behta logobehtaDear educational community of the Ukrainian National Forestry University! We are pleased to inform you that at the end of the year, among the top 2% of the world's most cited scientists, 14 scientists from the Lviv region were included in the ranking of the most influential scientists, among which one of the first places belongs already for the second time in a row to a doctor of technical sciences, professor, Academician of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Technologies of Wood Composite Materials, Celulose, and Paper Pavlo Antonovych Bekhta.

This is a traditional annual rating conducted by the publishing company Elsevier with the support of ICSR Lab (Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators) based on profiles of scientists on Scopus. A total of 108 Ukrainians from almost 190,000 scientists from all over the world got into this list.

We are proud of the achievements of our colleague in the world scientific space and sincerely congratulate Professor Pavlo Bekhta on his high achievements!




According to the rector's order dated September 2, 2022. No. 155 the classes are held in classrooms from October 18, 2022. (Bachelor students of the 1st year; Master students of the 1st year).

Bachelor students of the 2nd-4th year and master students of the 2nd year study remotely.

IMG 0988The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is a national holiday of Ukraine, celebrated annually on October 14, together with the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, and the Day of the Creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. This is a holiday for everyone who at different times gave their strength, knowledge, and professionalism to the defense of our state.

Today, on the 233rd day of the war, we honor the Ukrainian heroes and heroines who defended and are currently defending Ukraine and its people from the full-scale invasion of Russia.

Sincere gratitude and a low bow to those who courageously and selflessly stand in line to preserve the independence of Ukraine and restore its territorial integrity by defeating the aggressor, the terrorist country. Among the staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, many heroes joined the defense of our state, in particular: Rostyslav Kupchik, Hryhoriy Noshchenko, Stepan Portakh, Vasyl Solonynka, Vasyl Taras, Bohdan Feshanych, Vasyl Khodzinsky, Viktor Sytnyk, Rostyslav Buzilo, Vasyl Gul, Roman Mydlyk, Mykola Volosko, Artur Semen.

We wish our defenders Cossack health, endurance, stability, success at the front, and victory, may the Mother of God protect everyone! We are proud of you and grateful to you and we are waiting for you at our native Forestry University!

We also commemorate the fallen heroes, we bow our heads in sorrow for those who gave their lives for the value ​​of freedom, deep respect for their immortal feat. The community of our University observes a minute of silence in honor of fallen heroes-forest engineers: Yuriy Dadak, Igor Izhik, Volodymyr-Vasyl Kulyan, Yuriy Onisyk, Sashka Kapinos, Igor Peron, Volodymyr Savchyn, Andriy Hankevich, and others. Heroes do not die…

The memory of the fallen compatriots will always be in our hearts.

Today, Ukrainian defenders represent the heroism and courage of soldiers of many generations, soldiers of different countries - all those who for centuries defended the ideals of freedom, defended statehood, and fought for independence.

Congratulations to everyone who holds the high title of defender of Ukraine! We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their service and protection!

Thank you, DEFENDERS, for protecting Ukraine!

The 233rd day of the war...

311142067 537915681670374 2185579324610046325 nCreative links between museum workers and artists of Kharkiv and Lviv have a good history of relations. These are exhibition projects, Plein airs, scientific and practical conferences, exchange of art history literature. Among the most active creative "links" between our cities is Yuriy Yamash from Lviv, a participant in Plein-air exhibitions in the Kharkiv region, and the author of scientific and artistic studies about I. Trush, H. Semiradskyi, and others, well known in Kharkiv Art Museum, Professor Volodymyr Prusak, who currently works at the Design Department of UNFU. Experienced designers and digital artists, the graphic design teachers showed their professional performance and public attitude to the events taking place in Ukraine with their works, also involving their students in poster art as a powerful means of resistance to Russian aggression.

Nowadays, graphics, especially its computer version, is gaining popularity again, due to the events in Ukraine caused by Russian aggression. It returns the sharpness of the reaction, and the dynamics of the transmission of events, as a mobile and topical genre. The exhibition of the anti-war poster by Y. Yamash and the UNFU students is a kind of artistic diary of the war, starting in 2014, the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of part of Donbas.

