Bogdan Kshyvetskyy, prof., |
79057, Lviv, 11 Zaliznyaka st., room 36 |
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+38(032) 238 44 99 |
tzns.old.nltu.edu.ua |
Head of the Department,
Doctor of Engineering Science, prof.
Bogdan Kshyvetskyy
The Department of Environmental Protection Technologies, Wood Protection Techniques, and Social Communications was established as part of the Educational and Research Institute of Woodworking Technologies and Design in November 2017 as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Wood Drying Schedules and Wood Protection and the Department of Life Safety.
The Department of Wood Drying Schedules and Wood Protection Techniques was established in 1947 as the Department of Sawmilling and Wood Drying. Four disciplines were taught: lumber-conversion technology; wood drying; occupational safety and health; patent science. Under this name, the Department existed until 1975. The Heads of the Department were associate professors K.V. Lutsevych, M.S. Yefremov, I.I. Mikheev, K.S. Khudin, V.A. Knysh. Then the main cycles of disciplines were taught at different departments. Since 2011, the Department had been operating under the name Wood drying schedules and Wood Protection Techniques.
The Department of Life Safety was established in 2001. Assoc. prof. V.S. Dzhygyrey, PhD in Engineering Sciences, was elected as the Head of the Department, and since August 2008 the Department had been headed by prof. I.M. Ozarkiv, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.
- Bogdan Kshyvetskyy, Head of the Department, Doctor of Engineering Science, prof:
- Ihor M. Ozarkiv, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
- Yosyp V. Andrashek, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor;
- Yuriy M. Huber, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor;
- Ihor V. Petryshak, PhD (Engineering) Associate Professor;
- Halyna V. Somar, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor;
- Victor M. Storozhuk, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor;
- Ihor A. Sokolovskyi, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor;
- Tetyana V. Olyanyshen, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor;
- Vasyl S. Kozar, Assistant lecturer;
- Zhanna Ya. Humenyuk, Assistant lecturer;
- Olexandra M. Kushpit, Assistant lecturer.
Bachelor Programs:
- 183 Environmental protection technologies
- 187 Woodworking technologies and furniture production techniques
Master programs:
- 187 Woodworking technologies and furniture production techniques
(specialization: Woodworking Technologies)
- Fundamentals drying of the wood
- Environmentally clean power production and resource-saving technologies.
- Functional research on the most important problems of the natural, social and human sciences, preservation of the environment.
- Development of the theory of eco-energy-saving processing of wood and wood materials.
Within the framework of these areas, the following investigations are carried out at the Department:
- theoretical basis for the use of unconventional and renewable sources of thermal energy in the timber industry;
- vibro-acoustic modes of woodworking and furniture-making enterprises;
- anthropogenic and technogenic impact on the environment;
- methods of ensuring the safety of life in emergency situations;
- equipment and technologies for bio-fire protection of wood and wooden structures, as well as wooden house-building elements;
- research of gluing processes of wood and wood materials, prediction of their trength and durability;
- research and development of advanced energy- and material-saving technologies as well as modern equipment in the processes of drying, thermal and protective reatment of wood.