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 79057, Lviv, 19, Pryrodna St., Ukraine

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(032) 258-42-26

(032) 237-10-45

Director of Institute: Prof. Stepan Myklush, doctor
Deputy Director : 

Associate Professor Petro Khomiuk, Deputy of director of Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening
Associate Professor Serhii Havryliuk, Deputy of director of Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening

Bachelor Programs: 205 Forestry
206 Park Gardening
191 Architecture and City Planning

Master programs: 205 Forestry
206 Park Gardening
191 Architecture and City Planning

PhD Programs:
205 Forestry
206 Park Gardening

1. GIS: project design (Myklush Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.)
2. Remote sensing (Havryliuk Serhii, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.)

Institute was established on the 1st of March 2014 on the basis of Faculty of Forestry. Latter it had been a part of the Lviv Forestry Engineering Institute since 1949. Prof. Stepan Myklush has been leading the faculty since 2003 and starting from the 1st of March 2014 has been the Director of the Institute.
Sufficient technical base of institute, computer rooms and libraries give an opportunity to conduct teaching of high quality specialists. Modern technical tools are widely used in educational process. There are 8 departmental scientific and research laboratories. Students are conducting educational practices and field work in Stradch Educational and Productional Forest Enterprise, Nature Reserve “Roztochchia”, Botanical Garden of Ukrainian National Forestry University, permanent forest and ecology establishments and other forestry- or park-related enterprises of Ukraine.
The scientific achievements of institute employees are widely introduced in practice. These researches are aiming at increasing productivity and biological stability of forests, improving forest inventory and rational use of forests.

Departments have subsidiaries on the base of Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Silviculture in Mountainous Regions, Institute of Ecology of the Carpathian Mountains, Enterprises of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Offices of Forestry and Hunting.

Educational and research processes are secured by experienced pedagogues, particularly by 17 professors (Doctors of Science) and 44 associate professors (PhDs). The pedagogues of the institute have prepared and published educational textbooks and accessories for the majority of educational courses.

The scientific achievements of institute employees are widely introduced in practice. These researches are aiming at increasing productivity and biological stability of forests, improving forest inventory and rational use of forests.

Professor Stepan Myklush leads the subcommission 205 Forestry of Scientific and Methodological Commission of Agrarian Science and Veterinary of High education sector of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Doctor of Science Yaroslav Henyk – Deputy of Head of subcommission 206 «Park Gardening». The members of these subcommissions elaborated the standards of high education for specialties 205 «Forestry» and 206 «Park Gardening» for bachelor’s, master’s and philosophy doctor degrees.

The scientists of institute cooperate with many Educational and Research Institutions from Austria, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, the USA, Hungary, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, etc. Our students have a chance to study master course «Euroforester» in Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Erasmus+ program is also available for our students to join the study process of such educational institutions, as Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, The University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg, University of Valladolid, etc. Each year since 2007, 15-20 master students of the institute are
involved in two-week educational field trips to various forestry enterprises in Germany.




H2020. DIABOLO. Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks
Inventory of green areas of Dendropark "Podillya" in Khmelnytsky 10.2015-12.2015. (0116U004043)
Vytseha Ruslan:
Opracowanie ekologiczno-hodowlanych metod pielęgnacji i kształtowania upraw i młodników na terenach poklęskowych w Beskidach
Sposób zagospodarowania drzewostanu a zmienność genetyczna odnowień naturalnych buka
Ocena zagrożenia górskich drzewostanów nasiennych i drzew doborowych jodły i świerka przez zgniliznę odziomkową bezinwazyjną metodą tomografii komputerowej

Khomiuk P.G.:
1) «The scientific rationale of creation of the dendrological park of local importance "Near the Garay" in Zhovkva, Lviv region»
(73100000-3 Research and experimental development services). Agreement ГД No 08.10-13-18 for creating scientific and technical products.
2) «The scientific rationale for creating the park-monument of landscape art of national importance "Adamivka" in Truskavets, Lviv region» (73100000-3 Research and experimental development services). Agreement ГД No 08.09-06-19 for creating scientific and technical products.

UNFU has its own dormitories with a total area of 23324.7 m2. Students from other localities currently have the option of living in four dormitories. Living space per student is 6 m2.

There are student dormitories in the university that are suitable for foreigners and stateless persons with conditions for their safe living. Rooms have bed linen, towels, small refrigerator, plates, cups, cutlery. There is a shared kitchen on the floor (with pan, frying pan, etc.). Also, it is possible to do laundry in the dormitory.

The accommodation of foreigners and stateless persons is a responsibility of the university's administrative staff with the help of workers of the International Office.

There is also a canteen at Gen. Chuprynky St., 105a (area – 3226.9 m2). In the canteen, you can pay in cash and via credit card.

UNFU has its own modern developed sports centers: two gyms with a total area of 1147.4 m2, a stadium with a total area of 4280 m2, sports grounds with a total area of 4253 m2. This provides the physical education and leisure needs for students and staff.

Medical service for students and staff is provided by a medical center (area - 51,0 m2), situated in the dormitory№4.

UNFU has a student club with a total area of 75.2 m2, where there are rehearsals of the student theater of pop miniatures “Adrenaline”, folk ensemble of dance “Polonyna” and student choir “Dibrova”.

Rules of admission of foreigners and stateless persons for studies at Ukrainian National Forestry University

  1. The admission of foreigners and stateless persons to UNFU is carried out in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
  2. Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter – foreigners) may obtain higher education financed by individuals or entities, unless otherwise provided by international agreements accepted as binding by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, laws or international academic mobility agreements between higher educational institutions.
  3. Foreigners, who arrive in Ukraine with the purpose of studying, are enrolled to higher educational institution according to accredited educational programs (specialties).

Enrollment among foreign citizens for studying, which is financed by individuals or entities, may be carried out by higher educational institution:

  • twice annually, before and at the beginning of the academic semesters (but not later than November,1, and March, 1, respectively) for gaining academic degrees of bachelor, master;
  • during the year for postgraduate studies and doctoral studies.

The University calculates the scores/assessment of the applicant on the basis of the document which was obtained on the previous level of education and sets the required minimum of scores/assessments of general subjects on which entrance examinations will be conducted.

Enrollment of foreigners for studying at the appropriate level of higher education is based on the results of entrance examination of certain subjects, language examination, academic rights to continue education that are confirmed by a document about the obtained previous level of education in the country of origin, and on the given right to continue education on the next level of higher education, in accordance with the laws of the country which issued the document about the obtained level of education.

  1. All categories of foreigners, who enter to University, are enrolled on the basis of the orders of enrollment that are formed in a State Database for Education.
  2. The University requirements regarding admission of foreigners, who arrive in Ukraine with the purpose of studying, and deadline for applications, dates of admission tests, creative competitions and deadline for acceptance are specified in the Rules of admission of Uhiversity (in Ukrainian) and published on the official University website.
  3. Foreigners, who arrive in Ukraine for participation in academic mobility programs or for studying of educational programs which is agreed between the Ukrainian and foreign universities, are enrolled taking into account the relevant contractual obligations of educational institutions.
  4. Foreign Ukrainians, who legally reside in Ukraine, and whose status is confirmed by the testimony of foreign Affairs of Ukraine, have the same rights for education as citizens of Ukraine, with the exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international agreements accepted as binding by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is confirmed by a certificate of the foreign Ukrainian, are enrolled on the basis of funding from state budget within the established quotas after interviews on academic disciplines, determined in the Rules of admission of UNFU.

How to enroll


The Ukrainian National Forestry University is an equal opportunity institution, and international students are admitted regardless of race, sex, native language or religion.

Foreign citizens, who have appropriate documents on education and the knowledge of the Ukrainian language, shall be enrolled to the UNFU according to the results of the entrance exams.

Note! The language of instruction at the University is Ukrainian. All Bachelor, Master and PhD programs are in Ukrainian. Foreign citizens, who do not speak Ukrainian, shall be accepted to Preparatory School for International Students for preparation for entering into higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

Our university provides preparatory language courses for international students.

Please fill in the application form and we will contact you.


To enroll, please follow these simple steps:


Step 1. Apply for the invitation to study at the UNFU.

1) Select your major/specialty you want to obtain degree in at the UNFU. Find out corresponding program to be enrolled in (please, consult the list of the university programs).

2) Complete and submit the application form. All sections of the form must be completed.

3) Prepare the motivation letter. Please describe your motivation in choosing the major.

4) Prepare copy of your passport first page.

5) Prepare copy of your education certificate with grades (translated into Ukrainian) obtained as well as academic transcript.

6) Prepare the written consent to the processing of your personal data. The example you can download here.

7) Send scanned copies of the documents as attachments (pdf) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The International Office will examine your documents and assess if the applicant's grades are sufficient for a study of the major chosen at the faculty selected. In case of positive decision, the university will issue Letter of Invitation to apply for a long term visa for study at the University. You will need to present this invitation to the Ukrainian Embassy/Consulate for your home country to obtain a Student Visa.


Go to Step 2 only when you have positive reply from the University!


Step 2. Prepare documents to bring with you for enrollment:

  1. Personal application form in prescribed format;
  2. The original and a notarized copy (in Ukrainian) of the document of previous education with transcripts;
  3. The original and a notarized copy (in Ukrainian) of the educational document on the basis of which the enrollment is;
  4. A passport with the Ukrainian visa (Student, type D13) and a notarized copy (in Ukrainian);
  5. Health insurance, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine;
  6. The statement to the rector;
  7. The tuition fee receipt (confirmation that you have paid the tuition fee);
  8. The written consent to the processing of your personal data. The example you can download here.