The works are different in figurative and stylistic performance, compositional structure, and metaphorical, semantic, and symbolic content. The military component, embodied in the daily victorious work of our Armed Forces (and war, according to the words of one of the literary characters, is the most difficult work in the world), is combined with the lyrical-epic image of the Motherland, full of various emotional moods, where faith and hope for victory still prevail. The authors of the posters pay special attention to the state symbols of Ukraine, affirming the inviolability of its territorial integrity and borders. In some posters, the authors "include" telling pictorial quotations - the sculpture of David by Michelangelo holds a monolithic block with the outline of Ukraine, the Zaporozhian Cossacks mercilessly repulse the enemies, a shamrock breaks through the earth's crust as a symbol of an unconquered nation and its immortal people. The traditions of political satire and grotesque-caricature depiction of the enemy are embodied in many posters. "Russian peace" is insidious "matryoshka dolls" with a cruel filling, "potato beetles" that brazenly climb onto our fields and land, turning it into a desert, "Peacemaker" in a wreath, where instead of laurels there are bullets, and the expected bread and salt are replaced by"candy" grenades and other ammunition. The poster exhibition of the students and teachers testified not only the personal attitude to the war as the greatest crime against humanity, passed through the soul and heart, but also the creative assimilation of the traditions of national graphics, and its patriotic orientation.

English-language poster titles and appeals introduce these works into the world's political context and contribute to their distribution and popularization. Allusions to the Hutsul martial dance "Arkan", similar to the Zaporizhzhia "Hopak", are evoked by the poster with the image of a fraternal circle of our fighters, armed not only with automatic weapons but also with friendly support and mutual assistance.

IMG 0757 logoIMG 0757As part of a working visit to the Lviv region on October 6, a delegation of the Union of the Ukrainians in Romania visited the Ukrainian National Forestry University.

Rector of the University, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zagorsky, together with First Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Oleksandr Sushinskyi, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and International Relations, Associate Professor Mykola Borys, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, IMG 0840Professor Vasyl Lavniy, Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, Professor Ion Dubovich and Head of the Department of International Relations Khrystyna Vasylyshyn had the honor to talk with the guests and express their gratitude to the President of the Union of the Ukrainians of Romania, a member of the Parliament of Romania, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of Romania on the issue of Culture, Art and Mass media Nicolae Miroslav Petrețchi for the initiated cooperation, provision of humanitarian aid and other assistance to citizens of Ukraine, in particular to the Lviv region.

Members of the delegation talked about their activities to create all the conditions to ensure the right of Ukrainians in Romania to receive education in their native language and to maintain traditions and cultural values because the Ukrainian community ranks third among the national minorities of Romania.

As the President of the Union of the Ukrainians in Romania, Nicolae Miroslav Petrețchi noted, there is a lack of scientific and pedagogical workers for the implementation of educational programs who will be able to provide high-quality teaching of disciplines in the Ukrainian language, and he also expressed interest in holding work meetings, conferences, seminars, consultations and providing practical assistance. To establish cooperation, representatives of the foreign delegation and the University discussed opportunities for joint projects in the field of educational and scientific activities as well as planned further steps for strategic partnership and academic mobility.

At the end of the meeting, the Rector of the University Volodymyr Zagorsky thanked the guests and presented the Honorary Certificate of the Ukrainian National Forestry University to the President of the Union of the Ukrainians in Romania for his personal contribution to the organization of humanitarian aid to Ukrainians and the establishment of educational and scientific cooperation.

The Rectorate of the Ukrainian National Forestry University sincerely congratulates the staff of the Scientific and Technical Library of UNFU on the All-Ukrainian Library Day!

Your work deserves a lot of gratitude and respect! We wish your creativity, good health, inspiration, indomitable vital energy, daily positivity, the realization of all ideas and the most daring projects.

Let life be full of interesting events and pleasant moments, joy and love, faithful friends and reliable colleagues will always be by your side!

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Dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the happy day of education workers!

