Project Coop UA-CH

This call is directed to young Ukrainian scientists, professionals with academic training or with a position in the thematic fields of the project Cooperation in Forest Research Ukraine-Switzerland (2017-2020)1 who envisage applying for a scholarship at the Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland.

Goal of the scientific exchange

The main goal of the scholarships is to improve the qualifications of the guests in fields that help them to pursue a scientific career. A further goal is to develop ideas about future cooperation projects and topics, and to move them towards implementation during and beyond the cooperation project.

Potential applicants

The 2020 call (published in December 2019) is directed to young professionals with academic training or a position in the thematic fields (see project website1 ) of the Cooperation project who are affiliated with a Ukrainian institution. Specifically, we invite applications from Master and PhD students, postdocs or young scientists up to the age of 40 years. Applicants involved in the project or sub-projects (e.g., representatives of partner NGOs) do also qualify. All applicants must be fluent in English. Further calls may follow in 2020.

Potential elements of the guest stay

  • Improving disciplinary skills in fields relevant for the cooperation project
  • Gaining knowledge about research methods, techniques and statistical methods
  • Analyzing data and writing scientific papers
  • Cooperating in WSL research projects
  • Acquiring skills in the development of research proposals

Organization of the guest stays

For each stay, a responsible host person at WSL is designated. The host will make sure that the guest is well integrated and supervised. He/she may involve additional supervisors. The responsible host will organize the stay (including authorization of the cantonal migration office), supported by the Human Resources Department of WSL and the Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Peter Brang. Getting the working permit from Swiss authorities usually takes 10-12 weeks.

The minimum duration of a stay is 2 weeks, the maximum 3 months.

Preparation of the application

Applicants need to identify a host (project or sub-project leader of the Cooperation project). The host and the applicant prepare a proposal (2 pages in English) describing the motivation, planned activities, the intended start and duration, and anticipated benefits for the Cooperation project.

The applicant submits the proposal, his/her CV and language certificates if available to Dr. Peter Brang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), who will discuss it with the host and take the final decision. The main criteria are:

  • Contribution to the goal of the Scientific exchange activities (see ‘Goal of the scientific exchange’)
  • Accordance with the specific requirements of the 2020 Call (see ‘Potential applicants’)
  • Long-term perspective of the applicant to pursue a scientific career
  • Contribution to anticipated products (e.g. practical skills and experience for curricula development)
  • Potential for follow-up research cooperation in the thematic fields of cooperation
  • Availability of the host for supervision

The deadline forsubmission of applications is 31 January 2020. The applicants will be informed about the decision around 20 February 2020.


The guest is expected to give a short presentation on his research in Ukraine and on the activities planned during his visit, ideally at the beginning of the stay at WSL. At the end of the stay, a presentation about the achievements is encouraged.

Financial matters

The project funds living costs in Switzerland, the rent of a place to stay, vouchers for meals in the WSL canteen, and any expenses needed including travel from Ukraine to Switzerland and related administrative fees (e.g. visa). Funds are also available for work-related travel within Switzerland.


This document will be made available on the website of the cooperation project, and distributed by the project partners.

Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 13 December 2019

At the end of November this year, a round table was held at UNFU, where the members of the Forest Sector Council of Lviv region exchanged views on urgent issues regarding the situation in the forest.

Official name of the round table was "Political and economic analysis of forestry in the furniture and wood processing sectors in Ukraine". The event was organized by UNFU scientists as a part of the USAID “Competitive Economy Program”. The program aims to analyze the state of forest management: from logging and supplying chains to competition and trade issues. The task is to find out what impedes sustainable forest management and equitable access to resources for furniture and woodworking businesses. The ultimate goal of the program is to engage international analysts, investors and provide them with the information they need to develop a “roadmap” for the development of our timber sector.erasmos 19.12 3

In the framework of the international academic mobility under the Erasmus + program (KA1 direction) and the results of the competitive selection, conducted jointly by UNFU and EUSD, the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Assoc. Prof. Oleksandra Vanivska and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Ruslana Presner were on an internship at the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde (Germany) from 10 to 24 November 2019.