Additional documents:

  1. Copy of birth certificate;
  2. 4 photos sized 30x40 mm;
  3. Certificate of Ukrainian language (if available).



  1. Documents, stated in subparagraphs 2-4 of this list, must be translated into the Ukrainian language with notarization of the translations according to Ukrainian legislation.
  2. Translated educational documents must be certified in a country of their issue, in a way that is officially used in this country for such certification, and legalized by the appropriate foreign diplomatic institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise is stipulated by international agreements of Ukraine.

Please contact Ukrainian Embassy/Consulate for your country and find out their requirements for student visa applicants.


Academic Information & Fees


Tuition fee

Tuition fee for international students at UNFU in 2019-2020

- Full-time study – 1500 USD per year

- Part-time study – 1000 USD per year

- Full-time study – 1700 USD per year

- Part-time study – 1200 USD per year

Books, trips, and medical insurance are not included into the tuition fees.


Student ID Card

UNFU students obtain a student ID card which allows them to use the facilities and services offered by the University. Students are also offered other student advantages, for example public transport student tariffs and other reductions provided by the state and private institutions.

Termination of Studies

Studies a terminated when:

  • a student decides to abandon studies;
  • a student fails to meet the requirements of a degree program;
  • a student violates the Internal Regulations of the University;
  • a student fails to meet the requirements of the contract;
  • a student has been expelled.

Dropping Out of Study

If a student decides to drop out of the study, she/he submits his/her decision in written form to the Rector.

Student Responsibilities

All students who study at UNFU are obliged to fulfill their study-related duties arising from the degree program they have been enrolled on.

Before Leaving UNFU

Before you leave UNFU, please don't forget to:

  • return your Student ID Card to Dean's Office of your Faculty
  • check out at your dormitory
  • return all the books and/or any other documents you borrowed from the faculty or the University Library.

logo it

Yaroslav Sokolovskyy, ScD., Professor,

Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 95

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 103, room 45

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+38 (032) 258 42 95


Head of the Department,
ScD., Professor

Yaroslav Sokolovskyy

The department was created in 1986 under the name "Computer Engineering and Process Modeling". In 2014, the department was named "Information Technology" and became part of the Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design.

In 2004, the department began training bachelors in the field of "Computer Science". In 2008, the first graduates of the bachelors and at the same time the preparation of specialists and masters in specialty "Information technologies of design".

To date, the department prepares graduates in the field of knowledge 12 "Information Technology" in the specialty 122 "Computer Science", and in the specialty 126 "Information Systems and Technologies".

To date, the department trains specialists in the field of knowledge 12 "Information Technology" in the specialties:

  • 122 “Computer Science”
  • 126 “Information systems and technologies”.

The department is preparing masters, graduate students and doctoral students in the specialty 122 "Computer Science".

The staff of the department conducts basic and applied scientific researches on problems:

  • Mathematical modeling and methods of numerical analysis of nonequilibrium physical processes in complex environments, in particular with fractal structure
  • Mathematical and software systems of computer-aided design of thermal engineering objects
  • Information technologies of intellectual data processing

Since the department's existence, five doctoral and 23 PhD theses have been defended by the staff.

Technical support for the educational and scientific process is periodically updated and updated with modern computer technology. There are nine computer classes for the learning process, of which six are training laboratories and the Autodesk Learning Center. All the computers of the department are connected to a local area network and to the Internet.

  1. Yaroslav Sokolovskyy, ScD., Professor
  2. Natalya Protsakh, ScD., Professor
  3. Yuriy Shabatura, ScD., Professor
  4. Mykhaylo Dendyuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Volodymyr Karashetskyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Ostap Dumanskyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Oleg Riznyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Andriy Holovatyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Ihor Kroshnyy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  10. Ihor Pirko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  11. Oleksandr Storozhuk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  12. Olha Mokrytska, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of IT
  13. Yuriy Protsyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of IT
  14. Volodymyr Shymanskyi, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of IT
  15. Tetyana Olyanyshen, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  16. Svitlana Yatsyshyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  17. Bohdan Bekas, Senior Lecturer
  18. Volodymyr Yarkun, Senior Lecturer
  19. Iryna Boretska, Senior Lecturer
  20. Maryana Levkovych, Ph.D., assistant
  21. Liybomyr Flud, Ph.D., assistant
  22. Ihor Kapran, assistant
  23. Andriy Nechepurenko, assistant
  24. Tetyana Samotiy, assistant
  25. Nazar Semenyshyn, assistant
  26. Sofiya Holovata, assistant

Bachelor Programs:

122 "Computer Sciences"

  • Algebra and geometry
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Discrete Math
  • Computer Graphics
  • Physics
  • Differential equations
  • Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Electrical engineering and electronics
  • Algorithmization and programming
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Operating Systems
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Organization of databases and knowledge
  • Computer networks
  • System analysis
  • Technology of programming and creation of software
  • Web technologies and web design
  • Distributed and parallel computing technology
  • Artificial neural networks (architecture, application, training)
  • Machine learning
  • Intellectual data analysis
  • Cross-platform programming
  • Mobile Systems Programming
  • Information processing by artificial intelligence methods
  • Cloud technologies
  • English (Professional) / English Professional Communication
  • Mathematical methods of operations research
  • Mathematical programming
  • Philosophy / Economy and business
  • Software (Java) Java / Object-oriented programming in Java
  • Operational calculus / Digital processing of signals and images
  • Computer Circuitry Computer Architecture / Computer systems hardware
  • Systems modeling / Mathematical and computer
  • Artificial intelligence systems / Design of intelligent systems modeling
  • Python Data Analysis Programming / Application software (Python)
  • Mathematical modeling (fuzzy logic) / Mathematical bases of knowledge representation
  • Geometric modeling / Graphic and geometric modeling and interactive systems
  • IT project management / Software project management
  • Methods and tools for object-oriented analysis and design / Modern technologies of object-oriented analysis and design of information systems
  • Recommendation Systems / Models and methods of building recommendation systems
  • Technologies of information security / Information Security
  • History and Culture of Ukraine
  • Foreign Language (English)
  • Ukrainian Language
  • Safety of Life Safety and Safety Basics
  • Ukrainian Language for Professional Direction
  • Ecology

126 "Information systems and technologies"

  • Algebra and geometry
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Discrete Math
  • Computer Graphics
  • Physics
  • Differential equations
  • Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics
  • Numerical Methods
  • Electrical engineering and electronics
  • Algorithmization and programming
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Operating Systems
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Organization of databases and knowledge
  • Computer networks
  • System analysis
  • Technology of programming and creation of software
  • Computational Methods of Mechanics of Continuous Environments
  • Cross-platform programming
  • Web technologies and web design
  • Distributed and parallel computing technology
  • Geoinformation systems
  • Intellectual data analysis
  • Information processing by artificial intelligence methods
  • Design CAE/CAD/CAM Systems
  • Cloud technologies
  • English (Professional) / English Professional Communication
  • Digital Processing of Signals and Images in Monitoring Systems / Operational calculus
  • Computer Circuitry Computer Architecture / Computer systems hardware
  • Software (Java) Java / Object-oriented programming in Java
  • CAD of Complex Objects and Systems / Technologies of Designing of Complex Objects and Systems
  • Systems modeling / Mathematical and computer
  • Artificial intelligence systems / Design of intelligent systems modeling
  • Mathematical modeling (fuzzy logic) / Mathematical bases of knowledge representation
  • Geometric modeling / Graphic and geometric modeling and interactive systems
  • IT project management / Software project management
  • Programming of Mobile Systems / Programming Technologies for Portable Devices
  • Methods and tools for object-oriented analysis and design / Modern technologies of object-oriented analysis and design of information systems
  • Automation of technological preparation of production / Computer-information Systems in Technological Processes
  • Technologies of information security / Information Security
  • History and Culture of Ukraine
  • Foreign Language (English)
  • Ukrainian Language
  • Safety of Life Safety and Safety Basics
  • Ukrainian Language for Professional Direction
  • Ecology


Master programs:

122 "Computer Sciences"

  • Modern Mathematical Methods in Information Technologies
  • Labor Protection in Industry and Civil Protection
  • Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School
  • Business Foreign Language
  • Automated Systems for Modeling Objects and Processes
  • Integrated Methods of Intellectual Data Processing
  • Automation of Information Systems Design
  • Methods and Technologies of Design
  • Automated Systems of Scientific Researches / Fundamentals of Theory and Practice of Scientific Research
  • Systems Theory in Design Tasks / Mathematical Theory of Systems
  • The Theory of Control and Design of Optimal Systems / Modern Management Theory
  • Design of Distributed Databases and Expert Systems / Organization of Access to Databases in Java and Expert Systems
  • Intellectual CAD / Intelligent Information Technologies

PhD Programs:

122 "Computer Sciences"

  • Modern methods of multicriteria and discrete optimization
  • Commercialization of scientific research
  • Science communication: methods of publication of the results of the study
  • Analysis and synthesis of deterministic and stochastic systems
  • Information technology management of technical and ecological-economic systems
  • Intelligent calculation and data analysis
  • Theory of hierarchical multilevel systems design
  • Methodology of software development in design systems
  • Research and project management methods and tools
  • Modern approaches to the design of intelligent systems
  • Intelligent CAD

  • Course title “Computer modeling of ecological and economic systems”
  • Module 1. Carbon sequestration and accounting

  • Mathematical modeling and methods of numerical analysis of nonequilibrium physical processes in complex environments, in particular with fractal structure
  • Mathematical and software systems of computer-aided design of thermal engineering objects
  • Information technologies of intellectual data processing

  • “Software-algorithmic tools and information technologies of automation research of energy efficient wood drying processes”, № state registration 0113U001268, 2013-2014;
  • “Mathematical modeling of nonequilibrium deformation-relaxation and heat-mass transfer processes in fractal media”, State registration number 0115U002316, 2015–2017

2 3 1
Sokolovskyy Ya., Pirko І., Kens І., Dendyuk М., Yatsyshyn S.
Computer circuit design: a tutorial
Lviv: "Magnoliya 2006", 2017 – 325 p.
 Shabatura Yu., Filimonova S., Lunkova H., Sokolovskyy Ya.
Application software in military affairs
Lviv: NАA , 2016 – 107 p.
 Sokolovskyy Ya., Shabatura Yu., Vyklyuk Y, Kroshnyy I., Dendyuk М., Storozhuk О.
Systems simulation in GPSSWorld
Lviv, Publishing house “The Scientific World – 2000”, 2014р. – 288 p.

