Department of Materials Technology and Machine Building


Volodymyr Holubets, Sc.D., Prof.
Tel: +38 (032) 258 42 37

79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, rooms 602, 310

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+38 (032) 258 42 90


Head of the Department,
ScD., Professor

Volodymyr Holubets

The Department of Descriptive Geometry and Geodesy was formed in the structure of the Lviv Forestry Institute in 1946, and in 1948 it was renamed to the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Machine Building Drawings, and later – to the Department of Engineering Graphics. In 1946-1975 the department was headed by Ph.D., Professor Oleksandr Korolevych, and from 1975 to 1988 - by Ph.D., Associate Professor Mykola Tkachenko. The Department of Engineering Graphics conducted a certain scientific and educational-methodical work aimed at initiating the cognitive activity of students in the educational and extra-curricular time. There were published one monograph, three scripts of lectures, 45 methodical developments, and defended two PhD theses.

In 1960 the Department of Materials Science was created at the Lviv Forestry Institute, which in 1964 was renamed to the Department of Materials Technology and Machine Building. From 1964 until 1986 it was headed by Sc.D., Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology Arseniy Yatsyuk, and in 1986-1988 Ph.D., Associate Professor Mykola Romanenchuk. During the period of activity of the department its staff conducted considerable educational, methodical and scientific work. One Sc.D. and nine PhD theses were defended at the department, 3 monographs, one script of lectures, 49 methodical developments and more than 100 scientific articles were published, 11 author's certificates were obtained. The department started and developed a new highly effective scientific direction - abrasive treatment of wood and wood materials with a hard abrasive tool, for the development and widespread introduction of which the department's staff Prof. A. Yatsyuk, Assoc. Prof. A. Yakubovsky and Ph.D. O. Gusti were awarded the 1984 State Prize in Science and Technology.

Since 1988, as a result of the merging of the Departments of Materials Technology and Machine Building and Engineering Graphics, the Department of Materials Technology and Engineering Graphics was created, headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Mykola Romanenchuk, from 1988 to 1993.

Since 1993, the Department of Materials Technology and Engineering Graphics has been headed by Sc.D., Professor, laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Academician of the Forestry Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Volodymyr Holubets. 11 tutorials, five monographs, 10 scripts of lectures, 85 methodological developments, 40 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, four preprints, implementation of 8 state budget scientific research works; defense of 2 Sc.D. and 11 PhD theses are completed for the department. The department has a branch research laboratory of grinding of wood and other structural materials.

In 2014, as a result of the formation of educational and scientific institutes in the structure of the university, the name of the department was clarified and further named as the Department of Materials Technology and Machine Building, the main task of which is the further improvement of the educational process, proper methodological provision of educational activities, intensification of scientific and research work, and training of scientific personnel.

  1. Volodymyr Holubets, Sc.D., Prof.
  2. Ivan Honchar, D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Oleksandr Hasiy, D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Volodymyr Stepanyshyn, D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Lyubov Salapak, Sen. Lecturer

Bachelor Programs:

022 Design:


  • Descriptive Geometry
  • Technical Drawing and Engineering Graphics

131 Applied Mechanics:


  • Descriptive Geometry
  • Engineering and Computer Graphics
  • Technology of Structural Materials and Materials Science
  • Treatment and Surface Hardening of Structural Materials
  • Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurement
  • Technology of Machine Building
  • Constructions and Calculations of Machine-Tools
  • Technology of Structural Materials and Materials Science Educational Practical Training

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


  • Descriptive Geometry
  • Engineering and Computer Graphics
  • Technology of Structural Materials and Materials Science
  • Surface Hardening of Materials
  • Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurement
  • Technology of Machine Building
  • Technology of Structural Materials and Materials Science Educational Practical Training

151 Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies:

  • Courses:
  • Descriptive Geometry
  • Engineering and Computer Graphics
  • Electrotechnical Materials
  • Materials of Cyber-physical Systems

161 Chemical Technology and Engineering:


  • Engineering Graphics

183 Environmental ProtectionTechnology:


  • Engineering Graphics

187 Woodworking and Furniture Technologies:


  • Engineering Graphics
  • Materials Science
  • Technology of Structural Materials
  • Descriptive Geometry
  • Technical Drawing

205 Forestry:


  • Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics
  • Technology of Structural Materials
  • Standardization and Metrology
  • Technical Drawing

Master program:

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:



PhD Program:

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering:


Dynamic Metal Science in Machine Building

Main research activities of the department include: the development of theoretical bases for creation of energy-saving and environmentally friendly woodworking technologies, modeling of technological processes, materials and competitive constructions of wood products of modern design for woodworking industry. (Scientific supervisor - Sc.D., Prof. Ihor Rebeznyuk)


  • Investigation of the processes of abrasive processing of wood and other materials. (Scientific supervisor - Sc.D., Prof. Volodymyr Holubets)
  • Development of technological processes of surface hardening of structural materials (Scientific supervisor - Sc.D., Prof. Volodymyr Holubets)

Popovych V.V., Holubets V. M. Technology of Structural Materials and Material Science: Tutorial for universities.  Book II. Sumy: Universytetska Knyha, 2002. – 260 p.

The basic information about metal processing by pressure, welding production and cutting is given. Other types of processing and production of plastic parts are described. The tutorial is intended for students of mechanical and technological specialties of higher education. It can be useful for engineering staff and college students.

Tokarev G. O., Honchar I. M. Engineering Graphics: Tutorial. Lviv, 2002. – 165 p.

The basic materials of descriptive geometry, projection and technical drawings, which fully correspond to the program of universities in the course "Engineering Graphics", are presented in the work. The theoretical and practical material, which is briefly summarized in the proposed tutorial, is supplemented at lectures by the use of materials of State standards, tables, posters, as well as slides, videotapes, films and computers. The tutorial is intended for students of engineering and technical specialties of all forms of education.

Popovych V.V., Holubets V. M. Technology of Structural Materials and Material Science: Tutorial for universities.  Book I (Part I, II, III).  Lviv: Papuga, 2003. – 264 p.

The basic information about production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, about structure and properties of metals and non-metallic materials is given, foundry production is described. The tutorial is intended for students of mechanical and technological specialties of higher education. It can be useful for engineering staff and college students.

Ozarkiv I. M., Biley P. V., Maksymiv V. M., Sokolovsky I. A., Soroka L. Ya., Atsberger J. L. Thermal woodworking processes: Tutorial. Lviv: EPD of UNFU, 2008. – 264 p.

The tutorial provides a theoretical analysis of heat processes occurring in woodworking, describes ways to intensify them. Results of scientific researches of heat processes in woodworking, plywood and furniture industries are generalized. The theory and engineering methods of calculation of heat engineering installations are presented. The main provisions of the doctrine of heat conduction, convective heat transfer during phase transformations, and heat transfer by radiation, heat transport, molecular and convective diffusion are outlined.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 10:10

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