The purpose of the internship was to get acquainted with the organization of the educational process at the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde; to study the experience of teaching the discipline "Business Foreign Language" in order to introduce the acquired knowledge and skills into teaching practice at UNFU; to update and improve theoretical and practical knowledge of foreign language teaching methods; to get acquainted with the works of leading experts of the Language Center of the University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde; as well as expand contacts with teaching staff for future collaborations.erasmos 19.12 2

During the internship, our university employees got acquainted with the organization of the educational process and teaching methods of courses "Business Foreign Language" and "Foreign Language", attended classes, participated in group work at practical classes and seminars, talked with teachers of the University's Language Center, and also had the opportunity to work in the scientific library of the University for Sustainable Development, Eberswalde, where they had access to educational and scientific literature. Acquaintance with the Language Center gave an opportunity to discuss the directions of future cooperation between the Department of Foreign Languages of UNFU and the Language Center of the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde.

The results of the internship are the following: updating the “Business Foreign Language (English)” course, expanding the Business English Dictionary, collecting study materials for a Business English language guide and a bilingual textbook on “Forest Ecology”; improving teaching methods of a foreign language and establishing professional contacts with academics and teachers at the University of Sustainable Development, Eberswalde.

erasmos 19.12 1Professor of the Department of Ecological Economics, Doctor of Economics Ihor Soloviy  and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Enterprise Economics, Ph.D Roksolana Risna took part in the European Union Erasmus + Program (KA1) at the University of Sustainable Development, Eberswalde (Germany) in November 2019.

The purpose of the short-term internship was to exchange experience, to establish contacts with foreign colleagues and to get acquainted with the latest teaching methods and principles of student knowledge assessment.

During the internship Ihor Soloviy and Roksolana Risna have studied the experience of teaching the course called “Forest Governance and Policy I”. The course consisted of two parts: “Concepts, institutions and actors” and “Environmental Policy and Nature Conservation”. The classes were conducted by Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann, Ph.D. Peter Hobson and Ph.D. Dr. Heike Walk.

It was interesting to experience the group work with students who came to the University for Sustainable Development from the USA, France, Spain, Turkey, Nepal and other countries.

erasmos 19.12 1In addition to attending lectures and practical classes, our employees had the opportunity to visit the Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement office in Berlin. During the meeting with the head of the organization, Dr. Ansgar Klein, they discussed the role of civil society in the sustainable management of natural resources at the local, national and international levels.

Another interesting event was the presentation of awards by the rector of the University to students for the best scientific works and a lecture by Prof. Dr. Niko Paech "Sustainable Development Beyond Economic Growth", dedicated to environmental issues.

Staying at the University for Sustainable Development in Eberswalde made it possible to become acquainted with European educational study programs, to deepen the knowledge of foreign languages, to establish professional contacts, which will allow to continue cooperation between the universities, and to develop some modules of disciplines that will be integrated in Ukraine.

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відбудеться 28-30 травня 2020 р. в Національному лісотехнічному університеті України (НЛТУ)

Конференція присвячена 75-річчю запо­чаткування лісотехнічної освіти в Україні та створення кафедри лісових машин НЛТУ України. Метою конференції є обмін вислідами й узагальнення досвіду наукових досліджень і лісової практики у сфері екологобезпечних технологічних процесів і технічних засобів  лісогосподарського спря­мування та розширення співпраці між науковцями, дослідниками й працівниками лісової галузі різних країн.

Національний лісотехнічний універ­ситет України єдиний вищий навчальний заклад лісотехнічного спрямування на теренах України, який бере свій початок від Львівського лісотехнічного інституту, утвореного 15 січня 1945 року. Однією із перших базових кафедр інституту було створено кафедру сухопутного і водного транспорту лісу (теперішня назва - кафедра лісових машин), яка стала відомою у країнах Центральної та Східної Європи своїми науковими дослідженнями з напряму «Динаміка лісотранспортних машин», а в останні роки – «Екологобезпечні технології лісозаготівлі».

