On December 22, 2021, the first working meeting of the initiative group for the establishment of the Alumni Association of the Ukrainian National Forestry University took place. The event was attended by representatives of the university administration, four educational and research institutes and other departments of the university. The participants of the meeting shared ideas and proposals on the activities of the future organization, as well as began the preparation of constituent documents.

The idea of ​​creating the Association has long matured in our university. Finally, we feel the arrival of a good moment to unite the society of colleagues, friends and students, those who consider it an honor to call UNFU their alma mater and are ready to work together to preserve 150 years of educational traditions and mutually beneficial cooperation.

We welcome the staff and graduates of the University to submit their ideas and suggestions on the activities of the Association of Alumni of the Ukrainian National Forestry University.

image1We are pleased to announce that prof. Pavlo Bekhta became the editor of the 2nd special publication of the magazine “Polymers” (updated impact factor 4.329).

Special publication "Recent developments in Eco-Friendly field. Wood-Based Composites II".

Previous Publication: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers/special_issues/eco-friendly_wood_based_composites


1635856768065The Department of Botany, Wood Science and Non-Timber Forest Resources of UNFU since 1991 has established the Museum of Wood, which exhibits the only collection of wood in Ukraine, collected in the early XX century by Prof. Evstahiy Voloshchak, the founder of the Lviv Botanical School of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The collection contains samples of wood (transverse, radial and tangential sections) from all around the globe and belongs to the unique European and world collections. Today, the wood collection includes 2,808 species from 573 plants. The majority includes the fragments of secondary xylem of trees, shrubs and vines, but there are also samples of stems of dicotyledonous grasses and monocotyledonous plants with sclerenchymatized tissues and abnormal secondary growth.

Realizing the uniqueness of the collection, as well as its historical and botanical value for the world scientific community, the staff of the Department in cooperation with leading dendrologists of various scientific institutions seeks to promote information about it. In particular, an application was submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for recognition of this collection as a scientific object that is a national heritage.

The Museum of Wood regularly hosts excursions and meetings with scientists, students of advanced training courses, college students and schoolchildren.

1On October 28-29, 2021, the international scientific-practical conference "CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND HIGHER EDUCATION" was held, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the opening of the specialty "Management of International Activity" at the Ukrainian National Forestry University. The conference was initiated and directly organized by the Department of Management and Marketing, which was established on the basis of the Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity and the Department of Management of Organizations and Administration.

The conference was co-organized by well-known universities and organizations in Ukraine and in the world, in particular: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU KPI), Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa Polytechnic State University, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lviv Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting, Batumi University of Navigation (Batumi, Georgia), Azerbaijan University of Cooperation (Azerbaijan), Institute of Rural Development and Agriculture (Warsaw, Poland), Higher School of Economics in Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland), Poznan School of Banking (Poznan, Poland), Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE) (Umeå, Sweden), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala, Sweden), Pennsylvania State University (State College, Pennsylvania, USA).

The conference was planned to combine the traditional face-to-face format with the distant technology, however with the growing threat of a pandemic, the organizers held it exclusively in the distant form of participation.

The conference covered a number of issues, including:

  • Problems and prospects for the development of theory and practice of international business management and innovation in the context of sustainable development.
  • Current state, problems and prospects of social, political, economic integration of Ukraine, the Baltic States and the EU.
  • Challenges and prospects for the development of the educational process in the world.
  • Trends, institutional environment and problems of international cooperation in modern conditions.
  • Marketing aspects of international business.

The conference was attended online by more than 130 participants from 30 universities, including 15 professors, doctors of sciences, more than 90 PhDs, as well as graduate students from leading higher educational and research institutions, and practitioners from Ukraine, Poland, Sweden, USA, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

01LisIn the extremely difficult times that humanity is experiencing during a pandemic, live communication is gaining special importance. Therefore, the initiative from the NGO "Association of Woodworkers and Loggers of Lviv Region" received warm approval from students of Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking Technologies, Computer Science and Design of UNFU. On October 20, 2021, the company met on the territory of Rava-Ruska Forestry to do a good action – to start the life of the forest, thus supporting the all-Ukrainian environmental campaign "Creating forests together" under the auspices of the President of Ukraine. The Green Country program provides for the planting of 1 billion trees in 3 years and an increase in forest area by 1 million hectares in 10 years.

