Department of Physical Education



Mykola Slavik, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
Tel: +38 (032) 258-42-07
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79057, Lviv, 103, Gen.Chuprynky St.

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+38 (032) 258-42-07

Head of the Department,
Mykola Slavik, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

The department was established in 1947. It was headed by T.O. Yaroshevska (1948-1972), associate professors V.V. Pyzhov (1972-1980), O.D. Makhonin (1981-1992), V.V. Jump (1992-2002).

For many years of its existence, the staff of the department included famous specialists in physical education and sports, in particular: Dr. Sc., Prof. V.M.Koryagin; Assoc. Prof., Honored Coach of Ukraine P.I. Trofimyshyn; winner of international boxing competitions, master of sports of international class Y.P. Torovsky; participant of the Olympic Games in Mexico City P.A. Andreev. Under their leadership, students became winners of many national and international competitions. Particular success during training was achieved by: Master of Sports of International Athletics Class Leonid Wilgota;World Champion in Athletics, Master of Sports Victor Gural; Ukrainian boxing champion, master of sports Vladimir Bodnya; kickboxing winner Victor Zbarsky.

  1. Mykola Slavik, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof., Head of the Department
  2. V.M. Gural, University graduate, Master of Sports
  3. M.I. Sus’, Master of Sport
  4. V.I. Diak, candidate for Master of Sports
  5. E.I. Moroz, candidate for Master of Sports
  6. Yu.R. Drogomiretsky, candidate for Master of Sports
  7. R.V. Gritsay, candidate for Master of Sports
  8. A.Ya. Ilyin, candidate for Master of Sports
  9. N.P. Kobasa, assistant
  10. I.Ya. Malyarchuk, assistant
  11. D.V. Malyuga, assistant

For the last decade, staff have been working on the regional scientific issue "Improving the educational process of physical education in universities". Scientific researches are directed on improvement of educational process of the younger generation:

  • knowledge of the basics of the technique of implementation;
  • knowledge and adherence to the basics of a healthy lifestyle;
  • achievement of high sports results in the chosen field of sport.

The results of scientific research are reflected in articles, abstracts of papers at regional and international conferences. In recent years, more than 20 scientific articles have been published in Ukrainian and foreign journals. The teachers of the department manage the research work of students. In recent years, about 30 students have made presentations at university scientific and methodological conferences.

Physical education classes are provided for students of I-IV years of study. An important role in the educational process is given to the introduction of national sports. Training sessions are conducted from approximately 20 kinds of sports activities.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 09:50

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