IMG fd064cd55d375ff964a2535396958b1c VUkrainian vyshyvanka is the genetic code of a Ukrainian, a talisman, and a symbol of the unity of the nation. The women have been embroidering since childhood and sincerely believe that every pattern on an embroidered cloth, towel, or napkin is a real, effective charm and a real genetic code of the nation. At a time when Ukrainians, as a nation, are fighting for their right to exist in a hellish struggle, the vyshyvanka has become a bright symbol of Ukraine, recognizable all over the world.

On August 17, 2022, at the Ukrainian National Forestry University, a master class on making pendants of patriotic colors for the Independence Day of Ukraine was held under the leadership of Iryna Syd. All pendants were then exchanged for funds for the needs of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo. We are grateful to everyone who joined our initiative! A separate thank you to Iryna Syd, who bought all the necessary materials for her own costs and made 20 pendants!

We are grateful to all for the donated funds and purchased pendants. A total amount of UAH 2,800 was collected. These funds have already been transferred to volunteer Olga Tesliak (on Facebook @Olga Tesliak) for the needs of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo, in which our colleague, associate professor of Ukrainian National Forestry University Yuriy Dadak, fought and died. Bright memory to all the heroes!

We will continue to raise funds. Those who wish to contribute with funds or purchase handmade pendants, please contact the organizer of the event Iryna Bogachuk (+380916122871). Together we will win!

18.09.22The staff of Ukrainian National Forestry University is celebrating Forest Workers' Day with special awe and high spirits!

Over the 150 years of its existence, the University has produced more than one generation of successful forestry workers who take care of the natural wealth of our country, which has an important ecological and economic significance. Society has always respected people who linked their fate with the forest and its inexhaustible resources.

We wish everyone involved in this holiday insurmountable vital energy, the realization of all ideas and the projects, professional achievements, and daily positivity so that luck and success will be your constant companions! Peace to all of us and victory!

IMG 0258Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor VOLODYMYR ZAGORSKY, and the entire scientific and pedagogical staff and students of the University congratulate their colleagues from the Transcarpathian Forestry Technical College on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the educational institution!

On this occasion, on September 15, 2022, the rector of the University took part in a solemn meeting to express his gratitude and present awards to educators, teachers, and dedicated employees for the essential work of training highly qualified specialists in the forestry industry.

"Your college takes a worthy place among the professional educational institutions of our country, we are proud of the organization of professional training and the introduction of European approaches to education, which we can see in the students' achievements.

Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes for creative inspiration and success! May your experience and professionalism, creative and intellectual potential continue to strengthen our state, and your graduates support the authority of the Transcarpathian Forestry Technical College with good deeds! I wish you inspiration, tireless desire to implement the bravest projects, and significant achievements in professional activity!

Preserve and multiply the traditions of your "Alma Mater"!" - the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University VOLODYMYR ZAGORSKY addressed the staff of the College.

More about the event:

image1rufC:\Users\shepa\Downloads\IMG_0408.JPGOn September 11, we commemorate 200 days since the start of Russia's full-scale war against the Ukrainian people, 200 days of courageous resistance, suffering, tears, and indomitable heroism of the Defenders of Ukraine.

The best sons and daughters of Ukraine stood up for the defense of their native land in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. With weapons in their hands, they are fighting for the independence and territorial integrity of our Ukraine.

Many soldiers gave their lives for Ukraine, for each of us. Among them is Yuriy Dadak (Yuriy Ruf), associate professor at the Ukrainian National Forestry University. Our colleague Yuriy is a legend of Ukrainian nationalism, a fighter for justice, a poet, a teacher, and a youth mentor.

We bow our heads to the bright memory of Yuriy, and to all the Heroes who died for the freedom of Ukraine. We express our sincere condolences to the parents and families of the Heroes. We bow to you and sincerely respect you for raising such strong-spirited sons-warriors and defenders of our State. May heaven bless and embrace you in your grief, and give you the strength to survive this unspeakable loss.

We express our eternal bow and sincere words of gratitude to all our Defenders.

Thank you, our soldiers, for protecting Ukraine!

Thank you for a quiet and peaceful night!

Thank you, our Angels!