Traditionally, on the first Sunday of October, we celebrate the holiday of people who chose a profession according to the vocation, those to whom we are especially grateful for wisdom and knowledge, for care, for the ability to open the world of knowledge to young people, to teach them to live according to the principles of goodness and conscience, for the desire to help find their place in life.

Dear educational community of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, I am grateful to you for your daily painstaking work, I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that the University, with its enormous potential, will be able to show itself worthily in the near future! I wish you professional success and talented students, may luck accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life!

I wish each of us this one long-awaited victory, which every Ukrainian dreams of, and many small life victories for the realization of all ideas and plans!

Best regards, rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr ZAGORSKY

image1 18.10Викладачі кафедри лісових машин ННІ ІМАКІТ НЛТУ України завідувач кафедри лісових машин, доцент Стиранівський Олег Андрійович та асистент кафедри лісових машин Щупак Андрій Львович з 10 по 14 жовтня 2022 року брали участь у програмі академічного обміну Erasmus+ (KA1) в Університеті в Любляні (Словенія, м. Любляна). Цей обмін відбувся згідно підписаної міжуніверситетської угоди між Національним лісотехнічним університетом України та Університетом в Любляні. До слова, це вже друге стажування викладачів в Любляні у рамках програми «Еразмус+» з 2018 року.

Викладачі кафедри лісових машин мали можливість ознайомитися зі структурою Біотехнологічного факультету, програмами курсів для підготовки студентів першого та другого рівнів, обговорити розширення подальшої співпраці, зокрема програми стажування викладачів і студентів із заступником декана Біотехнологічного факультету професором Матеушом Міхелічем та професором кафедри лісової техніки та економіки Ігорем Поточніком. Відбулася робоча поїздка разом з інженером лісового господарства Державної лісової служби Словенії Тіною Міхеліч в общинах Хорюл і Жажар для ознайомлення з технологіями і  технічним забезпеченням лісогосподарських підприємств. 

behta logobehtaШановна освітянська спільното Національного лісотехнічного університету України, з приємністю повідомляємо, що за підсумками року у топ-2% найцитованіших науковців світу 14 вчених Львівської області потрапили у рейтинг найвпливовіших науковців, серед яких одне з перших місць вже вдруге поспіль займає доктор технічних наук, професор, академік Лісівничої Академії Наук України, завідувач кафедри технологій деревинних композиційних матеріалів, целюлози і паперу Бехта Павло Антонович. 

Це є традиційний щорічний рейтинг, який проводить видавнича компанія Elsevier за підтримки ICSR Lab (Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators) на основі профілів вчених на Scopus. Усього в цей список потрапило 108 українців із майже 190 000 науковців з усього світу. 

Пишаємося здобутками нашого колеги у світовому науковому просторі і щиро вітаємо з високими досягненнями професора Бехту Павла Антоновича!

З повагою та найкращими побажаннями


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День захисників і захисниць України – державне свято України, що відзначається щорічно 14 жовтня, разом зі святом Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці, Днем Українського козацтва та Днем створення Української повстанської армії. Це свято кожного, хто в різний час віддав свої силу, знання та професіоналізм справі захисту нашої держави.

Саме сьогодні, у 233-й день війни, вшановуємо українських героїв та героїнь, які захищали і захищають нині Україну, її народ від повномасштабного вторгнення росії.

Щира вдячність і низький уклін тим, хто мужньо і самовіддано тримає стрій за збереження незалежності України та відновлення її територіальної цілісності шляхом перемоги над агресором, країною-терористом. Серед колективу Національного лісотехнічного університету України є чимало героїв, які долучилися на захист нашої держави, зокрема: Ростислав Купчик, Григорій Нощенко, Степан Портах, Василь Солонинка, Василь Тарас, Богдан Фешанич, Василь Ходзінський, Віктор Ситник, Ростислав Бузило, Василь Гуль, Роман Мидлик, Микола Волоско, Артур Семен.

Бажаємо нашим захисникам козацького здоров’я, витримки і стійкості, успіхів на фронті і перемоги, хай Покровом Божа Матір огортає кожного! Пишаємося Вами, дякуємо і чекаємо у рідному Лісотехнічному!

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