IT foto



Ion Dubovich, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

Tel: +38(032) 258 42 78

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 103, rooms 36, 51

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+38 (032) 258 42 78



Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Ion Dubovich

in progres

  1. Yuriy Tunytsya, Prof. Dr.
  2. Ion Dubovich, D., Assoc. Prof.
  3. Oleksander Adamovskyy, D., Assoc. Prof.
  4. Lyudmyla Zahvoyska, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.


  1. Lyudmyla Maksymiv, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
  2. Ihor Soloviy, Prof. Dr.
  3. Khrystyna Vasylyshyn, Ph.D., Assist. Prof.

1) Environmental and Nature Resource Economics (BSc, MSc and PhD)

Graduates of the study program «Environmental and Nature Resource Economics» will attain to competence for the solution of complex management-tasks in the field of sustainable development:

  • ability to balance economic and ecological demands and necessities,
  • applied eco-management, i.e. capability to solve ecological problems by applying market-economic instruments,
  • competence in the fields of environmental policy and law in order to apply various political and legal instruments at different administrative levels and NGO's,
  • specific knowledge and practical experience in the fields of sustainable land use and tourism.

Mandatory courses:

  • Ecological Economics
  • Environmental Management of Enterprises
  • Environmental Policy and Law
  • Land Use Economics
  • Modeling of ecological and economic systems

Elective courses:

  • Applied Green Marketing
  • Economics of Park and Garden Management
  • Economics of Tourism and Recreation
  • Environmental Entrepreneurship
  • Fundamentals of Economics

Courses in English

  • Academic Writing
  • E-tourism
  • Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment
  • Rethinking environmental economics
  • Sustainable Bioenergy
  • Sustainable Business Marketing
  • Sustainable Development

2) International Economics (BSc, MSc)

The program develops promising directions of management in the field of the international economics, features of regulation of economic processes with the use of world experience, gives deep knowledge about the basic tendencies of modern economic-globalization processes.

The purpose of the educational program is providing students with basic knowledge and practical skills in international economics, conditions, forms, methods and basic tools of international economic activity, taking into account world experience.

Mandatory courses:

  • Ecological Economics
  • Economic Analysis of Investment Projects
  • Environmental Management of Enterprises
  • Environmental Management of Enterprises
  • Environmental Policy and Law
  • International Economics
  • Economics and Organization of Innovative Activity

Elective courses:

  • Business models of international companies
  • Global economics
  • International Economic Statistics
  • International insurance

Courses in English

  • Academic Writing
  • E-tourism
  • Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment
  • Rethinking environmental economics
  • Sustainable Business Marketing
  • Sustainable Development

  • Economics of ecosystem services and climate change
  • Economics of renewable energy
  • Environmental accounting and reporting
  • Environmental economics
  • Environmental management and auditing
  • Forest policy, SFM and forest resource economics
  • Modelling of social-ecological systems
  • Sustainable development, environmental policy and ecological economics



CA ES1203 Enhancing the resilience capacity of sensitive mountain forest ecosystems under environmental change (SENSFOR), 2012-2016.

CA FP1203 Establishing an European non-wood forest products (NWFPs) network, 2012-2016. 

CA FP1206 European mixed forests. Integrating Scientific Knowledge in Sustainable Forest Management (EuMIXFOR), 2013-2017.

Sustainable housing in Ukraine: Promoting local development and the role of non-state actors, 2014-2016.

CA15206 Payments for Ecosystem Services (Forests for Water) 2016-2020.

CA15226 Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions 2016-2020.

R&D theme "Formation of economic mechanism for providing society with ecosystem services as a basis for transformation of sectoral policy and management in forestry" (state registration number R&D: 0117U002337). Funded by Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine (2017-2019).

Swiss-Ukrainian project on Identifying Green Energy Options for the Ukrainian Carpathians", 2017-2019.

R&D theme “Development of scientific and methodological bases for the assessment of ecosystem services taking into account the need for implementation of decisions of international environmental treaties”. Funded by the the Ministry of Energy and Environment Protection of Ukraine (DC 021: 2015 - 73300000-5) – 2019.

  1. Ion Dubovich. Dictionary directory about countries, 5th edition, revised and supplemented. Kyiv : «Znanya», 2008. – 839 p. (in Ukrainian).
  2. Ion Dubovich. World Environmental Constitution. Metodological Foundation (section 3.5).  / The conceptual theoretical and practical foundations  of the World Environmental Constitution in the conditions of the modern international legal system. Edited by
  3. Prof. Dr. Yuriy Tunytsya. – Lviv: Ukrainian National Forestry University Press, Collective Monograph, 2014. – Р. 174-181. Translated from the Ukrainian edition with minor amendmens and additions.
  4. Ion Dubovich. Environmental Law of Ukraine: lecture notes, second edition. Lviv: UNFU, 2018. - 160 p.
  5. Ion Dubovich. Environmental policy. Bucharest : «RCR EDITORIAL», 2018. – 249 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Ion Dubovich. Ukraine and Romania: Current problems in Ecological, Political and Legal Cooperation.

    Ukraine and Romania: 20 years of diplomatic relations. - Chernivtsi: «Bukrek». - 2012. - P. 122–129.

    (in Ukrainian)
  7. Petretki M.-M. Synthesis of European Court of human rights jurisprudence, on the right to a fair trial. Edited by Ion Dubovich. - Bucharest : «RCR EDITORIAL», 2014. – 259 p. (in Ukrainian and in English).

  8. Ion Dubovich. Theoretical and methodological aspects of transboundary geography as a

    research area of economic and social geography. Theoretical and methodological problems of social geography.  – Lviv : Publishing center of LNU I. Frankoб 2006. – P. 298–302.
  9. Ion Dubovich. Theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical principles for cross-border environmental, economic and legal cooperation of Ukraine and the EU. Socio-economic problems

    of the modern period of Ukraine. Mechanism of regulation of regional development in Ukraine. – Lviv : Institute for Regional Studies, 2014. – No. 5 (109). – P. 205-212. (in Ukrainian).
  10. Ion Dubovich. Cross-border ecological and economic cooperation of Ukraine - a tool for implementing the concept of sustainable development in the border regions (in Ukrainian).

     Sustainable development - 21st century: management, technologies, models. Discussions 2018. Collective Monograph. - Kyiv, 2018. – P. 202-209. (

  11. Adamovsky A. Complex forest use: optimization methods: Monography. – Lviv: ZUKC, 2015. – 216 p. (in Ukrainian)

  12. Enareco -a new master study course on environmental economics in Ukraine. (2000) Ideas, Objectives, Contents. Edited by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Essmann, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Noel Lust, Dr. Dr. h.c. Davide Pettenella, Prof. Dr. Yurij Tunutsya, Lviv, p. 144.
  13. Економіка довкілля і природних ресурсів. Інформаційний пакет спеціальності / за ред. Академіка НАН України Ю.Ю. Туниці. Укладачі: Л.Д. Загвойська, Л.І. Максимів. – Львів : Афіша, 2015. – 372 с.
  14. I.P. Soloviy, W.S. Keeton (Eds), 2009. Ecological economics and sustainable forest management: developing a transdisciplinary approach for the Carpathian Mountains. – Lviv: Ukrainian National Forestry University Press,
  15. Eco-economics and market: overcoming of disputes (2006). – Kyiv: Znannya, 314 p. (in Ukrainian).


