2In Lviv, on April 20, 2022, in the halls of “PM Gallery”, Lviv, a personal art exhibition of Ostap Patyk - Honored Artist of Ukraine, Associate Professor of Design Department, Ukrainian National Forestry University, was opened. Ostap Patyk is an artist, teacher, designer, well known in art circles not only in Lviv and Ukraine, but also abroad. At the exhibition the author presented more than twenty ornamental and decorative compositions, interpreted on the deep foundation of the spiritual heritage of national art culture with its inexhaustible treasury of ancient icon painting and folk art.

The main message of the art project is the title itself - "FOR THE PROTECTION OF IDENTITY. EASTER”. Given the catastrophe of the bloody war unleashed by Russia, the problem of understanding national and cultural identity and its preservation is very important, because the enemy is aimed at destroying everything Ukrainian - history, culture, traditions, values. The concept of "national identity" provides an answer to the deeply philosophical question "Who are We?" This war, pain, fear for children, for the scorched native land devastate the soul, but at the same time add new meanings and colors of existence. 

The feeling of rage sown by the Russian invasion of Ukraine evokes powerful energy that must be used for effective action. Mastering his hatred of the enemy, Ostap Patyk with inner composure and emotional restraint has been working at the easel since the second day of the war. “War is not an excuse to stop doing the usual, it is necessary to move forward,” says the author, “because art - is also a weapon and its main function is to reflect a meaningful existence.”

In the presented works the artist reflects on the problem of self-identification as an original cultural and civilizational community with a bright stylistic tendency to the heritage of ancient art culture, which is manifested through color and form-creative aspects of works of art.

In search of figurative language of symbols in the works "Palm Sunday" (2021-2022), "Good Friday" (2021-2022), "Battle for Bucha" (2022), "Surroundings" (2022), "Stone Tomb (Melitopol)” (2022) and others. the artist includes a range of various geometric, abstract figures in complex relationships with each other. The main thing in the creation of these works is the original processing of Easter ornaments in order to create a special decorative space of paintings, which is built according to their own laws and ideas. All means of picturesque expression are subordinated to this task - rational, verified organization of the picture plane, orderliness of lines and forms. It is worth noting the color palette of works, which is built as colorful equivalents of the sum of compilations of the Ukrainian national archetype.

The motifs of decorative compositions reveal the national identity and multi-worldview of the artist, allow him to convey the inner philosophical meaning through cosmogonic symbols, ornamental, Easter egg motifs. The high technique of the works testifies to the refined expression of the artist's refined worldview and deep thinking.

The grand opening of the art project was attended by: Nadezhda Teslyuk, owner of "PM Gallery"; Igor Gavryshkevych, Chairman of the Union of Artists of Ukraine; Andriy Bokotey, Head of the Western Regional Research and Art Center of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine; Volodymyr Prusak, Head of the Design Department, UNFU; Yuriy Viznyak, General Director of the Lviv Palace of Arts. Friends, colleagues, teachers of the Design Department of UNFU, Lviv National Academy of Arts, and the artistic elite of Lviv in general came to congratulate Ostap Patyk on the opening of his personal exhibition and were the first to evaluate his works.

The exhibition will last until May 11, 2022.

zahorsky cabinetDear forestry community!

I sincerely congratulate you on the sacred holiday of the Christ’s Resurrection!

Holy Easter is one of the greatest Christian holidays, which symbolizes the spiritual rebirth and victory of life over death, good over evil.

Today, the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including forestry technicians, heroically defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state in the fight against the Russian aggressor.

In this difficult time of trials that befell us, we must unite to help our Defenders and make our best contribution to the great victory of the Ukrainian people over the invader for the future of Ukraine and the world.

May the Christ’s Resurrection instill and strengthen in our hearts a firm Faith in Victory and the beautiful future of our Motherland!

I wish you and your families God’s blessing, good health, peace of mind and a delicious Easter bread under a peaceful sky.

Christ is Risen!

He is Risen Indeed!


