Department of Forest Engineering and Forest Roads



Borys Bakay, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
Tel: +38 032 258 42 62
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Head of the Department,
Borys Bakay

The department of Forest Engineering and Forest Roads, as one of the leading departments of the university, with the name "Department of Forestry Mechanization" has been created since the Lviv Forestry Institute was founded in 1945. The department heads were: Ph.D., Prof. Plaksin M. V., Ph.D., Prof. Batin I. V., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Savytskyi Yu. H., Doc. Science, Prof. Shkiria T. M., Ph.D., Prof., Honored Education Worker Adamovskyy M. H.

During the existence of the department there was an offshoot of one of the important directions of modern timber industry – automation of technological processes, on the basis of which a separate department is currently functioning.

Since the establishment of the department, its staff, along with the training of personnel for forestry, has been constantly involved in the implementation of research and design work on the substantiation and creation of promising techniques and technologies for forestry, forest harvesting, wood production, construction and operation of forest roads. The scientific-pedagogical staff of the department in its work covers almost the whole list of areas of branch science.

Much of the scientific development of the staff of the department is made in the direction of substantiation of the processes of division of wood along the fibers, the results of which have written one monograph and protected one doctoral and four disertations. About ten models of new machinery and existing models of logging equipment were created and put into production, which was demonstrated at two International and seven All-Union exhibitions (1969-1988). The department received the diploma of the winner of the Scientific and technical creativity of young VDNG – 80 and the International exhibition "Lisderevmash-84" one silver and four bronze medals VDNG USSR.

In terms of research work, the department's staff  intensively and productively worked on and continues to work on the problems of logging production (technology, equipment and environmental safety), creation of multi-operative stationary and mobile machines using manipulators, development of equipment and technologies for processing low quality wood and new ways of primary processing of tree length.

The staff of the department have always participated in international conferences, regional seminars, meetings on the issues of improvement of branch education, science and production. The Department maintains contacts with related foreign educational establishments in Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, USA etc.


  1. Borys Bakay, Ph.D., Head of Department, Associate Professor
  2. Mykola Adamovskyy, Ph.D., First Vice-Rector, Professor
  3. Volodymyr Kyy, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  4. Ihor Karatnyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  5. BohdanMahura, Ph.D., Associate Professor
  6. IhorRudko, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Chair of Sci. and Acad.-Methodol. Board of the Institute
  7. Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, Ph.D., Head Teacher
  8. Oleh Boratynskyi, Senior Lecturer
  9. Volodymyr Gobela, Assistant Professor

We offer undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes:

- Forest Engineering (082 Forestry, ISCED-F 2013);

- Industrial Engineering (071 Engineering and engineering trades, ISCED-F 2013).

These programs offer amazing opportunities for students who want to execute solutions to complicated forest resource and engineering problems while also understanding the needs of the society.

Our multidisciplinary department focused on the science, technology, engineering and business practices that help students meet their needs.


Bachelor Programs:

Forest Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Forest Roads;

- Road Construction Machinery and Soil Sciences;

- Forestry Machines and Equipment;

- Harvesting and Woodyarding Machines and Equipment; 

- Fundamentals of Environment-Oriented Transport Development of  Forestlands;

- Technical Operation  and  Maintenance  of Machines and Equipment;

- Rational Timber Usage Technologies;

- Harvesting Technologies;

- Woodyarding Technologies;

- Transport Technologies and Technical Maintenance of Forest Roads.


Industrial Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Machines and equipment of productions;

- Road Construction Machines and Foundations of Soil Science;

- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production;

- Roads of Industrial Enterprises;

- Transport Systems of Industrial Enterprises;

- Forestry Machines and Implements.


Master programs:

Forest Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Production Logistics;

- Forestry Engineering;

- Scientific Framework of Оrganization of Machinery Equipment Technical Operation;

- Scientific-and-Technological Creativity and Inventions;

- Forest Roads Engineering;

- Technologies of Specialized Production in Forest  Sector;

- Geoinformation Systems and Technologies;

- Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production.