May God protect you!


auto curse

The Department of Forestry Machines announces the admission for category B driver courses. The deadline for submitting applications and documents is September 12, 2022.


For more information, contact:

  • 0677866015 Olga 
  • 0977474991 Volodymyr

1korpClasses are held in the university offline:

  • from September 15, 2022 (for 1st year bachelor students);
  • from October 3, 2022 (for 1st year master students).


Education of bachelors (2nd-4th courses) and masters (2nd course) is conducted remotely from September 1, 2022.

S1760017On August 31, 2022, the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi held a meeting of the Academic Council and introduced the new Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the University, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Olga Vanivska.

After the chairman's opening speech, a minute of silence was announced in honor of the head of the Department of Forest Crops and Forest Breeding, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Mykola Huz’, who passed away on July 20, 2022 at the age of 70, and Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, Economic Theory and Law , longtime dean of the Faculty of Economics (2000-2014), doctor of economic sciences, professor Yaroslav Kulchytskyi, who passed away on August 30, 2022, at the age of 71.

At the meeting, certificates of academic titles and diplomas of honor were awarded. Serhiy Hayda, professor of the Department of Furniture and Wood Products Technology, received a certificate of the academic title of professor. Certificates of academic titles of associate professor were awarded to: Iryna Boretska, associate professor of the Department of Information Technologies; Volodymyr Kryshtapovych, associate professor of the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies; Ihor Rudko, associate professor of the Department of Forestry Production and Forest Roads; Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, associate professor of the Department of Forestry Production and Forest Roads.

For many years of conscientious work at the Ukrainian National Forestry University, effective work in organizing the educational process and research activities, fruitful international cooperation, public activity, and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birthday, an honorary diploma was awarded to acting Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, Professor Ion Dubovich.

In accordance with the agenda of the Academic Council, the Rector of Ukrainian National Forestry University Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi reported about the results of the administration's work during the holiday period; the vice-rector for educational work and international relations, associate professor Mykola Borys, reported about the organization of the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.

The participants discussed the raised issue and made a decision: to take note of the information from the report and to organize the educational process of university higher education applicants in the autumn semester of the 2022-2023 academic year in accordance with the schedule of the educational process in compliance with the conditions of martial law.

The directors of the educational and scientific institutes reported on the training plans for the university's specialties for the 2022-2023 academic year. The members of the Academic Council paid special attention to this issue and, in accordance with the official statements of the directors of educational and scientific institutes and heads of departments, decided to approve the training plans for students for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The issue of the structure of the educational and scientific institutes was also considered at the meeting. After detailed discussions, the members of the Academic Council made the following decisions to form a Department of Public Management and Administration within the Educational and Scientific Institute of Environmental Economics and Management; and to form a Department of Information Systems and Computer Modelling within the Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design through the division of the existing Department of Information Technologies.

Among other issues discussed by the Academic Council there were the composition of the University Academic Council, granting the right to carry out scientific supervision of the training of graduate and Ph.D. students; the report of the head of the editorial and publishing center about the recommendation to print the collection of scientific works "Scientific Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine". At the end of the meeting, the chairman of the Academic Council, Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi thanked for the active discussion and effective decision-making, and congratulated all on the beginning of the academic year.

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the great national holidays - the Day of the State Flag and the 31st anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine!

This year's celebrations, unfortunately, are overshadowed by the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and the bloody war. The hostilities are taking place in the eastern and southern territories of Ukraine, the infrastructure and economy of our country have suffered enormous damage. The cities and villages, enterprises and educational institutions have been destroyed, and the worst thing is the numerous victims among the civilian population, hundreds of thousands of forced refugees!

The years of our country's independence became a test of maturity, tolerance, endurance and patriotism for all of us. However, we demonstrated to the whole world that Ukraine, with its rich history and culture, melodious language and hardworking people, emerged as a sovereign state capable of affirming democratic values and protecting freedom. We have a lot to be proud of!

In honor of the centuries-old history of Ukrainian statehood, the state symbols of independent Ukraine, and with the aim of raising citizens' respect for the state symbols of Ukraine, Ukraine annually celebrates the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine on August 23, and the Independence Day of Ukraine on August 24.