Rector Volodymyr ZAGORSKY

21 04 0002At this crucial time for our state, time of the the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, every Ukrainian is obliged to do everything that would bring us closer to victory over the invader.

From the first days of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University has been actively involved in the process of assisting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On March 15, 2022, 425,000 hryvnias were transferred to the account of the 21 04 0001Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region (Lviv) for financial support of wounded soldiers and victims of the air strike on the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security.

At the suggestion of the Academic Council of the University, the university staff transfers monthly one-day earnings to the account of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Employees of the University and the Technological College provided assistance to the soldiers of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo, who are defending our country from the Russian aggressor on the front line. Medicine and foodstuffs were collected and sent, and money transfers were made to bank accounts to purchase the necessary military ammunition.

Employees of the departments and college of the university, as well as the scientific library, constantly provide assistance to military units, which protect our country from the Russian occupiers.

Extremely important work is carried out by employees of our university in the framework of volunteer activities, which have established the provision of significant humanitarian and financial assistance from foreign partners in Romania, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and others.

Our defenders thank the university staff for their assistance, support and assistance.

Our help is a contribution to the great Victory of the Ukrainian people!

Together to the victory!

 018 resize.1555972494.1816On April 12, 2022, the Ukrainian National Forestry University hosted a round table on issues related to the reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine's economy and environment. This issue is extremely relevant in view of the Government-approved "Program for the Reconstruction of Ukraine."

The round table was attended by vice-rectors, directors of educational and research institutes, heads of departments and scientists of the university. The initiative to establish a Scientific Platform for the reconstruction and restoration of Ukraine at our university was made by scientists of the university. The strategy of application of already developed scientific innovations in nature protection directions, as well as formation of the program of realization of scientific developments in difficult conditions in which our state found itself as a result of large-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine are discussed.

The Scientific Platform is designed to unite for the restoration of Ukraine specialists from various fields on the basis of nature with the basics of environmental strategies and programs of practical implementation.

Main areas: reforestation, landscaping, restoration of nature reserves, soil rehabilitation, conservation of biodiversity in damaged areas, creation of a scientific lectures in the field of nature.

The scientists' proposal aroused interest and was approved.

Participants are invited to organize a round table on April 26, 2022 at 14.00 in the meeting room of the Academic Council, which will present and open the program of the Scientific Platform for Reconstruction and Reconstruction of Ukraine and will be attended by scientists, government officials, business partners, university partners and stakeholders. Please send your proposals for the formation of the round table program by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Юрій РУФSaturday, April 9 in the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Academic Community of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, family and friends, Lviv residents and guests paid the last respects to Associate Professor of Sawing, Joinery and Wooden Construction Products Department Yuriy DADAK, a famous poet (poetic pseudonym - Yuriy Ruf), public figure and founder of the literary and educational project 'Spirit of the Nation'.

1The funeral of the Hero was presided over by the Bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Stepan SUS.

Yuriy was 41 years old. He died heroically on April 1 in a fierce battle with the Russian occupiers near the 3town of Popasna, Luhansk region. He fought in the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

His two daughters and wife were left without a father and husband.

On his Facebook page, Yuriy wrote: “Our brigade is standing in the Luhansk region near Popasna and is crushing the Russian occupiers. The situation is tense, but we are working. "

Despite the realities of war, he managed to write poetry, considering it one of the types of poetic propaganda of patriotism. He promoted poems aimed at raising morale, motivation and a sense of national pride. Yuriy published his last lines on March 19:

4- Our enemies are hopeless people who deceive the world and kill Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. They live without love and joy. Such people are hated. And those who are before us now are people who believed in life, wanted to make it better for our people. That we may continue to live in peace and love, - said Bishop Stepan SUS.

Yuriy Dadak was buried in Lychakiv Cemetery on the Field of Honorary Burial of Heroes (Marsove Field).