Місто Львів -  розта­шоване неподалік західного кордону України, у передгір’ї Карпат. Це - національно-куль­турний та освітньо-науковий центр країни, вважається столицею Галичини та Західної України. У 2009 році Львову надано звання Культурної столиці України. Львів - це місто з особливою атмосферою, яким більш ніж пів тисячоліття правили королі. Це місто кави, місто тисячі левів, місто джазу, дощу, шоколаду, терас і пристрасного танго.


  1. Історичні аспекти і сучасні тренди лісотехнічної освіти та науки.
  2. Проектування, виготовлення й експлуатування лісових машин та устаткування.
  3. Ергономіка та екологічна безпека лісових машин.
  4. Оптимізація лісогосподарської діяльності, транспортне освоєння лісових масивів на природоохоронних засадах.
  5. Заготівля і транспортування деревини для енергетичних потреб.

Програма конференції

28 травня 2020  

  • Відкриття конференції
  • Оприлюднення Збірника тез доповідей і презентацій на сайті конференції
  • Віртуальна екскурсія НЛТУ України та містом Львів

29 травня 2020  

  • Обговорювання (e-mail спілкування) і оцінювання презентованих доповідей
  • Оприлюднення проекту рішення конференції
  • Віртуальна культурна програма (аматорські виступи учасників конференції і творчих колективів студентів НЛТУ України)

30 травня 2020  

  • Прийняття остаточного варіанту рішення конференції
  • Надсилання підготовлених статей за матеріалами доповідей в редакцію Збірника праць ЛАНУ
  • Закриття конференції.

Місце проведення

Національний лісотехнічний університет України, вулиця Генерала Чупринки, 105, 79057 Львів, Україна.

Місце проведення конференції: конференц-зал НЛТУ України, який знаходиться у місті Львові, всього за кілька хвилин їзди або півгодини пішки від центру міста і головних визначних пам'яток.




will take place May 28-30, 2020 at the Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU)

The conference is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the beginning of forest engineering education in Ukraine and the creation of the Department of Forest Machines of NLTU. The purpose of the conference is to exchange the results and summarize the experience of scientific research and forestry practices in the field of environmentally friendly technological processes and technical means in forestry and to expand cooperation between scientists, researchers and employees of the forest industry in different countries.

The Ukrainian National Forestry University is the only one higher educational institution of forest engineering direction in Ukraine, which originates from the Lviv Forest Engineering Institute established on 15 January, 1945. One of the first basic departments of the institute was created the Department of Land and Water Forest Transport (present name is the Department of Forest Machines), which became known in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe for its scientific research in the field of "Dynamics of forest transport vehicles", and in recent years - "Environmental sound logging technologies".

City Lviv is situated next to the western borders of Ukraine at the foot of the Carpathians. It is the national-cultural and educational-scientific center of the country, considered the capital of Galicia and Western Ukraine. In 2009, Lviv was awarded the title of Cultural Capital of Ukraine. Lviv is a city with a special atmosphere, which more than half a century was ruled by the kings. This is city of coffee, a city of lions, a city of jazz, rain, chocolate, terraces and passionate tango.

Main topics

  1. History, current trends in the forest engineering education and science.
  2. Design, manufacture and operation of forestry machinery and equipment.
  3. Ergonomics and environmental safety of forest machines.
  4. Forestry activities optimization, decision support, wood transport planning with principles nature conservation account.
  5. Wood harvesting and transportation for energy purposes.