Throughout historical achievements, the blue-yellow flag became a symbol of the struggle for the national and social rights of the Ukrainian people. The hearts of all Ukrainians stop beating when the national flag is raised. It embodies age-old aspirations for peace, work, beauty and wealth of the native land. Under our glorious flag, three proclamations of Ukrainian statehood took place: in 1917, 1941 and 1990, and three modern revolutions, and now a war is being waged against the invaders.

IMG 20220823 090839Today, appreciating what the Ukrainian land has given us, remembering the heroes who gave their lives for it, we must move forward - to the creation of a powerful European state, so that the whole world knows that the blue-yellow flag is a guarantee of stability and freedom, and our descendants were proud of the achievements of their ancestors. The State Flag as a symbol of the country is the embodiment of national unity, honor and dignity, state-building traditions, history and the present.

Today we are already celebrating the 31st anniversary of Independence, since the age-old hopes of our people have come true - to be full-fledged owners of our God-given Ukrainian land, we are choosing our independence, our fateful European choice. We bow our heads low to the memory of the heroic fighters of current and past generations who gave their lives for the Independence and peaceful future of our country. Without a doubt, we will persevere and win in the fierce struggle with the aggressor, because the truth is behind us!

On this glorious day of Independence, in the heart of every Ukrainian patriot, the August blue sky and the yellow-hot grain fields merge into the colors of our Ukrainian state flag - a symbol of freedom and work of a free man on a free land.

On the occasion of these significant and dear to our heart holidays, I sincerely congratulate the university staff, especially grateful to the forest technicians who now with weapons in their hands courageously defend our country at the front, who are selflessly engaged in volunteering, helping Ukrainian soldiers, as well as those who, with their tireless work in the rear, provide life activity of the country. I wish everyone a peaceful sky above their heads, endurance and courage, success in all our aspirations for VICTORY!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

     With best wishes and hopes,                                                                                                               Rector Volodymyr ZAGORSKYI

Фото 9Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing Yuliya Shvediuk and student of the MZEDz-51 group Solomiia Salabai together with students of the Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development under the leadership of Professor Dr. Pierre Ibish participated in the educational practice as part of the implementation of the scientific project "Transnational Biosphere Forests 2022 - Cooperative learning in UNESCO biosphere regions for conflict prevention and sustainable transformation" from July 31 to August 17, 2022, which this year was held in Romania.

Teachers, students and tour organizers traveled from Berlin to Bucharest through Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. First, a group stopped for the night at a campsite near Budapest (Hungary), tasted local cuisine, talked and discussed future plans. The first acquaintance with Romania took place at the Richita nature study center together with the representatives of the Carpathia foundation. The next day, there was hiking to the Poiana Tamas Wilderness Camp, where there was a meeting with rangers who provided the excursion and talked about the results of their scientific research on the population of wild animals (bears, bison, wolves, etc.) in the Pietra Craiului National Park. During the tour together with Prof. Pierre Ibis students discussed the problems of forestry in the region, met with the head of the Carpathia Foundation, visited a presentation of key aspects of their activities, including the development of education, tourism and recreation, the specifics of cooperation with the local population, support of local farmers in creating an association of entrepreneurs, provision of consulting services etc. The discussion included the specifics of restoration of indigenous stands, monitoring of wild animal populations, increase of biodiversity, expansion of nature protection territories and gaps in the legislation regarding the assignment of the status of the object of the nature reserve fund to individual forest areas. Students actively participated in the discussion, formulated interesting questions and voiced their own proposals for expanding the foundation's activities.

The next day was dedicated to climbing the mountains, an excursion with an arborist, discussion of the problem of clearcutting in the mountainous area, the reasons for the drying of forest plantations and the consequences of massive damage to stands due to storm surges and wind avalanches. In addition, the group was lucky to meet local shepherds who shared their own recipes and technologies for making different types of cheese. In the evening there was a traditional dinner, tasting of traditional Romanian dishes, live communication, singing of folk songs by the fire, exchange of traditions and culture.

On August 5, the group visited the city of Bresoi and the Cozia National Park, got acquainted with the beech forests together with the director of the park, Mr. Pavel Prundurel, listened to a lecture by Professor Pierre Ibish, and was invited to the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the creation of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Beech Primeval Forests of the Carpathians.