  1. Dubovich, (2018). Sustainable Forest Management: Сurrent Problems in Cross-Border Cooperation between Ukraine and the Neighboring European Union Countries. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series II • Vol. 11 (60) No. 1 - 2018. Series II forestry. Published by Transilvania University Press Braşov, Romania, P. 31-38 (Index SCOPUS).
  2. Vyniarska, , Dubovich, I. (2018). Greenhouse gas emissions trading system: EU experience and prospects for implementation in Ukraine. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Series II • Vol. 11 (60) No.2 - 2018 VI. Series II forestry, wood industry, agricultural food engineering. Published by Transilvania University Press Braşov, Romania, 2018. – P. 55-62. (Index SCOPUS).
  3. Dubovich, (2017). Current problems in cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and neighboring countries in the field of sustainable forest management. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8, 88-91 p.
  4. Soloviy, I., Dubovich, (2017). IUFRO Anniversary Congress: results and prospects for cooperation in the field of forestry science. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8, 16-20 p.
  5. Dubovich, , Lesiuk, H., Soloviy, I., Soloviy, V., (2019) Long Way from Government to Governance: Meta-Analysis of Ukrainian Forestry Reformation. Proceedings of the Biennial International Symposium ”Forest and Sustainable Development” 8 th Edition, 25th -27th of October 2018, Brașov, Romania.
  6. Alexander Adamovsky. Sustainable Development. Script of lectures: 1,2, 7 and 11. For bachelour students of specialties: “Economics”, “Accounting and Taxation”, “Management” and “Ecology” (in English). – Lviv: UNFU. 2018. – 43 p.
  7. Soloviy I.P. Policy for forest sector sustainable development: paradigm and instruments. – Lviv : UNFU Press, Li­ga-Pres, 2010. -368 р.
  8. Soloviy, I., Melnykovych, M., Björnsen Gurung, A., (...), Meessen, H., Kaflyk, M. (2019) Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Opportunities and threats for rural communities. Forest Policy and Economics 104: 160-169
  9. Sarkki, S., Ficko, A., Miller, D., (...), Soloviy, I., Nijnik, M. (2019) Human values as catalysts and consequences of social innovations . Forest Policy and Economics 104 (2019): 33-44.
  10. Soloviy, I., (2019). Forest Policy in the Interdisciplinary Scientific Context: Trends and Development   Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2019, vol. 18: 176-184.  (In Ukrainian).
  11. Zhyla, T., Soloviy, I., Zhyla, A., Volosyanchuk, R. (2018). Mountain communities' households’ dependency on provisioning forest ecosystem services: The case of Ukrainian Сarpathians. Bulletin of the Transylvania University of Brasov. Series II: Forestry. Wood Industry. Agricultural Food Engineering. 2018. – Vol. 11(2). – P. 63-80.
  12. Melnykovych, M., Nijnik, M., Soloviy, I., Nijnik, A., Sarkki,S., Bihun, (2018). Social-ecological innovation in remote mountain areas: adaptive responses of forest-dependent communities to the challenges of a changing world. Science of the Total Environment.
  13. Soloviy, I., Lesiuk, H., Kaflyk M. Forest sector of Ukraine in the framework of EU integration priorities: policies, strategies and management system. Studia i Materiały "Miscellanea Oeconomicae" Nr 4/ 2018, tom II, Gospodarowanie zasobami organizacji. Wdział Zarządzania i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach: 79-94.
  14. Egan, A.R., Keeton, W.S., Danks, C.M., Soloviy, I., Zia, A. 2017. Forest carbon projects in the Ukrainian Carpathians: an assessment of potential community impacts and benefits Annals of Forest Research, 60(1).
  15. Soloviy, I., Nijnik, M. S. Deyneka, A. M. M. P. Melnykovych (2017). Reimagining forest policy, institutions and instruments through concepts of ecosystem services and social innovations: Ukraine in the focus. Науковий вісник НЛТУ України : збірник науково-технічних праць. – Львів : РВВ НЛТУ України. Вип. 27(8). – C. 82-87.
  16. Daniel T C., A Muhar, A Arnberger, OAznar, J W. Boyd,, K M.A. Chan, R Costanza, T Elmqvist, C G. Flint, P H. Gobster, A Grêt-Regamey, R Lave, S Muhar, M Penker, R G. Ribe, T Schauppenlehner, T Sikor, I Soloviy, M Spierenburg, K Taczanowska, J Tam, A von der Dunk. Cultural Ecosystem Services: Potential Contributions to the Ecosystems Services Science and Policy Agenda/Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) – 2012 -109(23): 8812-8819.
  17. Nijnik, M., Zahvoyska, L., Nijnik, A., & Ode, A. (2009). Public evaluation of landscape content and change: Several examples from Europe. Land Use Policy, 26(1), 77-86.
  18. Zahvoyska, L., Maselko, T.Ye., & Yakuba, М. М. (2006). Economic analysis of Investment Projects: Textbook. Lviv: Afisha.
  19. Richnau, G., Angelstam, P., Valasiuk, S., Zahvoyska, L., Axelsson, R., Elbakidze, M., ... & Soloviy, I. (2013). Multifaceted value profiles of forest owner categories in South Sweden: The River Helge å catchment as a case study. Ambio, 42(2), 188-200.
  20. Zahvoyska, L., & Bas, T. (2013). Stakeholders’ perceptions of mountain forest ecosystem services: the Ukrainian Carpathians case study. In The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability (pp. 353-367). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  21. Zahvoyska, L., Pelyukh, O., & Maksymiv, L. (2017). Methodological considerations and their application for evaluation of benefits from the conversion of even-age secondary Norway spruce stands into mixed uneven-aged woodlands with a focus on the Ukrainian Carpathians. Austrian Journal of Forest Science, 134, 251-281.
  22. Nijnik, A., Nijnik, M., Kopiy, S., Zahvoyska, L., Sarkki, S., Kopiy, L., & Miller, D. (2017). Identifying and understanding attitudinal diversity on multi-functional changes in woodlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Climate Research, 73(1-2), 45-56.
  23. Sarkki, S., Jokinen, M., Nijnik, M., Zahvoyska, L., Abraham, E. M., Alados, C. L., ... & Krajčí, J. (2017). Social equity in governance of ecosystem services: synthesis from European treeline areas. Climate Research, 73(1-2), 31-44.
  24. Pelyukh, O., Fabrika, M., Kucbel, S., Valent, P., & Zahvoyska, L. (2018). Modelling of secondary even-aged Norway spruce stands conversion using the tree growth simulator Sibyla: SE" Rakhiv forestry" case study. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Forestry, Wood Industry, Agricultural Food Engineering. Series II, 11(2), 29-46.
  25. Pelyukh, O., Paletto, A., & Zahvoyska, L. (2019). People’s attitudes towards deadwood in forest: evidence from the Ukrainian Carpathians. Journal of Forest Science, 65(5), 171-182.
  26. Pelyukh, O., Paletto, A., & Zahvoyska, L. (2019). Comparison between people's perceptions and preferences towards forest stand characteristics in Italy and Ukraine. Annals of Silvicultural Research, 43(1), 4-14.
  27. Sarkki, S., Parpan, T., Melnykovych, M., Zahvoyska, L., Derbal, J., Voloshyna, N., & Nijnik, M. (2019). Beyond participation! Social innovations facilitating movement from authoritative state to participatory forest governance in Ukraine. Landscape Ecology, 1-18.
  28. Soloviy I., Melnykovych M., Björnsen Gurung A., Hewitt R. J., Ustych R., Maksymiv L., Brang P., Meessen H., Kaflyk M. Innovation in the use of wood energy in the Ukrainian Carpathians: Opportunities and threats for rural communities (2019) Forest Policy and Economics 104: 160-169.
  29. Paletto A., Pelyukh O., Zahvoyska L., Maksymiv L. Stakeholders’ interests and roles in the context of secondary Norway Spruce forest conversion: Ukrainian Carpathians case study (2019) Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov 12(1): 59-72.
  30. Максимів Л.І., Луцишин Т.Р. Еколого-економічна оцінка ефективності використання енергетичної деревини в регіональній агломерації «Дрогобиччина» (2019). Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України: збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 18. – С.164-175.
  31. Максимів Л., Чернявський М. Роль природоохоронних установ у формуванні професійних компетенцій магістрів економістів-екологів (2019). Збірник статей науково-практичної конференції «Природоохоронна територія як базова навчальна платформа Нової української школи». – Том 1. – С. 43-48.
  32. Soloviy I., Björnsen Gurung A., Melnykovych M., Hewitt R. J, Maksymiv L., Bihun Yu. Stakeholders’ attitudes towards green energy innovations as a prerequisite to successful implementation: international experience and lessons learned in the Ukrainian Carpathians (2018) 5th Forum Carpaticum: 64-65.
  33. Pelyukh О., Zahvoyska L., Maksymiv L. Analysis of stakeholders’ interaction in the context of secondary Norway spruce stands conversion in the Ukrainian Carpathians (2018) Sustainable Forest management for the future – the role of managerial economics and accounting. Book of abstracts. Zagreb, Croatia: 22-24.
  34. Maksymiv L., Soloviy I., Fedorchuk T. Problems and perspectives of the environmental tourism development in the Ukrainian Carpathians:socio-ecological-economic context (2017) Sustainable tourism for development. Proceedings of International BUP conference. Zhovkva: 36-37.
  35. Zahvoyska L., Pelyukh O., Maksymiv L Methodological considerations and their application for evaluation of benefits from the conversion of even-age secondary Norway spruce stands into mixed uneven-aged woodlands with a focus on the Ukrainian Carpathians (2017) Austrian Journal of Forest Science: 251-281.
  36. Максимів Л., Климович В., Загвойська Л. Використання енергетичного потенціалу деревини: еколого-економічний вимір (2016). Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України: збірник наукових праць. – Випуск 14. - С. 244-251.
  37. Максимів Л., Курдина О. Шляхи імплементації цілей сталого розвитку в інтегровану звітність. Екологізація освіти як чинник сталого розвитку суспільства: Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. – Львів: РВВ НЛТУ України (2017). – С. 74-75.
  38. Dubovich, I., Adamovsky, A, Vasylyshyn, K., Soloviy, V. (2018). Contemporary models for greening of economics: concepts, unity, contradictions and directions for interaction. Proceedings of the forestry academy of sciences of Ukraine, vol. 17. P. 158-164. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
  39. Dubovich, I., Shvayka, O., Vasylyshyn, K., Fomicheva, T. (2018). Peculiarities of Ukraine’s transboundary economic and legal cooperation with the European Union in the field of ecological tourism. Proceedings of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, vol. 16. P. 115-122. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
  40. Dubovich, I. A., & Vasylyshyn, K. R. (2017). Current Economic and Legal Bases of Ukrainian Environmental Insurance Market Formation. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU. Economic Series, 27(2), P. 34–37. Available from: article/view/357 [in Ukrainian].
  41. Vasylyshyn, K.R. (2016). Сonceptual Basis the Improvement of Environmental Insurance Market in the Conditions of Decentralization Management System in Ukraine. Global and national issues, 9 Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Available from: [in Ukrainian].
  42. Vasylyshyn, K.R. (2015). The Economic Indicators of Functioning of Environmental Insurance Market in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 20.7 Lviv, Ukraine. P. 31–37. [in Ukrainian].▪
  43. Vasylyshyn, K.R. (2015). Features of Forming the Market of Environmental Insurance in Ukraine. Proc. of the International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers “Actual Problems of Ukraine’s Economic System Functioning”, Lviv, Ukraine. P. 34– 36 [in Ukrainian].