Conference program

May 28, 2020    

  • Opening of the Conference
  • Online publication of the Abstractbook and presentations on the conference website
  • Virtual tour of UNFU and city Lviv

May 29, 2020   

  • Discussion (e-mail communication) and evaluation of Presentations
  • Online publication of the draft Conference decision
  • Virtual cultural program (amateur performances of conference participants and students folk groups of UNFU)


May 30, 2020   

  • Adoption of the final Conference decision
  • Sending prepared articles to the editors of LANU Proceeding
  • Closing of the Conference


Ukrainian National Forestry University, str. General Chuprynka, 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine

The conference venue: Conference Hall of NLTU is located in the city Lviv, just some minutes drive or half hour walk from city center and main sights.


Oleg Styranivsky (Scientific Organizer)

Head of Department of Forest Machines
Ukrainian National Forestry University

str. General Chuprynka, 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine
tel. +38 032 2584269
cell: +38 067 6222095

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Andriy Shchupak (Organizing Secretariat)

Assistant of Department of Forest Machines
Ukrainian National Forestry University
str. Pryrodna, 19, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine

tel. +38 032 2584269
cell: +38 097 7678822

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We are looking for an intern to join our team at the Interreg-Project BEECH POWER at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development in Germany.
The project BEECH POWER (World Heritage BEECH Forests: emPOWERing and catalyzing an ecosystem-based Sustainable Development) deals with the improvement of the management effectiveness of the UNESCO World Heritage site “Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and other Regions of Europe”.

More information about the project you can find under:


  • you must be inscribed as a Master or PhD- student at the Ukrainian National Forestry University
  • you should have good knowledge of English language 

We offer: 

  • an internship with a duration of 3 up to 6 months
  • starting between February and August 2020
  • a working place at our project office in Eberswalde 
  • financial support via Erasmus+ 800€/ month plus travel support 275€

Please apply with the following documents (as one pdf-document) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until 22.12.2019.

  • Motivation letter
    1. explaining you motivation for the internship in the project
    2. your connection to the World Heritage or Beech Forest,
    3. including what you expect to learn during the internship,
    4. information about how long you would like to stay, and
    5. when you would like to start the internship
  • CV
  • Proof of language skills

Замок Нойшванштайн

At the end of September (September 30 - October 3, 2019), an interesting event took place for 10 teachers of the Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design. BLUM organized a study tour to its production facilities in Austria. Teachers have been invited to participate in the trip from UNFU. They have been cooperating with LTD “Bloom-Ukraine” for many years in order to familiarize students with innovative trends in the use of modern furniture accessories and new directions in the formation of furniture-capacities.

The idea of forming a group not of people directly involved in the activity of the company, but of educators who prepare specialists for the furniture industry, arose from the head of the department of design Prusak V.F. In 2018, after visiting BLUM's plants, he made the proposal regarding the excursion of teachers to the head of LTD “Bloom-Ukraine”, Mr. Nestor Y.B. The Austrian administration supported the proposal.

As a result of the organizational work, the time of the visit and the quantitative composition of the group from the Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design were determined: the Department of Design was represented by Prusak V.F., Bekhta N.S., Kupchyk R.M., Makar Z.Y., Pylypiv I.Z., Prusak Y.V.; Department of Technology of Furniture and Wooden Products - Kushpit A.S., Solonynka V.R., Chopenko N.F., Ilkiv M.M. The delegation of educators also included teachers from Chernihiv, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and the School of European Design, a total number was 18 people.

The trip was very intensive. The organizers envisaged a cultural program and training, besides acquaintance with the production.

В шоу румі 2

We landed at the Zurich airport, traveled by bus to the Austrian town of Bregenz, where we settled at a hotel on the banks of Lake Constance, situated where Germany, Switzerland, and Austria meet. Lake Constance is the largest and one of the deepest lakes in the Alps (250 m deep).

After a rest, on the same day our delegation reached the small German town of Lindau by boat. Strolling through the old streets, we tasted appetizing German cuisine at the restaurant on the waterfront of the lake bay, where numerous yachts and boats swung on the waves. So, we visited three countries on the same day.

