KA171-HED-000147039), Bartin University, Turkey (2023-1-TK01-KA171-HED-000167383), Kastamonu University, Turkey (2023-1-TK01-KA171-HED-000167459).

In addition, the university is currently implementing Erasmus+ cooperation projects in the field of higher education (direction KA2), in particular: “Discovering Sustainability Thinking - New Dimensions of Education for Sustainable Development with a Focus on Intercultural Values and Ethics” (SysMind), “Transformational Learning Network for Sustainable Development - Promoting the Contribution of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions to Sustainable and Strong Reconstruction of (Post-War) Ukraine” (TransLearnN), “Manager for the Transition to a Circular Economy: Leading Furniture Industry Companies to Implement a Strategy for the Transition to a Circular Economy” (CirCLER), ‘Awareness through Science Education for Ecosystem, Society and Governance’ (EcoSocMan), which will result in the development of new disciplines in English.

More about international academic mobility at the university by the link.

On May 16-17, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Challenges of Management and Marketing Development in the Context of European Integration” was held to mark the 150th anniversary of the Ukrainian National Forestry University. The initiator and organizer is the Department of Management and Marketing of the Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Economics and Management.

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Fellow scientists from many higher education institutions both in Ukraine and abroad, as well as representatives of interregional departments and associations, in particular from: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Odesa Polytechnic National University, Odesa National Economic University, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, National Transport University, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Western Interregional Forestry and Hunting Administration, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and others.

The conference “Modern Challenges of Management and Marketing Development in the Context of European Integration” was opened by Volodymyr Zahorskyi, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, who emphasized the importance of consolidating the efforts of scientists and practitioners. The conference included a roundtable discussion on “Teaching and Learning Sustainable Development to Meet the Needs and Requirements of Economic Sectors” and a plenary session. Vasyl Lavnyi, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research; Mykola Matveev, PhD, Associate Professor, Director of the Educational and Research Institute of Environmental Economics and Management; Olena Maksymets, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Marketing, and invited guests delivered welcoming speeches.

The reports of the plenary session of the conference were interesting and relevant, discussing the following issues: peacebuilding in the context of key concepts of public administration; ecological and economic principles of sustainable forestry in Ukraine; innovative approaches to the development of educational programs in the period of post-war reconstruction; the fundamental value of university strategies; ecosystem services; a systematic approach to improving educational programs following the goals of sustainable development.

To effectively develop recommendations, the participants of the scientific and practical conference were divided into sections, namely


Moderators: PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Mykola Matveev; PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Natalia Nalyvaiko


Moderators: Doctor of Public Administration, Professor Nadiia Kalashnyk; PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer Oleksandr Chopyk


Moderators: PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Ivan Didovych; PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Yuriy Muravyov


Moderators: PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Evelina Kulchytska; Senior Lecturer Tetiana Vaidanych

On May 16, the Ukrainian National Forestry University hosted the Day of European Union Languages. The event was organized in May to combine the celebration of Europe Day and World Embroidery Day, which unites Ukrainians around the world, including in the European Union, as well as to promote linguistic and cultural traditions, facilitate the study of foreign languages, and develop linguistic identity.

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Traditionally, students of the Ukrainian National Forestry University under the guidance of the teachers of the Department of Management and Marketing, Associate Professor Yulia Shvediuk and Associate Professor Nadiia Yurkiv, and with the organizational support of the Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science Oleksii Sinkevych, took an active part in the training practice in the Romanian Carpathians as part of the learning process of the discipline “Ecosystem Management in Transformation Countries” with the financial support of the international project “Fields of Conflict - A Discourse on Socio-Ecological Forest Restoration in Times of War and Multiple Crises”. This is a joint trip of students from the Ukrainian National Forestry University, the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde, the State University of Moldova, the State University of Zhytomyr Polytechnic, the National Transport University, and representatives of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. The program of the excursion is as always interesting and full of exciting locations. UNFU students, a team of eight participants, prepared a report and described in detail everything they saw.

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For two weeks, students of three educational and research institutes of the Ukrainian National Forestry University together with students of the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde and students (teachers on an Erasmus + internship) from Transport University in Kyiv studied the course “Green Project development and management”.

Teaching the course became possible thanks to cooperation within the framework of the Ukrainian-German Teaching Network for a Digital Transformation of Environmental Education (Consolidation and Expansion Phase 2024) project supported by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (scientific adviser of the University of Eberswalde - Professor Pierre Ibisch, from UNFU - Professor Vasyl Lavnyi).

Ihor Solovii, Professor of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business at the Institute of Environmental Economics and Management, and Professor Orest Kyiko, Head of the Department of Furniture and Wood Products Technology at the Institute of Woodworking Technologies and Design, who developed this course, became lecturers for Ukrainian and German students of this intensive block week for the third year in a row. In addition, project management experts from German universities were involved in introducing topics on European project funding costs.