Industrial Engineering, which includes mandatory and elective courses:

- Production Logistics;

- Life Cycle of Mechanical Engineering Products;

- Scientific Framework of Optimal  Control over  Machinery Equipment  Performance;

- Design of Technological Equipment.


PhD Programs:

Industrial Engineering, which includes such course:

- Methodology of System Engineering.

Areas of research focus include the development of advanced technology and equipment, forest restoration, harvesting and processing approaches, and the management of threats.

Specifically, the research program aims to:

  1. Rationale of environmentally sustainable methods and means of timber raw harvesting.
  2. Implementation of technical facilities and mechanized complexes for logging development of felling areas with complicated relief conditions.
  3. Development and research of installations for timber cutting, sorting and stacking at warehouses of forestry enterprises and woodyarding technologies on their basis.
  4. Development of technologies and equipment for primary wood processing.
  5. Design of forest roads network and rationale of promising technologies for their construction.
  6. Ecological technologies of forest exploitation.

The department has a rich history of conducting research with a strong emphasis on addressing "real world" problems. This is attributed mostly to our prime location as well as the recruitment of faculty with substantial industry and consulting experience.

  1. Borys Bakay, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, Ihor Rudko. Managing a Life Cycle of the Mechanical Engineering Product // 2019 IEEE 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2019, 17-20 September 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P. 64-67.
  2. Borys Bakay, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk. Simulation of Transport System Traffic Between Obstacles // 2019 IEEE 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT 2019, 17-20 September 2018, Lviv, Ukraine. – P.149-152.
  3. Volodymyr Kyy, Вohdan Mahura, Ihor Koliadzhyn. Impact of timber conditions and bluntness ratio of splitting wedge on maximum splitting effort // Użytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych. badania naukowe i dydaktyka. – Zakopane, Poland. – 2015. – S. 22.
  4. Keeton, W. S., P. Angelstam, M. Baumflek, Y. Bihun, M. Chernyavskyy, S. M. Crow, A. Deyneka, M. Elbakidze, J. Farley, V. Kovalyshyn, B. Mahura, S. Myklush, J. R. Nunery, I. Solovity, and L. Zahvoyska. 2013. Sustainable forest management alternatives for the Carpathian Mountain region, with a focus on Ukraine. Pages 331-352 in J. Kozak, K. Ostapowicz, A. Bytnerowicz, and B. Wyzga (eds.) The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany.
  5. Bakay B. Ya. Determination of loading in the manipulator type mobile loading machines by the accelerations. Forestry, Forest, Paper and Woodworking Industry. Collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv: UNFU. – 2012, pub. 37.2. – P. 52-56.
  6. Yurij Bihun, Bohdan Mahura, Oleg Styranivsky, Bernhard Wolfshlehner, Karl Stampfer / Creating Guidelines for Implementing Reduced Impact Logging and Advance Sustainable Forest Management in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The Conference Abstracts of the 2nd Forum Carpaticum 2012: From Data to Knowledge – from Knowledge to Action. Martin Boltižiar Ed. Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Branch Nitra, 2012; 192-193 pp.
  7. Bakay B. Ya. Construction of mathematical model of sustainability of a round timber pack during the operations by a mobile machines. Forestry, Forest, Paper and Woodworking Industry. Collection of scientific and technical works. – Lviv : UNFU. – 2012, pub. 38. – P. 151–158.
  8. Adamovskyy Mykola, Kyy Volodymyr, Mahura Bohdan, Andriy Kyy. Utilizanion of the cable-skidding system (CSS) – as one of the ways of solving a timber extraction problem in the Ukrainian Carphatians // Użytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych: badania naukowe i dydaktyka. Materiały VI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej. – Zakopane, Poland. – 2012. – S. 7.
  9. 9. Bakay B. Ya. Determination of loading in the mobile loading machines. Uśytkowanie maszyn rolniczych i leśnych : VI Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa : badania naukowe i dydaktyka, 26–28 września 2012 r., Zakopane. – Krakow : Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakówie, 2012. – P. 9–10

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:08

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