The following day was Cultural Day. The trip to Bavaria and to the world-renowned Neuschwanstein Castle (which means "The New Swan of the Rock") was planned. In fact, we were amazed at the fairytale of this place, managed to get inside the castle, visit the beautiful surroundings, make unique photos. For design professionals, the architectural designs of the interior and the historical exhibits of the furniture and equipment of the castle were of great interest.

“Orange Day” is a day of visiting three BLUM plants. We started this day with presentations: listened to the history of the creation and development of the company, visited two showrooms with the latest product innovations, etc.

На Блюмі вивішують прапори тих країн делегації яких в той день гостюють

BLUM is a family-owned company established in 1955 by Julius Blum. He began his business of improving the mounting of horseshoes for horses, figuring out how to improve their durability. And in three years, having started working on accessories, has released the first curtain for doors ANUBA. Over time, Julius Bloom passed the management of the firm to his son Gerhard, and he, last year, to his son, Philip Bloom.

Knowing about the teaching staff of the group, the BLUM administrators organized a seminar for us on the subject: "Training in Austria and at Blum". To train its employees, BLUM has a school that currently counts 389 students and 100 teachers. It turns out that their leaders, too, like us, care for staff and carry out career guidance: they come to schools for high school students and talk about the company, the professions that can be obtained in their school and social security. The result of this work is a competition for up to 3 people per seat. The school provides the opportunity to gain 9 professions - mechanic, equipment operator, electrical engineer, etc. The peculiarity of study is the combination of theory with practice: 25% of the time is devoted to theory, 75% - to the practice that students take at all 8 factories.

During the 1st and 2nd year, students acquire basic knowledge (except theoretical, learn to use hand tools, perform simple technical operations). In the 3rd and 4th year there is a bias in the chosen profession. 60% of students come from high school, aged 15 years. 40% are students come from other institutions or just older employees (up to 42 years old) who want to acquire a certain profession. On average, 80% of students stay at BLUM after finishing school.

Підпливаємо до Ліндау

In the first year of studying students receive about 400 € of scholarship, up to 4th year the scholarship is about 1000 €. In addition, the rent of accommodation is about 500 €. For successful learning, students can be rewarded with bonuses.

Walking through the production workshops of the factories, we noted a high culture of production: they are illuminated, clean, provided with the equipment of pleasant colors (not depressing and gray), for the convenience of employees in each workshop there is a coffee machine. During our stay at BLUM was "Apple Week". This region turned out to be known for its cultivation. So at every workshop or office we saw a basket of apples, each day a different sort that everyone can eat for free.

When acquainted with the company, particular emphasis was placed on Bloom's environmental policy. Since this region is ranked 2nd in tourism in Austria, this issue is of major national importance. Plants have many solar panels installed. 80% of the energy required for production is obtained from their own sources, one of which is the use of energy recovery ventilation. They encourage workers who get to work from the suburban area, by offsetting them in part by the cost of petrol, but at the same time they encourage employees to cooperate for three to four in one car, not everyone in their own. Workers can move between the buildings by bicycles, electric bicycles (helmets for which are available at the reception desk), or by smart electric vehicles for longer distances. There is even a prize draw for those who use such vehicles most often.

The trip to Austria ended with a pleasant experience of flying over the snow-covered Alps.

We are grateful to the administration of LTD “Bloom-Ukraine” represented by Mr. Nestor Y.B., as well as to his employees Lyubomir Lemak and Lydia Rybchenko for a wonderful opportunity to visit Austria and get acquainted with modern production.


On October 16, 2019, in the room 405 teachers of the departments of history of Ukraine, political science and law and foreign languages organized a round table discussion: "Woman-warrior through the prism of the century". The student of the EK-11 group Olshanets'ka A. informed the audience about the biography of Olga Basarab, who is a public and political figure, the head of the women's troop of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. In September we celebrated 130 years from the birthday of this courageous woman, who was tortured by the Polish police.

More than 100 years have passed since those tragic times, and the struggle for Ukraine continues.