Several thousand oak saplings were planted. In 60 years, 1 hectare of such forest will emit 180-200 kg of oxygen (one tree usually produces 100-200 kg of oxygen per year – this is enough for human respiration throughout the year) and will absorb 120-280 kg of carbon dioxide from the air (also, only one tree is able to absorb as much carbon dioxide per year as the car produces during the run of 30-40 thousand km).

Students had the opportunity not only to start the process of turning fragile shoots into stout oaks and talk to teachers, but also to learn the most interesting news from potential employers, because the event was attended by woodworkers, foresters, representatives of the Lviv Regional State Administration, Ukrainian Energy LLC and LLC "TD Galkontrakt ". Preservation of the forest fund and reform of the forest industry requires a set of well-thought-out measures at all levels, so at the end of September the 3rd Timber Forum was held in Kyiv, as a result of which woodworkers and loggers sent a resolution to the Prime Minister of Ukraine. In it, entrepreneurs and industry scientists stressed that they are against lifting the moratorium on timber exports without a proper legal framework. The woodworking community believes that for the normal regulation of the market and the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the timber industry, the state must take into account the interests of direct market participants and develop optimal operating conditions.

This story encourages us to join in preserving the ecological balance of our country and the world in general. Anyone can join the action at the link https://zelenakraina.gov.ua

f BekhtaRecently, Stanford University published a list representing 2% of the most cited scientists in the world in various disciplines. It was created to provide an updated analysis and a publicly available database of leading scientists.

The list of 2% of the best scientists, which includes almost 190,000 scientists from around the world, covers 22 major areas of research, which are divided into 176 scientific specialties. Among the nearly 190,000 most influential scientists in the world is a scientist representing Ukrainian National Forestry University. Professor Pavlo Bekhta, Head of the Department of Technology of Wood Composite Materials, Cellulose and Paper, was included in the prestigious list of the most influential scientists according to the citations of 2020. In addition, prof. Pavlo Bekhta is one of the 20 best scientists in the world in his scientific specialty Forestry/Materials.


The full list of prominent scientists is available at the link.

На відкритті виставки виступає зав.каф.дизайну доц. В.Прусак

On October 1, 2020, an exhibition of paintings of the artist, senior lecturer of the UNFU Department of Design Yuriy Yamash entitled "Hutsul Vacations" was opened at the cafe-gallery "Shtuka" (8 Kotlyarska street).

13 works, thematically combined, were presented to the public. The works presented at the exhibition are the result of Yuriy Yamash's creative vacations in the Carpathians - a place with a strange natural and cultural phenomenon, which has always attracted people of art, artists, poets, directors, musicians.

Bright saturated acrylic painting by Yuriy Yamash is characterized by temperament, expressive life-affirming energy, the works are easily recognizable by strong strokes, dynamic compositions, and their emotional action is concentrated in color.

The opening of the "Hutsul Vacations" art project was attended by the curator of the exhibition, owner of the "Shtuka" cafe-gallery Yevhen Bulavin, the head of Department of Design Volodymyr Prusak, associate professor of Lviv Polytechnic National University Oleksandr Kalinichenko. Friends, colleagues, professors and students of the Department of Design of UNFU, the artistic elite of Lviv - were the first to congratulate Yuriy Yamash on the opening of his personal exhibition, as well as to be the first to evaluate his work.

Роботи Ю.ЯмашаРоботи Ю.Ямаша 2

Ю.Ямаш з колегами по кафедрі дизайнуЮрій Ямаш

uaThe ranking of Lviv universities by IT Specialties, based on the results of the 2020 admission campaign, is already updated. It was analyzed which universities were the most popular and where the entrants with the highest competitive score aspired to enter.

The first ranking of universities was published at DOU in 2016, when the opinions of students and university graduates were taken as a basis and surveys were conducted annually. But this year the methodology was changed.

New Methodology: The rating of each university was calculated based on data from Unified State Electronic Database on Education (USEDE). It was focused on the level of preparation of entrants and the popularity of specialties and calculated the rating using the average competitive score for the specialty, "weighted" by the share of applications for it in universities. For example, the university has two IT specialties with average scores of entrants of 170 and 150 points. The first specialty received 70% of all number of applications, the second - 30% of applications. If you take the arithmetic mean, you get 160 points. But this will not fully reflect the popularity / demand for specialties in higher education. Therefore, the ranking is based on "weigh" the average score of the specialty on the share of applications for the specialty. That is, in our example, the rating of the university: (170 * 0.7) + (150 * 0.3) = 164 points.