Moreover, students completed practical assignments, going through all stages of the project from the inception of the idea to its implementation, and during thematic seminars, they discussed promising project ideas. The final stage was the development of project applications for the Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, and German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture funding programs.

The students also visited the Konrad Wolf Babelberg University of Film Arts in Potsdam, where they had a number of meetings and got acquainted with many scientific and educational projects. In their free time, they took excursions to the University's Forest Botanical Garden and got acquainted with the cultural and historical sights of Berlin. Despite the intensive schedule of the educational process, the teachers had a number of working meetings to discuss the development of the joint course and worked in a professional studio on video materials for it. At the end of the productive trip, international certificates were awarded to both students and teachers of the course.

Feedback from students:

“First of all, it is a useful experience of communicating in a foreign language and working in international groups, a new environment for knowledge and thoughts.”

“We are returning to studying in Ukraine with renewed vigor, striving together for international cooperation and improvement to build a worthy European state.”

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For more than 7 years, UNFU has been closely cooperating with the University of Valladolid (Spain) under the Erasmus+ academic exchange program.

The University of Valladolid has a similar educational and scientific profile to the Ukrainian National Forestry University and trains specialists in forestry, engineering, economics and management. UNFU students have the opportunity to undergo training for one or two semesters at a partner university under the Erasmus+ program with the possibility of re-crediting their studies upon returning to home university.

This spring, five students of our university are studying in Spain: Veronika Butsyk (group MZED-21), Anna Samotos (group MZED-21), Victoria Grenyukh (group ICT-31), Yulia Sapsa (group KN-31) and Daria Belik (group SPG-21).

The students' answers to the most common questions about studying under the Erasmus+ program are in this article.



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Dear students, graduate students, teachers, and employees, I sincerely congratulate each of you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year!

The first days of September are always exciting, filled with inspiration, faith, and hopes for new achievements. In particular, I cordially address the first-year students who have joined our friendly family at the university, which is a recognized center of education and science in the European and world educational communities. I wish that everywhere and always you feel joy and pride for being students of the Ukrainian National Forestry University. Be patriots of Ukraine, ready to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state, worthy followers of those who glorified our university and our Ukraine with their achievements! We are proud of our graduates—outstanding scientists, politicians, and public figures who made a significant contribution to the development of our state. I hope that you too will be proud of the fact that you have joined the forestry family and won the right to preserve, develop, and multiply the academic traditions of the university, which were formed by many generations of its students, teachers, and scientists. I believe that soon your achievements will add to the treasury of the university's assets.

For the second time, unfortunately, we are starting the academic year in conditions where Ukraine is heroically resisting a large-scale invasion of the enemy on its territory. But during its 149-year history, the Ukrainian National Forestry University has always been and remains a magnificent temple of knowledge, in which glorious traditions are preserved and high ideals of spirituality, humanism, the constant search for truth, and the desire to learn about the surrounding world and make life on Earth more perfect and harmonious prevail. This is confirmed by the motto of the university: "AD NATURAM VIVERE DISCIMUS" — "Learning to live in harmony with nature".

I express my deep gratitude to the scientific and pedagogical workers, scientists, and employees of the university for their dedication to the profession and for the fact that, despite the wartime, you give all your strength, knowledge, and love to students and selflessly serve the cause of education and the education of young people, which is the basis of strengthening, development, and prosperity in our state. The new academic year promises to be difficult, but I am convinced that the university staff is capable of overcoming today's global challenges, and this year will definitely be a year of new achievements in education and science.

I wish everyone to be unbreakable. I wish for new creative achievements, educational and scientific achievements, peace, goodness, and daily success!

Victory to the Ukrainian people!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

On the first day of the academic year, September 4, the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation on Healthy Nutrition with one of the successful entrepreneurs of the Lviv Region, Petro Spodaryk.

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First of all, the goal of such cooperation is the consolidation of efforts aimed at the organization of innovative training of specialists in the fields of knowledge 07 "Management and Administration" and 24 "Sphere of Service,", as well as the preparation of concepts, programs, and plans for the development of the healthy food system, in particular on the example of catering and other methods rational preparation, consumption, and sale of finished products.

In order to protect the rights of students, their educational, scientific, and professional development, and increase public activity, the level of civic consciousness, and involvement in charitable activities, on September 11, the Ukrainian National Forestry University concluded a tripartite Memorandum on partnership and cooperation between the Ukrainian National Forestry University, the Charity Organization "Ukrainian Student League," and the Student Council of UNFU.

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Rector of the University, member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, Prof. Volodymyr Zahorskyi, vice director of the "Ukrainian Student League" BO, Serhii Galchynskyi, and acting Head of the Student Council of UNFU, Yuliya Zongheim, realizing the importance of protecting students' rights, cooperation in educational, scientific, public, and charitable activities, and aiming to promote the implementation of social initiatives and student projects, decided to consolidate efforts.

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