By the Decree of the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, the memorial plaque will be installed on the facade of the educational building № 2 (11, Zaliznyaka Street), where associate professor Yuriy Dadak worked at the Department of Sawmilling, Joinery and Wooden Construction Products.  An academic scholarship named after Yuriy Dadak has been established for university students.


In the hearts of those who knew YURIy DADAK, there will be a bright memory of this MAN, the faithful son of Ukraine, who died the death of the HERO, defending his native Ukrainian land to the last breath.




zahorskyRector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Ecology of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of NAAS of Ukraine, famous public figure in Ukraine Volodymyr Zagorskyi was awarded for active state-building activity, devotion to the Ukrainian idea, high professionalism, humanity and patriotism.

Congratulations on this high award and we wish creative inspiration, inexhaustible energy, strength, health and desire to build our state!


1 stop2 Звернення 2The staff of the Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian National Forestry University  appealed to the botanical community abroad to support Ukrainians in their difficult struggle against the Russian invasion. The letter was sent to more than 90 botanical institutions in Europe, Asia and America.

Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, United Kingdom, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Korea, Canada, United States – this is not yet a complete list of the countries with which the Botanical Garden has been actively cooperating in its best days and still maintains the connection. Our colleagues used to cooperate with Russian botanical gardens, but we have no common interests since the occupation of Crimea in 2014.

Thus, having such a wide range of contacts that have been developed over the years, we decided that it is our duty to inform our foreign colleagues about what is happening in Ukraine. In the letter, the staff of the Botanical Garden called on colleagues to publicly condemn Putin's Russian aggression against Ukraine and stressed that it is important for us to provide the support in any way - spiritual, informational, humanitarian, financial. Invoices were also sent for financial support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We would like to exspress our gratitude to the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Vasyl Lavny, as well as the Vice-Rector for Educational Work and International Relations Mykola Borys  for supporting, assisting and coordinating our actions.

On April 1, 2022, a meeting of the Academic Council of the University took place.

The Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr ZAGORSKY reported on the activities of the University during the martial law.

The rector of the university thanked the staff for the coordinated work and noted that the university administration has taken all possible measures to ensure the functioning of the university during the legal regime of martial law:

- holidays from February 28 to March 21, 2022 were announced for students, and appropriate changes were made to the schedule of the educational process;

- measures have been taken to ensure the protection of participants in the educational process of employees and property of the university;

- a shelter was prepared for the evacuation of participants in the educational process and university staff;

- established round-the-clock duty of management staff to maintain the functioning of the university in a special period;

- a self-defense unit of the university was formed to strengthen the protection of its objects and property, as well as to prevent acts of sabotage.

Rector of the University, Professor Zagorsky offered to help our heroic soldiers financially – to raise funds from the university staff and transfer them to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Employees of the University and the Technological College collected and sent medicines, food, made money transfers to bank accounts to purchase the necessary military ammunition. A number of staff members have provided assistance to military units in which their colleagues are defending our country from the Russian occupiers. Extremely important work is carried out by the staff of our university in the framework of volunteering activities, which have established the provision of significant humanitarian assistance to foreign partners: Romania; Germany; Switzerland; Poland.

The rector informed that the university had received more than 50 letters of support and solidarity from foreign colleagues and friends, in which they expressed concern and condemned the act of aggression of the Russian Federation.

From March 21 at the university in a tense rhythm the educational process in a remote mode proceeds.

The first vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, Professor Mykola ADAMOVSKY reported on the organization and conduct of the educational process in the spring semester and the end of the 2021/2022 academic year.

The university gives the opportunity to provide educational services to higher educational students were forced to move from areas of active hostilities.

. An official page has been created on the website of the university, where applicants can apply for consultations and fill in the registration form for the opportunity to study at the university.

Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee, Associate Professor Mykhailo BURDYAK reported on the career guidance work of the university staff and internal academic mobility for higher education students from areas of active hostilities.