On August 7, there was a tour of the city of Sibiu, a visit to the national museum, in particular the Palatul Brukenthal and Galeria de Arta, a discussion of the prospects for the development of tourism and recreation in the region with the local administration. The next day, a visit to the Cozia National Park, a lecture by colleagues from the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve Vasyl Pokynchereda and Iryna Jonash, exploration of beech primeval forests. A farewell evening by the fire in the city of Bresoi, a meeting with a representative of the National Historical Museum of Bucharest, an introduction to the history of Romania, legends of the origin of the city, stories of local residents, the peculiarities of climbing the Romanian Carpathians and the preparation of traditional Ukrainian cuisine by the participants of the excursion from the UNFU, CBR and NTU in Kyiv.

The next day, the group travelled to the city of Galati, had an excursion to the Macin Mountains National Park by ferry across the Danube River. Visiting the information center, sightseeing tour to the valley of beech forests through the mountain massifs of nature-reserved areas with the director of the park, Mr. Viorel Rossa. In the evening, there was a wine tour with traditional Romanian wines. Also, a trip to the city of Tulcea, a meeting with various groups of stakeholders, including the director of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Mrs. Viorica Basca, director of the RomSILVA forestry enterprise Mr. Costel Peteu and researchers of the Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development Mrs. Liliana Ene and Mr. Gabriel Wpu. Transfer by boat to the city of Sulina with a visit to the forest area of poplar and willow exploitation forests, familiarization with the peculiarities of forestry management in the territory of the biosphere reserve. 

The next day, a boat trip to the Letea Forest, a core zone of the Danube Delta biosphere reserve, an excursion with a forester to a nature conservation area, observing wildlife objects. Visiting the information center of the biosphere reserve in Sulina, getting acquainted with the cultural heritage of Romania, the history of the city, the economic situation in the region and the problems of tourism development. Hiking along the Black Sea coast, observing natural ecosystems, canoeing.

The educational practice ended with a joint meeting of all participants on the Black Sea coast, a discussion of the trip, feedback from students and recommendations for improving the situation with the development of the nature-protected territories in Romania, prospects for tourism and recreation, finding a balance between preserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem services and developing tourism , that is, achieving the maximum socio-ecological-economic effect as a response to global challenges, including the climate change. Farewell dinner, thanks to Professor Pierre Ibis and organizers Angela Dihte and Danielo Ojeda de Vicente. A trip to Germany and the opportunity to spend a day in Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

The staff of the Department of Management and Marketing express their sincere thanks to Professor Dr. Pierre Ibish for many years of cooperation and hope that students from the Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development will have the opportunity next year to visit Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Forestry University, the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, biosphere reserve "Rostochchia" and discover the indescribable beauty of Ukraine. The students of UNFU are welcomed to actively participate in the educational excursion, exchange knowledge and experience, get acquainted with the cultures of other countries and popularize the beauty and enormous natural capital and wealth of our country.

IMG 0867In order to maintain sports shooting skills and raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on August 13, 2022, an open championship of the district in bench shooting among owners of smoothbore hunting weapons was held on the basis of the Mykolaiv Hunting and Fishing Farm of the district organization of the Ukrainian Society of Hunters and Fishermen.

The organizer of the competition is Mykhailo Adam, the head of the Mykolaiv hunting and fishing industry of the district organization. The event was held with the support and participation of fighters of the NGO "Mykolaiv Self-Defense", as well as the head of the Lviv Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Society of Hunters and Fishermen Roman Uglyar, Oleg Nastasyak (member of the presidium of the NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Hunters and Hunting Grounds Users") , Bohdan Vynohradskyi (master of sports in archery, head of the Department of shooting and technical sports, doctor of sciences in physical education and sports, professor of Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture), Ivan Deleghan (candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of the Forestry Department of the Ukrainian National Forestry University).

In the open championship, more than ten teams of hunters participated. The winners received valuable prizes and certificates. At the end of the competition, individual stand shooting for owners of smoothbore hunting weapons and a charity auction were held to raise funds for the purchase of a drone for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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