UNFU Partners


UNFU Partners


  • Austria
    o Austrian Research Centre for Forests – BFW

  •  Azerbaijan
    o Azerbaijan Cooperation University

  •  Canada
    o Global University System Canada
    o The Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology

  • Czech Republic
    o Mendel University in Brno

  • Estonia
    o Estonian University of Life Sciences

  •  Georgia
    o National Institute of Economic Research

  • Germany
    o APOLLO e.V.
    o Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
    o Erfurt University of Applied Sciences
    o University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg
    o Technical University of Dresden
    o Technical University of Munich

  •  Great Britain
    o The James Hutton Institute
    o Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme

  •  Greece
    o International Consulting Company (European Profiles)

  •  Italy

  •  Lithuania
    o Kauno Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences

  •  Moldova
    o State Agrarian University of Moldova

  •  Poland
    o Wrocław University of Economics
    o Lodz University of Technology
    o Poznan University of Life Sciences (PULS)
    o University of Agriculture in Krakow
    o Stowarzyszenie Przedsiębiorców Leśnych
    o Polish Academy of Sciences
    o Lublin University of Technology

    o School of Economics, Law and Medical Sciences of Kielce
    o The University College of Tourism and Ecology in Sucha Beskidzka
    o The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
    o University of Life Sciences in Lublin
    o Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
    o University of Agriculture in Szczecin
    o Forest Research Institute

  •  Romania
    o Transilvania University of Brasov
    o University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca

  •  Slovakia
    o University of Economics in Bratislava
    o Technical University in Zvolen

  •  Slovenia
    o University of Ljubljana

  •  Spain
    o University of Valladolid

  •  Turkey
    o Bartın University
    o Bursa Technical University
    o Karadeniz Technical University
    o Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
    o Karabuk University

  •  USA
    o Tyson College
    o The Pennsylvania State University

  •  Sweden
    o Uppsala University
    o Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Last modified on Friday, 26 May 2023 10:25

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