Vice-rector for scientific work, Professor Vasyl LAVNY reported on the work for 2021 of specialized scientific councils of the university:

The Academic Council of the University also approved a number of legal documents of the university, and recommended the publication of several manuscripts.

dudak2dudak 1In the battle for Ukraine with the Russian occupiers on April 1, 2022 in Luhansk region the Associate Professor of sawmilling, carpentry and wood construction, PhD Yuriy DADAK was killed. He was a famous poet, public figure and founder of the literary and educational project (poetic pseudo – Yuriy Ruf).

On the first day of the large-scale war, Yuriy joined the 24th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Yuriy DADAK was born on September 26, 1980 in Brzezany, Ternopil Region. He grew up in Lviv. He completed his general education in 1997 at Lviv Lyceum №93, and higher education at Ukrainian National Forestry University in 2002 with a degree in Woodworking Technology, obtaining the qualification of engineer-technologist. After graduating from the university, in 2008 he defended his dissertation thesis on "Improving the efficiency of dust collection in the processing of wood and wood materials" for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.23.06 Technology of woodworking, furniture and wood products. He graduated from the doctoral program, worked on completing his doctoral dissertation.

Since 2011 he has been an Associate Professor of the Department of Sawmilling Technologies, Joinery and Wooden Construction Products of Ukrainian National Forestry University. In his scientific work he focused on the development of scientifically sound standards for wood consumption in wooden houses, the scientific basis of capture and separation of waste in the processes of mechanical wood processing, effective processes of cleaning emissions of woodworking enterprises from wood dust.

From 2008 to 2014 he was a Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Technology for Academic Affairs (now – Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technology and Design). At a high scientific and methodological level he taught disciplines for students of the institute.

Yuriy Dadak carried out active educational and public activities. In 2010 he initiated the creation of the competition "Actual Patriotic Art" at the University (since 2015 - the Festival "Actual Patriotic Art"), which was actively attended first by students of design, and later by other students of the university. In 2015, Yuriy Dadak founded the NGO "Literary and Educational Project "Spirit of the Nation". He was a regular host of the Cold Yar Festival of the Unconquered Nation.

Yuriy began writing poetry at the age of 14. He chose the pseudonym "Yuriy Ruf" in 2011, when the collection "Crimson Lyrics" was being prepared for publication. He considered his poetry one of the types of poetic propaganda of patriotism, in which UKRAINE AND UKRAINIANS are glorified as a proud STATE AND NATION. He was one of the artists whose work promoted patriotic education, increased morale, motivated and sharpened the sense of national dignity.

During the poet's lifetime, a number of collections of his poems were published, including: "Crimson lyrics" (2012), "Time of the Revolution" (2014), "At the turn of the ages" (2015), "Vanilla or steel?!" (2022). Yuriy's poems were also included in the Ukrainian contemporary nationalist poetry collections “Voice of Blood” (2013) and “Echoes of Lead Thunder” (2015).

In particular, the collection "At the turn of the ages" (2015) is dedicated to Ukrainian heroes of the current Russian-Ukrainian war and contains poems that mention individuals, military units, Ukrainian soldiers, battles and other military events.

Yuriy Dadak's last post appeared on his Facebook page on March 19, a poem from the front line. He always glorified Ukrainian victories in his poetry, was a popularizer of everything Ukrainian and said: "Ukraine is above all."

The staff of Ukrainian National Forestry University expresses its deepest condolences his family.

Yuriy Dadak died as a HERO who defended his native Ukrainian land until his last breath.

The memory of this BRIGHT MAN, the faithful son of Ukraine will live in the hearts of everyone who knew him, as well as in his patriotic poems.




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On March 15, 2022, the staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University transferred 425,000 UAH to the account of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region (Lviv) for financial support of wounded soldiers and victims of the International Peacekeeping and Security Center.

Employees of the University and the Technological College provided assistance to the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Daniel, as well as soldiers from our team who are defending our country from the Russian aggressor on the front line. Medicines and foodstuffs were collected and sent, and money transfers were made to bank accounts to purchase the necessary military ammunition.

Our donations are a contribution to the great Victory of the Ukrainian people!

Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

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