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Oleg Styranivsky, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 69
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


79057, Lviv, Pryrodna Str. 19

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+38 (032) 258 42 69



Head of the Department,
Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Oleg Styranivsky,

Department of Forest Machines (FM) comes from Department of Land and Water Timber Transport and Traction Machines, which was created at the same time as Lviv Forestry Institute in 1945. First head of that department was Assoc. Prof. V. I. Garuzov, director of the Institute. In 1955 Assoc. Prof. B.G. Gastev became the head of FM Department. Under his leadership, the scientific direction of the timber transport machines dynamics was formed, which gained wide recognition in the scientific world. 

From 1969 to 1985 the department was headed by the Prof. Gastev’s learner – Assoc. Prof. M. A. Gaidar, who published the first Ukrainian-language textbook on timber transport.

In 1988 FM Department was merged with Department of Forestry Mechanization. After its restoration in 1994, it was headed by Prof. N. I. Byblyuk, which successfully develops scientific direction, started by Prof. Gastev. On the basis of the perennial theoretical and experimental researches, the methodology of the imitation modeling and calculation processes timber vehicles movement with taking into account the tree trunks package three-dimensional oscillation was developed in 1970-80 at the department.

Under Prof. Byblyuk guidance the exploratory research on the timber truck environmental problems were launched, which has led to formation of the new scientific direction – environmental forestry technologies.

Beginning in 1995, under Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine license, the FM Department provides practical training for students to provide the working profession vehicles driver categories "B" and "C".

At the end of 2015, Department of Forest Machines was headed by Prof. Byblyuk’s learner – Assoc. Prof. O. A. Styranivsky, which continued the earlier scientific directions.

Since 2008, Industrial Scientific Research Laboratory of Forest Roads and Forest Vehicles has been operating on FM Department basis. One of the initiators of its creation was the current head of the department – Assoc. Prof. O. A. Styranivsky. Within this laboratory, the scientists of the department are actively working to solve important applied scientific and technical problems of the wood transport network development of the forest areas.

Students are actively involved in the research at the department. They presents their works in recent years at All-Ukrainian Student Research Competitions and Olympiads, wins numerous prize places.

Since 1990s the department has established close cooperation with the related departments of the universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland. Subsequently, after International Conference “Forest Engineering – 2004” which  FM Department was carry out under the auspices of IUFRO, to these cooperation  joined related departments from the universities in Slovenia and Japan, and in recent years – Romania and Turkey.

1. Byblyuk Nestor, Dr.Sc., Prof.
2. Gudz Gustav, Dr.Sc., Prof.
3. Machuga Oleg, Dr.Sc., Assoc.Prof.
4. Borys Mykola, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
5. Herys Mykola, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
6. Shevсhenko Natalia, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
7. Boyko Anatoliy, Assoc.Prof.
8. Oliynuk Mykhaylo, Senior Lecturer
9. Boyko Mykhaylo, Senior Lecturer
10. Shchupak Andriy, Assistant

1. Bilyk Volodymyr, Productional Training, Master
2. Shvets Volodymyr, Productional Training, Master
3. Poronnyk Iryna, Senior laboratory, Assistant
4. Tsyupka Olga, Engineer
5. Penyora Mariya, Laboratory Assistant

Bachelor Programs:

1. Forestry Machines and Equipments

Graduates of the educational program “Machinery and equipment of forestry” have the sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills for successfully complete the professional responsibilities associated with the design, production and operation of technical systems, machines and equipment, robotic tools and complexes, as well as for developing measures to increase their efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impact.

Mandatory courses:

  • Hydraulics, hydraulic Drives and hydraulic Transmissions
  • Mechatronics

Elective courses:

  • Automotive Vehicles and Tractors
  • Means of Timber Transportation
  • Technical Operation of Machines and Equipment
  • Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Repair of Machinery and Equipment
  • Vehicle Driving and Driving Safety
  • Traffic Rules

2. Technical Service

Graduates of the educational program “Technical service” have the sufficient theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills  for  successfully complete the professional responsibilities associated with organization of the technical service in forestry and other industries, efficient use and maintenance of the machines and technological equipment, ensuring their efficiency etc.

Mandatory courses:
Hydraulics, hydraulic Drives and hydraulic Transmissions

Elective courses:

  • Fuel, Lubrication and Engineering Maintenance Materials
  • Automotive Vehicles and Tractors
  • Road Construction Machinery
  • Technical Operation and Maintenance of Machinery
  • Means of Timber Transportation
  • Fundamentals of Forestry Machines Research Investigations 
  • Management of  Repair Techniques for Machinery and Equipment of Forest Sector
  • Vehicle Driving, Traffic and Driving Safety
  • Traffic Rules

Master programs:

  1. Forestry Machines and Equipments

The graduates are specialists for innovative, organizational-managerial, production-economic and research activities in the industry.

Mandatory courses:

  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes

Elective courses:

  • Theory and Design of Self-propelled Forestry Machines
  • Theory and Technology of Machine Part Reconditioning
  • Scientific Framework of Optimal Control over Machinery and Equipment Performance
  • Operational Testing of Forestry Machinery Environmental Principles of Timber-hauling Vehicles
  • Management of Machinery and Operation

2. Technical Service of Forestry Machinery

The graduates are specialists in the efficient use, maintenance, diagnosis and repair of forestry, wood transport and road-building machines.

Mandatory courses:

  • Methodology of Scientific Researches on Sector-specific Processes
  • Technical Service in Forest Sector

Elective courses:

  • Theory of Timber-hauling Vehicles
  • Reconditionig Technologies in Repair Industry
  • Environmental Safety of Forestry Machinery
  • Operational Properties of Forestry Machinery

  • Dynamics of forest machines: creation of the theory and the methods of the calculation, testing and efficient operation for the wheel forest vehicles; mathematical and computer modeling of dynamic processes.

A new approach to the study of the processes of forest vehicles movement is proposed, which is to consider the tasks of simulation modeling and calculation of the parameters of the movement of the system road-operator-machine-wood package on a single theoretical basis, based on the establishment of internal relationships between different dynamic processes that arise during the movement of various types of the forest vehicles. On this basis, a mathematical model of the generalized timber's transporting system was created, which was oriented towards a complex study of the main types of movement. For practical implementation of the developed mathematical apparatus, algorithms and programs for calculating the motion parameters of the individual subsystems and the timber’s transporting system as a whole have been drawn up.

  • Environmental forestry technologies: the minimizing of the forest's machines impact on the environment, the creation of the wood transport development concept of   the forests, forest roads designing.

A new scientific direction at the technical and environmental sciences boundary. It based on the joint application of engineering and environmental methods, use the quality and quantity technical parameters of the technology processes of forest vehicle for evaluation their environmental impact.

For the first time, the GIS-based forest road planning conceptual model has been proposed. That one allows for the justify the ecologically safely and cost-effective manners of the wood primary transporting, for the estimation the proportions of the forest road network development for the different terrestrial technical means, and also for describing a possible occurrence, increasing and expansion of the environmental hazards caused by logging activities.

  • Energy approach scientific principles in the solution of the problems of interaction the machines with working environment

The application of the methodology of variational inequalities for exergy and anergy in the study of the behavior of the “machine - working environment” system is substantiated, analytical solutions for the number of practically important problems for the machine’s elements and work environment interaction are obtained, methods for determining the operational characteristics of mobile machines and mechanisms with asymmetrically located hinged equipment in pliable  territories have been developed.

