Department of Applied Mechanics

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Evgen Lutyj, prof.,
Tel: +38(032) 258 42 54
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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, room 612

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 +38 (032) 258 41 59

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Head of the Department,

Evgen Lutyj

The Department of Applied Mechanics was organized in 1988 on the basis of the Departments of Structural Mechanics and Machine Details and Theory of Machines and Mechanisms.  Both departments were created as one of the first when the Lviv Forestry Institute was established in accordance with the order of rector Garuzov V.I. dated October 22, 1945.  The first head of the Department of Structural Mechanics was appointed associate professor I.F. Shabunho, who headed the department until 1961. From 1961 to 1986 the department was headed by prof. N.M.  Bela.  During the years of her work, the scientific school "Cable timber transporting" was formed at the department.  The scholars of this school, led by prof.  N.M. Bela has defended 2 doctoral and 18 PhD theses.  In 1988-1989  Acting Head of Department prof.  Martyntsiv M.P.

The Departments of Machine Details and Theory of Machines and Mechanisms were led by renowned scientists and educators.  Among them is Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Doctor of Engineering, Professor Tyr K.V., Doctor of Engineering, Professor Tinny A.N., Ph.D., Associate Professor Hoffman О. I. The first head of the Department of Applied Mechanics from 1989 to 1990  was the doctor of technical sciences, professor Tepliy M.J. Since 1991 the department has been headed by a doctor of technical sciences, professor Lutyj E.M.

  1. Oleg Holiyan, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  2. Lyubomyr Tysovskyi, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Oleksandr Udovytskyi, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Vasyl Barylyak, Ph.D., S. Lecturer.

  1. Development of suspended cable systems systems with the purpose of creating environmentally friendly technologies for the development of mountain forests.
  2. Pneumotransport systems of woodworking enterprises.

  1. Development of suspended cable systems systems with the purpose of creating environmentally friendly technologies for the development of mountain forests.


  • recommendations for the choice of design and operational parameters of cable timbertransporting plants in order to reduce the dynamic loads in their drives have been developed;
  • new dynamic models of cable timbertransporting plants drives taking into account technological features of their work were received;
  • the influence of structural and operational parameters on the magnitude and nature of the change of dynamic loads in the elements of the drive systems is established and recommendations on the choice of cable timbertransporting plants drives parameters are made.
  1. Pneumotransport systems of woodworking enterprises.


  • recommendations on the choice of design and operational parameters of the cyclone for woodworking enterprises in order to increase the operation efficiency of the unloading unit of the pneumatic system were developed;
  • new mathematical models of processes of cyclone contamination of the air and design of a new pneumatic system with advanced cyclone and unloading unit are received;
  • influence of pneumatic system hopper leakage on hydraulic resistance of cyclone and efficiency of air purification process is researched.

  1. Martyntsiv M.P., Udovytskyi O.M. Основи будівельної справи Fundamentals of constructions Підручник TEXTBOOK 2007 – 302 р.
  2. Adamovskyy M.H.,  Martyntsiv M.P., Badera J.S. Підвісні канатні лісотранспортні системи Suspended cable timbertransporting plants Навчальний посібник MANUAL 1997 – 156 p.
  3. Martyntsiv M.P., Udovytskyi O.M., Martyntsiv V.M. Основи будівельної справи Fundamentals of constructions Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2000 – 202 р.
  4. Lutyj E.M., Martyntsiv M.P., Udovytskyi O.M. Вантажопідіймальні машини Lifting machines Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2019 – 262 р.
  5. L. Tysovskyi, O. Holiyan Опір матеріалів Resistance of materials Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2018 – 254 р.
  6. Lutyj E.M., Martyntsiv M.P., Tysovskyi L.O. Елементи теорії технічних систем Elements of the theory of technical systems Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2000 – 181 p.
  7. Martyntsiv M.P., Holiyan O.M., Rudko I.M., Sokil B.I. Тестові завдання з основ будівельної справи Tests on the basics of construction Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2002 – 130 р.
  8. Martyntsiv M.P. Розрахунок основних елементів підвісних канатних лісотранспортних установок Calculation of the basic elements of suspended cable timbertransporting plants Монографія MONOGRAPH 1996. – 175 р.
  9. Lutyj E.M., Tysovskyi L.O., Dadak U.R., Liashenyk A.V. Циклони в деревообробній промисловості Cyclones in the woodworking industry Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2009 – 148 p.
  10. Martyntsiv M.P., Soloyub B.V., Matiishyn M.V. Динаміка та надійність підвісних канатних сиситем Dynamics and reliability of suspended cable systems Монографія MONOGRAPH 2010 -145 p.
  11. Lutyj E.M., Nahaev P.P., Badera J.S., Udovytskyi O.M. Транспортувальні машини Transportation machines Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2006 – 154 p.
  12. Matveev E.M., Tysovskyi L.O. Resistance of materials. Tests. Basic formulas Навчальний посібник MANUAL 2007 – 129 p.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:09

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