Specialties that were analyzed in ranking: "Computer Science", "Software Engineering", "Cyber security", "Computer Engineering", "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies", "Information Systems and Technologies", "System analysis", "Telecommunications and radio engineering", "Applied mathematics", "Mathematics", "Electronics", "Applied physics and nanomaterials".

Position amonginstitutions
of higher education
of Lviv region
(IT Specialties)

Position amonginstitutions
of higher education in Ukraine
(IT Specialties)

Institution of higher education of Lviv



Ukrainian Catholic University



Lviv Polytechnic National University



Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



Ukrainian National Forestry University



Lviv University of Trade and Economics



Ukrainian Academy of Printing



Lviv State University of Life Safety

International online seminar

ns2On October 6, 2020, by the initiative of rector, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yuriy Tunytsia, an international scientific seminar was held at the Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU) in cooperation with the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and the International Institute-Association of Regional Ecological Problems in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030, of the Paris Climate Agreement 2015 and the Transition Strategy of the Alternative Energy Sources. The seminar aimed to discuss the following main issues:

  • impacts of underwater gas pipelines on the environment, society and economy;
  • preconditions and prospects of development of a comprehensive integrated and transparent assessment of the impact of gas pipelines on the environment on basis of international environmental law and a broad public consensus outside the influence of political preferences;
  • expansion of the international research consortium established during the first seminar in 2019 by the signatories of the Kyiv Communiqué and outlining the strategy for further interdisciplinary research on the impacts and risks of the gas pipelines;
  • future activities for development of a system of measures and instruments for environmental policy (pro-active, preventive and compensatory) based on the principles of ecological economics and sustainable development;
  • scientific publications, press releases and other information materials based on the results of the seminar;
  • dissemination of the results of seminar taking into account the peculiarities on national and international levels.

Participants of the seminar - experts in ecological law and ecological economics, representatives of universities, research institutes and other stakeholders, as well as undergraduate students.

By the results of the seminar, Baltic Communiqué was adopted and it was underlined a general need of revision of the approaches and current practices of large-scale projects, that create various negative effects and the need for the formation of an international research consortium for the development of detailed programs of interdisciplinary researches of influence of gas pipelines on the environment, human health, energy security, economic stability, and social welfare.

2020 05 EberswalseI met Claudia Brözel the first time 2016 when I was at Eberswalde University for a stuff exchange in an Erasmus+ program. I was attending her Module “eTourism” now for four years in a row.

The setting of this Module is very interesting, because it is interactive, and the teaching aspects are very extraordinary. Claudia Brözel, as an active part of the International Federation for Travel and Technology, has direct access to the latest research in this field. She is also reviewer for the conference papers of the organization. So, she is collecting peer reviewed papers and put current topic on the list for the students. She organized the module with a huge structure list, where every student gets a paper and related papers and articles. Every student has to prepare a paper and for another student one times the minutes, which are guided with questions. In this way the participants discuss a lot of current issues from papers, but also related development and research methods. The Module always has a Motto, which is always related to the current situation or development in the research discussion. The students get not only a lot of information about the current research ideas and results, they are also diving deep in their topics and understand different methods and why researcher used it. The course follows a clear and logical structure.

The introduction Claudia Brözel is giving, follows on the one hand the idea to describe the current situation in travel technology, also the discussion and the current issues and place the topics in a scientific context.

She also starts in her introduction with a short journal paper about “how to read a paper” and gives a lot of supporting ideas and questions, that help students to deal with research papers.

This year, 2020, was the first year the Module was held online, because of the Corona restrictions. Claudia Brözel managed it very well. She invited also other students and colleagues from different countries, who vivified the discussion. She also includes Guests – mostly from the tourism industry – which makes the research mainly more concrete.

This year she did a discussion before the course and recorded it for the students, so that they could individually watch the discussion with two outstanding and well-known analysts from the industry and discuss that in class later.

I really appreciate the format and the structure of this Module and how Claudia Brözel is leading this course. The students are highly involved and mostly the discussion after a paper presentation takes places on a high level. Even with the online format mostly all students made it to motivate a short discussion.

In this Module students deal with research papers, they learn to prepare a certain topic – also with time restrictions, and they learn how research is done and what are current topics.


Deputy director of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Ecological Economics and Management Alexander Adamovsky

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