  • DB 08.15-13-07 “Scientific principles of the   environmental forest vehicles system formation”.
  • DB 08.15-24-08 "The development of the automated system of the monitoring, evaluation and design forest transport networks on an environmental basis".
  • FORZA, 2010 “The development of the forest resources usage transport network development concept in Nizhnyobystry forestry unit SE ‘Khust Experimental Forestry’ based on GIS technologies”.
  • DB 08.15-26-10 “The development of the integrated use technology of the heterogeneous renewable energy sources in logging, wood transportation and primary processing of wood”.
  • GD 08.15-13-14 "Investigation of the influence of track and wheel skidders on the forest environment in the conditions of Skoliv Beskids".
  • GD 08-15-03-18 "The development of the recommendations on the type, technical and operational parameters of the machines for the timber primary wood transportation, taking into account the impact on the forest environment in the conditions of SE "Brody Forestry".

Industrial Scientific Research Laboratory of Forest Roads and Forest Vehicles (ISRL FRFV)

Laboratory was established on the basis of FM Department by the joint order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine in 2008.

The main task of ISRL FRFV is to carry out research, development and design work on the issues of the forest areas transport accessibility and operation of forest vehicles, the development of normative and methodological materials for the transfer into the production process of the modern methods of the forest roads exploration, design, construction and exploitation, increase training and retraining quality of the specialists in the forest roads design, construction and operation.

Each year, several contract works are carried out within Laboratory. That works related to the development of work projects for the forest roads construction, assessing the forest vehicles use efficiency and so on. During 2008-2019 over 70 forest road construction projects were developed. From 2009 to 2013, annual scientific and practical seminars were held for forest workers on the design, construction and forest roads operation.

Laboratory was established on the basis of FM Department by the joint order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine in 2008.

The main task of ISRL FRFV is to carry out research, development and design work on the issues of the forest areas transport accessibility and operation of forest vehicles, the development of normative and methodological materials for the transfer into the production process of the modern methods of the forest roads exploration, design, construction and exploitation, increase training and retraining quality of the specialists in the forest roads design, construction and operation.

Each year, several contract works are carried out within Laboratory. That works related to the development of work projects for the forest roads construction, assessing the forest vehicles use efficiency and so on. During 2008-2019 over 70 forest road construction projects were developed. From 2009 to 2013, annual scientific and practical seminars were held for forest workers on the design, construction and forest roads operation.

  1. Byblyuk N. I. Timber-hauling vehicles: Theory: Textbook. - Lviv: Panorama, 2004. – 454 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Biblyuk N. I., Timber-hauling vehicles: construction and calculation. Part 1. General layout. Special equipment / N. I. Biblyuk, M. I. Herys, M. M. Boyko, A. L. Shchupak, N. V. Shevchenko / ed. Dr.Sc., Prof. N. I. Byblyuk. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2014. - 400 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Bilyk B. V., Adamovsky M. G. Design of self-propelled forest machines: Parameter selection, layout and traction calculation: Manual. - Lviv: ZUKC, 2004. - 160 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. Bilyk B. V., Adamovsky M. G. Theory of self-propelled forest machines: Manual. - Kyiv-Lviv: ISMN, 1998 - 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  5. Styranivsky O. A., Styranivsky Yu. O. Environmental principles of wood transport network development of mountain forest areas: monograph. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2010. - 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  6. Styranivsky O. A. Environmental basics of logging and timber transportation: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, 2008. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
  7. Boyko A. A., Stiranovsky O.A., Herys M.I., Machuha O.S. Collection of tasks in the discipline "Hydraulics, hydraulic drive and hydraulic transmission": Manual / ed. А. А. Boyko. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2011. - 124 p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. Boyko A. A. Fundamentals of scientific research of logging processes: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2007. - 104 p. (in Ukrainian)
  9. Boyko A.A. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Drive: Manual. - Lviv: NLTU, - 2010. - 307 p. (in Ukrainian)



Leonid Osadchuk, D.Sc., Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 41 99
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 103, corps 4, room 22

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+38 (032) 258 41 99

Osadchuk LS 293x300

Head of the Department,
 D.Sc., Prof.
Leonid Osadchuk

The Department of Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources has been active at the University since 1949. The organization of this unit at the Forestry Institute was natural, since the foundations were laid for a comprehensive approach to forestry. The Department of Botany and Soil Science was opened at the Faculty of Forestry and was headed by Assoc. Prof. M. Melnyk. In the 1949-1950 academic year at the Department of Botany and Soil Science began to conduct classes in such disciplines as plant morphology and systematics, plant anatomy and physiology, Darwinism, soil science with the basics of geology, wood science. Later, the department was named ‘Dendrology and wood science’, whose leaders were: Assoc. Prof. Yu. D. Tretyak (1955-1960); Assoc. Prof. T. M. Brodovych (1960-1975); Prof. Z.Yu. Gerushynsky (1975-1981); Prof. T.M. Kozubov (1981-1982); Assoc. Prof. Yu. F. Osypenko (1982-1983); Prof. G.T. Krynytsky (1983-1986). From 1986 to 2014 the Department was headed by D. Sc., Prof. V.P. Ryabchuk. In 2000 the department was named ‘Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources’. Currently the department is headed by D. Sc., Prof. Leonid Osadchuk.

  1. Myroslava Soroka,, Prof.
  2. Ivan Sopushynskyy,, Prof.
  3. Shovhan Anatoliy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Zayachuk Vasylʹ, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Melʹnyk Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Yuskevych Taras, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Horbenko Nataliya, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Hrynyk Olena, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Lukashchuk Halyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  10. Taras Kolodiy, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer.


  • Bachelor Programs: Bachelor of Forestry

Training of specialists capable of solving production issues on creation, cultivation, care, formation of forest plantations, their inventory and design of forest management measures, use of forest resources, harvesting of wood.

  • Master programs: Master of Forestry

Preparation of higher education recipients in the field of forestry: providing them with theoretical knowledge and competences for solving problems of forestry and hunting, developing measures for the conservation of ecosystems, engineering and technical support, organization and management of forestry industries; performance of research work.


Mandatory courses:

Botany, Biology, Dendrology, Decorative dendrology, Non-timber forest resources, Forest commodity knowledge, Wood science, Geobotany, Scientific Project Management, Forest Bioindication.

Elective courses:

Tapping forest, Standardization of forest products, Research methodology, Systems of forestry production technologies, Herbalogy, Forest certificating, Forest beekeeping.

  • Wood Qualimetry

  • research on forest biodiversity in Europe;
  • vegetation syntaxonomy and study of modern processes in plant cover;
  • development of modern ecological methods of harvesting mercury and juices;
  • dendrological studies of ancient wood;
  • study of the structure and properties of industrial timber;
  • productivity of non-timber resources of forest stands;
  • rare and endangered species of forest phytocenoses;
  • study of vegetation, dynamics and stages of its genesis.

The department holds the Herbarium of the National Forestry University of Ukraine. In 2011, the Herbarium was given the international acronym LWFU and was listed in the National Herbarium of Ukraine.

At the department there is a "Museum of wood" in which exhibits the only Ukrainian collection of wood, collected by prof. Ostap Voloshchak in the early XX century. It contains wood specimens (transverse, radial and tangential sections) of more than 600 species from all over the globe and belongs to unique collections in Europe and the world.

The department supervises ‘Small forest academy’, the task of which is to select, further education and education of talented children, preparation for admission to the university, assistance to young people in the choice of scientific goal, involvement in scientific creativity, active studying process.

Study of the acoustic properties of common spruce (COST Action FP1302: WoodMusICK) at the Institute of Civil Mechanization, University of Montpellier, France. (2016);

A study of the properties of eucomic bark (COST Action FP1203: European Non-Wood Forest Products Network) at the Forest Research Institute, Old Senkochin, Poland. (2015);

In 2015 was held international training symposium "Non-timber Forest Products: Current State and Values in Recent Social-Ecological Economic Context. International perspective"

  1. Botany (V. Kolischuk, M. Soroka, T. Yuskevych), 2011
  2. Dendrology (the second edition with changes and additions) (V. Zayachuk), 2014
  3. Wood Science (I.Vintoniv, I. Sopushynskyy), 2007
  4. Forest Pruning and Forest Chemistry (V. Ryabchuk, V. Gryb, L. Osadchuk, T. Yuskevych), 2012
  5. Forest forage resources (V. Ryabchuk,V. Zayachuk, N. Horbenko), 2015
  6. Transgraniczny rezerwat biosfery „Roztocze” (O. Balytskiy, M. Bilyak, Y. Bovt, T. Brzezińska-Wójcik, L. Droździel, M. Flaga, T. Grabowski, W. Kalamucka, K.Kałamucki, M. Kozieł, I. Lublienec, I. Shemlynets, E. Skowronek, Myroslava Soroka, P. Stachyra, H. Stryamets, A. Urbańska, J. Zinko.), 2015
  7. Bryophytes of the Roztocze region (Poland and Ukraine). A checklist of liverworts and mosses.( Zubel Robert, Danylkiv Ihor, Rabyk Iryna, Lobaczevska Oksana, Soroka Miroslava), 2015
  8. Rare and endangered species of plants in Lviv region (L.Tasyenkevych, N.Kalinovych, M.Soroka and others.) 2011
  9. Reproduction of pine stands in Eastern Polissia of Ukraine (V.Gryb, L.Osadchuk, I.Gryb), 2016
  10. Resin productivity of pine plantations in Ukraine. (L.Osadchuk, V. Gryb, T. Yuskevych), 2017



Liubov Sheptytska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 22
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, rooms 401, 402, 406

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+38 (032) 258 42 60


Head of the Department,
 Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

Liubov Sheptytska

The history of the department begins in the mid-twentieth century, when a general social sciences department was created at the UNFU which has gone the way of great transformations.

