Department of Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources



Leonid Osadchuk, D.Sc., Prof.
Tel: +38(032) 258 41 99
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 103, corps 4, room 22

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+38 (032) 258 41 99

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Head of the Department,
 D.Sc., Prof.
Leonid Osadchuk

The Department of Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources has been active at the University since 1949. The organization of this unit at the Forestry Institute was natural, since the foundations were laid for a comprehensive approach to forestry. The Department of Botany and Soil Science was opened at the Faculty of Forestry and was headed by Assoc. Prof. M. Melnyk. In the 1949-1950 academic year at the Department of Botany and Soil Science began to conduct classes in such disciplines as plant morphology and systematics, plant anatomy and physiology, Darwinism, soil science with the basics of geology, wood science. Later, the department was named ‘Dendrology and wood science’, whose leaders were: Assoc. Prof. Yu. D. Tretyak (1955-1960); Assoc. Prof. T. M. Brodovych (1960-1975); Prof. Z.Yu. Gerushynsky (1975-1981); Prof. T.M. Kozubov (1981-1982); Assoc. Prof. Yu. F. Osypenko (1982-1983); Prof. G.T. Krynytsky (1983-1986). From 1986 to 2014 the Department was headed by D. Sc., Prof. V.P. Ryabchuk. In 2000 the department was named ‘Botany, Wood Science and Non-timber Forest Resources’. Currently the department is headed by D. Sc., Prof. Leonid Osadchuk.

  1. Myroslava Soroka,, Prof.
  2. Ivan Sopushynskyy,, Prof.
  3. Shovhan Anatoliy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Zayachuk Vasylʹ, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Melʹnyk Yuriy, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Yuskevych Taras, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Horbenko Nataliya, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Hrynyk Olena, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Lukashchuk Halyna, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  10. Taras Kolodiy, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer.


  • Bachelor Programs: Bachelor of Forestry

Training of specialists capable of solving production issues on creation, cultivation, care, formation of forest plantations, their inventory and design of forest management measures, use of forest resources, harvesting of wood.

  • Master programs: Master of Forestry

Preparation of higher education recipients in the field of forestry: providing them with theoretical knowledge and competences for solving problems of forestry and hunting, developing measures for the conservation of ecosystems, engineering and technical support, organization and management of forestry industries; performance of research work.


Mandatory courses:

Botany, Biology, Dendrology, Decorative dendrology, Non-timber forest resources, Forest commodity knowledge, Wood science, Geobotany, Scientific Project Management, Forest Bioindication.

Elective courses:

Tapping forest, Standardization of forest products, Research methodology, Systems of forestry production technologies, Herbalogy, Forest certificating, Forest beekeeping.

  • Wood Qualimetry

  • research on forest biodiversity in Europe;
  • vegetation syntaxonomy and study of modern processes in plant cover;
  • development of modern ecological methods of harvesting mercury and juices;
  • dendrological studies of ancient wood;
  • study of the structure and properties of industrial timber;
  • productivity of non-timber resources of forest stands;
  • rare and endangered species of forest phytocenoses;
  • study of vegetation, dynamics and stages of its genesis.

The department holds the Herbarium of the National Forestry University of Ukraine. In 2011, the Herbarium was given the international acronym LWFU and was listed in the National Herbarium of Ukraine.

At the department there is a "Museum of wood" in which exhibits the only Ukrainian collection of wood, collected by prof. Ostap Voloshchak in the early XX century. It contains wood specimens (transverse, radial and tangential sections) of more than 600 species from all over the globe and belongs to unique collections in Europe and the world.

The department supervises ‘Small forest academy’, the task of which is to select, further education and education of talented children, preparation for admission to the university, assistance to young people in the choice of scientific goal, involvement in scientific creativity, active studying process.

Study of the acoustic properties of common spruce (COST Action FP1302: WoodMusICK) at the Institute of Civil Mechanization, University of Montpellier, France. (2016);

A study of the properties of eucomic bark (COST Action FP1203: European Non-Wood Forest Products Network) at the Forest Research Institute, Old Senkochin, Poland. (2015);

In 2015 was held international training symposium "Non-timber Forest Products: Current State and Values in Recent Social-Ecological Economic Context. International perspective"

  1. Botany (V. Kolischuk, M. Soroka, T. Yuskevych), 2011
  2. Dendrology (the second edition with changes and additions) (V. Zayachuk), 2014
  3. Wood Science (I.Vintoniv, I. Sopushynskyy), 2007
  4. Forest Pruning and Forest Chemistry (V. Ryabchuk, V. Gryb, L. Osadchuk, T. Yuskevych), 2012
  5. Forest forage resources (V. Ryabchuk,V. Zayachuk, N. Horbenko), 2015
  6. Transgraniczny rezerwat biosfery „Roztocze” (O. Balytskiy, M. Bilyak, Y. Bovt, T. Brzezińska-Wójcik, L. Droździel, M. Flaga, T. Grabowski, W. Kalamucka, K.Kałamucki, M. Kozieł, I. Lublienec, I. Shemlynets, E. Skowronek, Myroslava Soroka, P. Stachyra, H. Stryamets, A. Urbańska, J. Zinko.), 2015
  7. Bryophytes of the Roztocze region (Poland and Ukraine). A checklist of liverworts and mosses.( Zubel Robert, Danylkiv Ihor, Rabyk Iryna, Lobaczevska Oksana, Soroka Miroslava), 2015
  8. Rare and endangered species of plants in Lviv region (L.Tasyenkevych, N.Kalinovych, M.Soroka and others.) 2011
  9. Reproduction of pine stands in Eastern Polissia of Ukraine (V.Gryb, L.Osadchuk, I.Gryb), 2016
  10. Resin productivity of pine plantations in Ukraine. (L.Osadchuk, V. Gryb, T. Yuskevych), 2017

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:03

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