Our guest Golosna Irina, sanitary instructor of 24 separate mechanized brigade, told about these events. Irina is a migrant from Crimea, who has been defending Ukraine for two years in the Joint Forces Operation area. Students had the opportunity to talk to a female serviceman, ask questions, share their political views and views on ending the war conflict.

Head of the reading room of socio-economic literature Gritsak L.O. presented an interesting exhibition of non-fiction and fiction literature on the subject of the round table.

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As part of the collaboration between UNFU and the University of Life Sciences, Lublin (Poland), at the Department of Management of International Activity Joanna Pavlyak (EngD) successfully passed an internship from 09.09.2019 till 09.10.2019. Together with the head of the internship, associate professor Didovych I.I., she became acquainted with the main activities of UNFU and some departments of IEEM; also with financial, organizational and legal principles of the activities of forestry and agricultural enterprises of Ukraine and visited an ecological farm in Lviv region. Joanna Pavlyak collected and analyzed statistics on the activities of Ukrainian forestry and agricultural enterprises, visited Lviv-based organic stores. As a result of her internship, Ms. Joanna Pavlyak received a relevant certificate and will continue her studies at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin.

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In the framework of academic mobility and the Erasmus + program (direction KA1) and the results of competitive selection, conducted jointly by UNFU and UV, from October 7 till October 11, 2019, Assistant of the Department of Management of International Activity, Yurkiv Nadia Mykolaivna passed internship at the University of Valladolid (Spain).

The purposes of the internship were:

  • acquainting with the organization of the educational process at the University of Valladolid;
  • discussinf the curricula and training plans for higher education applicants in the speciality “Management”;
  • learning new experience and teaching methods how to improve the quality of education;
  • collecting scientific literature and acquaintance with the works of leading specialists of the University of Valladolid to improve the courses of “International Marketing” and “Enterprise Economics”;
  • expanding the network of contacts with scientific and pedagogical staff of the University of Valladolid for future cooperation;
  • improving English language skills.

You can read more about the University of Valladolid (UV) on the University website:

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The internship took place at the Faculty of Business Organization, Marketing and Marketing Research. The internship was coordinated by Professor of the Faculty, Vice-Rector for International Relations Benjamin Peñas Moyano.

During the internship Yurkiv N.M. got acquainted with the organization of the educational process at the University of Valladolid, attended lectures of Professor Benjamin Peñas Moyano for students of the bachelor course, and also became acquainted with the method of teaching economic disciplines at the Faculty of Business Organization, Marketing and Marketing Research.

Assistant Yurkiv N.M. was able to work in the scientific library of the University of Valladolid, where she gained access to educational and scientific literature, scientific publications by leading experts of the University of Valladolid. The director of the library also gave an opportunity to get acquainted with the dissertation papers defended at the university.

According to the internship program, Nadia Yurkiv also visited the Faculty of Commerce of this University, where she became acquainted with the teaching of an English-speaking course in Business Management of International Trade for students of master course.

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At the invitation of Professor Emilio Hernández Corea, (Faculty of Commerce) Yurkiv N.M. delivered a lecture on "The current state and prospects of development of international trade in Ukraine", in which she exposed the main tendencies of world trade of timber products and described the state of foreign trade of timber in Ukraine and directions of its diversification. Master's students from China, Vietnam, India, Korea, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, and Spain, as well as English language course teachers from the Faculty of Commerce were listening to the lecture. The material presented in the lecture aroused great interest in this issue, which was followed by lively discussion among students and teachers. This kind of activity gave a great experience of communication with foreign students, understanding of important methodological approaches for improving the educational process.

On Saturday, October 12, she had an opportunity to get acquainted with the major cultural monuments of Valladolid and picturesque landscapes of sunny Spain.

The result of the internship was the improvement of the course of disciplines with new educational and scientific material, methods of teaching and adjustment of future cooperation between the Department of Management of International Activity of UNFU and the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Valladolid.



Head of the department of foreign economic activity management Mykola Matveev


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