 In November 1990, based on the Department of Political History of the 20th century, the Department of History of Ukraine was established.

 In 2005, the Department was renamed the Department of History of Ukraine, Political Science and Law. It provides the teaching of humanities in all the educational-research institutes of the university and provides a high level of knowledge, historical and political science thinking and legal training of students. In the structure of the Department, there are three sections - historical, political science and legal.

 Along with the provision of the teaching-and-educational process, the teachers of the Department are actively engaged in research activities, participate in international and all-Ukrainian conferences. Over the past 15 years alone, the teachers of the Department have published 11 monographs and textbooks, a number of scientific articles.

 The teaching staff of the Department actively participate in the programme of greening the educational process. The collective manual Greening liberal arts education was published, edited by Acad. NAS of Ukraine Yu. Yu. Tunytsya.

 The development of the Ukrainian state, the revival of the Ukrainian nation need the active implementation of the Concept of national-patriotic education of youth. The teachers of the Department take an active part in the organization and running  of the university-wide events: solemn academies, flash mobs, quests, round tables dedicated to significant events and prominent figures of Ukraine.

 In different years, the Department was staffed by specialist teachers: the professors V.O. Kondratyuk, O.I. Yurystovsky, the associate professors S.I. Vasyuta, V.O. Gavrylenko, I.P. Golubenko, M.I. Gaykovsky, O.Yu. Zaitsev, V.N. Kravchenko, V.Yu. Chopovsky, I.Ya. Solyar, N.V. Gaponyuk, O.V. Omelchenko, G.S. Gulyk, the senior lecturers R. B. Bedriy, I. M. Vitkovska, T.Ya. Dovgy, V.V. Remenyak, I.I. Ogorodnyk, I.Ya. Shemechko, R.F. Martynyshyn and others.

 The Department has a legal lecture hall Youth and Law and a free legal consultation office for students.

 The teaching staff of the Department, understanding the priorities of the present, directs their efforts to training professionals for the sustainable development and education of true patriots of Ukraine.


  1. Liubov Sheptytska, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Nataliia Zakharchyn, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Mykola Ivanyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Ihor Salamakha, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof,
  5. Olesia Remeniak, Senior lecturer.

  • History of Ukraine
  • Political Science
  • Fundamentals  of democracy
  • Ukraine in Europe and the world
  • Science of law
  • Labour law
  • Business law
  • Administrative law
  • International private and contract law
  • Environmental legislation and  environmental rights
  • History and culture of Ukraine
  • Legal regulation of business operations

The main area of the research activity of the department is Problems of decentralization of power and development of local self-government in Ukraine: traditions and modernity ( research supervisors:  L.B.Sheptytska, PhD (History), Associate Professor; M.M. Ivanyk, PhD (History), Associate Professor.

The main lines of research activities of the teachers of the Department:

  • Assoc. Prof. L.B. Sheptytska, PhD (History), - historical and legal aspects of the activity of political, public associations and state-building structures of the 1920s - 1930s;
  • Assoc. Prof. N.G. Zakharchyn, PhD (History),  Administrative and customary legal regulation of rural community life in the Second Polish Republic (The Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth);
  • Assoc. Prof. M.M. Ivanyk, PhD (History) - theory and history of local self-government in Ukraine;
  • Assoc. Prof. I.P.Salamakha, PhD (History) - protection of historical monuments in East Galicia, the 19th - the 1st half of the 20th century;
  • Senior lecturer O.V. Remenyak - decentralization of public authority in legal theory and state-building practice.

Training manuals:

  1. Business law. Training manual / Edit. V.L Ortynsky.- K. Znannya, 2008. 359 pp.[in Ukrainian]

2.Zakharchyn, N.G.; Yurystovsky, O.I.; Sheptytska, L.B.,2010: Political science. Training manual. Lviv: Liga Press. 202 pp.[in Ukrainian]

  1. Modern technologies of teaching humanities and social disciplines. Training manual / Edit. V.O. Kondratyuk. Lviv: UNFU, 2014. 88 pp. [in Ukrainian]
  2. Kondratyuk, V.O.; Ivanyk, M.M., 2016: Ukraine at the turn of the millennium. Independence Age. Manual. Lviv: Liga Press. 158 pp. [in Ukrainian]
  3. Greening of liberal arts education: history of Ukraine, political science, law. Training manual. Second edition, supplemented and revised / Ed. Prof. Yu.Yu. Tunytsya. Lviv: Liga Press, 2016. 308 pp. [in Ukrainian]

Compendiums of lectures:

  1. Ivanyk, M.M.; Salamakha, I.P.,2009: Ukraine in European integration

     processes. Lviv: UNFU. 152pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Remenyak, O.V.; Ogorodnyk, I.I.; Martynyshyn, R.F., 2011: Administrative

    law. Lviv: UNFU. 197 pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Gan, T.V.; Martynyshyn, R.F.; Remenyak, O.V.,2013: Environmental

    legislation and environmental rights. Lviv.UNFU. 243 pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Sheptytska, L.B., 2017: International private and contract law. Lviv.

    UNFU. 158 pp. [in Ukrainian]

  1. Zakharchyn, N.G., 2017: Fundamentals of democracy. Lviv, UNFU. 92 pp.

      [in Ukrainian]

  1. Remenyak, O.V., 2018: Legal regulation of business operations. Lviv.

    UNFU. 98 pp. [in Ukrainian]



Borys Bakay, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
Tel: +38 032 258 42 62
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79057, Lviv, Pryrodna St. 19, room 29

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+38 (032) 258 42 62,
+38 096 444 87 30

BorysBakai 768x8951

Head of the Department,
Borys Bakay

The department of Forest Engineering and Forest Roads, as one of the leading departments of the university, with the name "Department of Forestry Mechanization" has been created since the Lviv Forestry Institute was founded in 1945. The department heads were: Ph.D., Prof. Plaksin M. V., Ph.D., Prof. Batin I. V., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Savytskyi Yu. H., Doc. Science, Prof. Shkiria T. M., Ph.D., Prof., Honored Education Worker Adamovskyy M. H.

During the existence of the department there was an offshoot of one of the important directions of modern timber industry – automation of technological processes, on the basis of which a separate department is currently functioning.

Since the establishment of the department, its staff, along with the training of personnel for forestry, has been constantly involved in the implementation of research and design work on the substantiation and creation of promising techniques and technologies for forestry, forest harvesting, wood production, construction and operation of forest roads. The scientific-pedagogical staff of the department in its work covers almost the whole list of areas of branch science.

Much of the scientific development of the staff of the department is made in the direction of substantiation of the processes of division of wood along the fibers, the results of which have written one monograph and protected one doctoral and four disertations. About ten models of new machinery and existing models of logging equipment were created and put into production, which was demonstrated at two International and seven All-Union exhibitions (1969-1988). The department received the diploma of the winner of the Scientific and technical creativity of young VDNG – 80 and the International exhibition "Lisderevmash-84" one silver and four bronze medals VDNG USSR.

In terms of research work, the department's staff  intensively and productively worked on and continues to work on the problems of logging production (technology, equipment and environmental safety), creation of multi-operative stationary and mobile machines using manipulators, development of equipment and technologies for processing low quality wood and new ways of primary processing of tree length.

The staff of the department have always participated in international conferences, regional seminars, meetings on the issues of improvement of branch education, science and production. The Department maintains contacts with related foreign educational establishments in Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, USA etc.


  1. Borys Bakay, Ph.D., Head of Department, Associate Professor
  2. Mykola Adamovskyy, Ph.D., First Vice-Rector, Professor
  3. Volodymyr Kyy, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  4. Ihor Karatnyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  5. BohdanMahura, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  6. IhorRudko, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Chair of Sci. and Acad.-Methodol. Board of the Institute
  7. Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, Ph.D., Head Teacher
  8. Oleh Boratynskyi, Senior Lecturer
  9. Volodymyr Gobela, Assistant Professor

We offer undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes:

- Forest Engineering (082 Forestry, ISCED-F 2013);

- Industrial Engineering (071 Engineering and engineering trades, ISCED-F 2013).

These programs offer amazing opportunities for students who want to execute solutions to complicated forest resource and engineering problems while also understanding the needs of the society.

Our multidisciplinary department focused on the science, technology, engineering and business practices that help students meet their needs.


Bachelor Programs:

Forest Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Forest Roads;

- Road Construction Machinery and Soil Sciences;

- Forestry Machines and Equipment;

- Harvesting and Woodyarding Machines and Equipment; 

- Fundamentals of Environment-Oriented Transport Development of  Forestlands;

- Technical Operation  and  Maintenance  of Machines and Equipment;

- Rational Timber Usage Technologies;

- Harvesting Technologies;

- Woodyarding Technologies;

- Transport Technologies and Technical Maintenance of Forest Roads.


Industrial Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Machines and equipment of productions;

- Road Construction Machines and Foundations of Soil Science;

- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production;

- Roads of Industrial Enterprises;

- Transport Systems of Industrial Enterprises;

- Forestry Machines and Implements.


Master programs:

Forest Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Production Logistics;

- Forestry Engineering;

- Scientific Framework of Оrganization of Machinery Equipment Technical Operation;

- Scientific-and-Technological Creativity and Inventions;

- Forest Roads Engineering;

- Technologies of Specialized Production in Forest  Sector;

- Geoinformation Systems and Technologies;

- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production.

Industrial Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Production Logistics;

- Life Cycle of Mechanical Engineering Products;

- Scientific Framework of Optimal  Control over  Machinery Equipment  Performance;

- Design of Technological Equipment.


PhD Programs:

Industrial Engineering, which includes such course:

- Methodology of System Engineering.

Areas of research focus include the development of advanced technology and equipment, forest restoration, harvesting and processing approaches, and the management of threats.

Specifically, the research program aims to:

  1. Rationale of environmentally sustainable methods and means of timber raw harvesting.
  2. Implementation of technical facilities and mechanized complexes for logging development of felling areas with complicated relief conditions.
  3. Development and research of installations for timber cutting, sorting and stacking at warehouses of forestry enterprises and woodyarding technologies on their basis.
  4. Development of technologies and equipment for primary wood processing.
  5. Design of forest roads network and rationale of promising technologies for their construction.
  6. Ecological technologies of forest exploitation.

The department has a rich history of conducting research with a strong emphasis on addressing "real world" problems. This is attributed mostly to our prime location as well as the recruitment of faculty with substantial industry and consulting experience.

  1. Borys Bakay, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, Ihor Rudko. Managing a Life Cycle of the Mechanical Engineering Product // 2019 IEEE 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2019, 17-20 September 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P. 64-67.
  2. Borys Bakay, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk. Simulation of Transport System Traffic Between Obstacles // 2019 IEEE 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2019, 17-20 September 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P.149-152.
  3. Volodymyr Kyy, Вohdan Mahura, Ihor Koliadzhyn. Impact of timber conditions and bluntness ratio of splitting wedge on maximum splitting effort // Użytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych. badania naukowe i dydaktyka. – Zakopane, Poland. – 2015. – S. 22.
  4. Keeton, W. S., P. Angelstam, M. Baumflek, Y. Bihun, M. Chernyavskyy, S. M. Crow, A. Deyneka, M. Elbakidze, J. Farley, V. Kovalyshyn, B. Mahura, S. Myklush, J. R. Nunery, I. Solovity, and L. Zahvoyska. 2013. Sustainable forest management alternatives for the Carpathian Mountain region, with a focus on Ukraine. Pages 331-352 in J. Kozak, K. Ostapowicz, A. Bytnerowicz, and B. Wyzga (eds.) The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany.
  5. Bakay B. Ya. Determination of loading in the manipulator type mobile loading machines by the accelerations. Forestry, Forest, Paper and Woodworking Industry. Collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv: UNFU. – 2012, pub. 37.2. – P. 52-56.
  6. Yurij Bihun, Bohdan Mahura, Oleg Styranivsky, Bernhard Wolfshlehner, Karl Stampfer / Creating Guidelines for Implementing Reduced Impact Logging and Advance Sustainable Forest Management in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The Conference Abstracts of the 2nd Forum Carpaticum 2012: From Data to Knowledge – from Knowledge to Action. Martin Boltižiar Ed. Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Branch Nitra, 2012; 192-193 pp.
  7. Bakay B. Ya. Construction of mathematical model of sustainability of a round timber pack during the operations by a mobile machines. Forestry, Forest, Paper and Woodworking Industry. Collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv : UNFU. – 2012, pub. 38. – P. 151–158.
  8. Adamovskyy Mykola, Kyy Volodymyr, Mahura Bohdan, Andriy Kyy. Utilizanion of the cable-skidding system (CSS) – as one of the ways of solving a timber extraction problem in the Ukrainian Carphatians // Użytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych: badania naukowe i dydaktyka. Materiały VI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej. – Zakopane, Poland. – 2012. – S. 7.
  9. 9. Bakay B. Ya. Determination of loading in the mobile loading machines. Uśytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych : VI Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa : badania naukowe i dydaktyka, 26–28 września 2012 r., Zakopane. – Krakow : Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakówie, 2012. – P. 9–10



Orest Kiyko, Doctor of Science, Professor
Tel: +38(032) 239 27 23
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79057, Lviv, Zaliznjaka St. 11, rooms 21

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+38 (032) 238-45-04


Head of the Department,
Doctor of Science, Professor
Orest Kiyko

The  Department of Technology of Furniture and Wooden Products originates from the first specialized department at the Faculty of Mechanical Technology of Wood and, as a result of repeated reorganizations, had the following names: 1946-1947 - Mechanical Wood Processing; 1947-1953 - "Joiner's-mechanical and plywood industries"; 1953-1970 - Designing of woodworking industries; from 1970-2011 - "Technology of wood products", from 2011 to this time - "Technology of furniture and wood products". Today, the educational process at the Department is provided by 11 highly qualified teachers, including 2 professors, 3 Doctor of Technical Sciences; 5, candidates of technical sciences, 1 st. teacher and 2 assistants. Head of the Department - Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Kiyko Orest Antonovich.


  1. Ivan Voytovych , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Yaremchuk Larysa, Doctor of Science, Assoc.Prof.
  3. Serhiy Hayda , Doctor of Science, Assoc.Prof.
  4. Andriy Kushpit , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Stephan Hrytsak , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Vasyl Solonynka , Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  7. Oksana Yarish, Ph.D., Assistant
  8. Yaroslav Bilyi, Senior Lecturer
  9. Mykhajilo Ilkiv, Assistant
  10. Natalia Chopenko, Assistant

Bachelor Programs:

Woodworking and furniture technologies

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - bachelor)

Mandatory courses:

Design of woodworking and furniture industries

Design of wood products

Technology of wood products

Technology of protective and decorative coatings

Furniture production techniques

Upholstered furniture ргoduction techniques

Material Science

Elective courses:

Statistical methods of improving the quality of wood products

Technical statistics

Introduction to the specialty

Practical bases of joinery and furniture industries

Technology of lattice furniture

Technological features of production of exterior furniture

Restoration of furniture

Innovative startups of the woodworking and furniture industry

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - bachelor)

Mandatory courses:

Design of woodworking and furniture industries

Design of wood products

Technology of wood products

Technology of protective and decorative coatings

Furniture production techniques

Upholstered furniture ргoduction techniques

Elective courses:

E-business and advertising

Statistical methods for improving product quality

Technical statistics

Introduction to Specialty

Practical foundations of joinery and furniture industries

Basics of business modeling

Methodology of creative design

Master programs:

Technologies of wood products

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - master)

Mandatory courses:

Scientific research and organization of science

Technology of special woodworking industries

Technological preparation for production and furniture production

Elective courses:

Research of forest clusters

Furnishing wood with environmentally friendly materials

Forecasting of operational properties of protective and decorative coatings of wood products

Recycling of wood residues

Identification of technological operations in the production of wood products

Visualization of technological information

Analysis and presentation of technological information

Preparation and protection of master's work

Woodworking technologies

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - master)

Mandatory courses:

Scientific research and organization of science

Technology of special woodworking industries

Technological preparation for production and furniture production

Elective courses:

Research of forest clusters

Bonding of wood with environmentally friendly materials

Furnishing wood products with environmentally friendly materials


PhD Programs:

(specialty 187 "Woodworking and furniture technologies", branch 18 "Production and engineering", educational degree - PhD)

Mandatory courses:

Woodworking and furniture technologies

Elective courses

Technology of registration of grant applications and patent rights

Modern technologies of production of wood products

  • Research of forest clusters

The department conducts scientific research in the areas

  • "Newest technologies and resource-saving technologies in energy, industry and agro-industrial complex".
  • "New Substances and Materials"

The following topics of scientific and scientific-technical activity correspond to these scientific directions:

Scientific and technical basis of post-consumer wood use in woodworking ( S.Hayda);

  • Study of the properties of paints and varnishes (O.Yarish);
  • Fundamentals of flexible automated production (S.Hayda);
  • Modification of adhesive and paint materials (S. Gritsak);
  • Study of the shape resistance of panel elements of furniture products (Y.Bilyy);
  • Modification of softwood species (N. Chopenko);
  • Bioconversion of organic waste from forest and agroindustrial complex into biogas and environmentally friendly fertilizers (I Voitovich)

  •  The RERAM international project is an international cooperation project funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Program on Climate Protection, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (FP7-INCO Forestry and Woodworking Project). Project duration: 01/06/2014 - 31/05/2016. Scientific adviser prof. O.Kiko
  • Green "Energy Options project" - identifying green energy options for the Ukrainian Carpathians from a biophysical and socio-economic point of view, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Research, Education and Innovation (SBFI) within the framework of Ukrainian-Swiss cooperation in forest research. Project duration: From January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2020. Participate - prof. Kiiko O, A., prof. Voitovich IG
  • POWER4BIO project aims at increasing the capacity of regional policy makers and stakeholders to develop their regional bioeconomy strategy.The main participant of the project from UNFU, where a team of scientists was formed under the direction professor O.Kiyko. The main objective of the project concerning Ukraine is the creation of the bioeconomy strategy of the Lviv region. 01.10.2018 – 31.03.2021.

  1. . Ivan Voytovych. Basics of technology of wood products,  Textbook. – Lviv, Krayina anhelyat, 2010,-304 p (in Ukrainian).
  2. B.Kshyvetsʹkyy, S.Hrytsak, Yа.Bilyy, M.Zavarynsʹkyy. Technological preparation of woodworking and furniture industries. Tutorial. – Lviv: UNFU, 2017 – 190 p (in Ukrainian).

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