Department of Enterprise Economics



Shevchenko Hryhoriy Serhiyovych, Dr. of Science, Prof.

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79057, Lviv, Gen.Chuprynky St. 105, room 509

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  +38 (032) 258-42-48


Head of the Department,
Doctor of Science, prof.

Shevchenko Hryhoriy Serhiyovych

The basic department of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics was the Department of Economics and Organization of the Forest Industry - one of the oldest departments of the University, established in October 1945, the first head of which was S.-L. Z. Pisarevsky. After a series of reorganizations in 1949, 1955 and a section in May 1969. two departments were created on the basis of this department: economies and organizations of forest industry and forestry and economy and organization of wood industry. The latter, after reorganization, specialized exclusively in the problems of the woodworking economy. It is on its basis in 1993. The graduating chair of the Economics and Management of Woodworking Enterprises was created, which in 2014 was renamed the "Chair of Enterprise Economics". In different years the department was headed by OB Shchetynin, V.K. Lutsevych, V.I. Mikhailovskyi.

Since 1996 till now the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, prof. H.S. Shevchenko. Today, the department has: Dr.Sc., prof. G.S. Shevchenko, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. prof. V.V. Yakimtsov; Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors: S.O. Kozlovskyi, V.I. Mikhailovskyi, R.Ya. Kindrat, T.E. Maselko, N.Ya. Nalivayko, OV Henyk, NG, Lutsiv; Ph.D., Senior Lecturers R.R. Risna, U.V. Pavlyuk, I.G. Gurnyak, L.S. Harasym; senior teachers O.V. Baran, M.M. Yakuba; Assistant S.O. Sukhoniak.

The department has published more than 800 scientific and educational works. Today, the main area of scientific activity of the department is the socio-economic problems of development of forestry enterprises on the basis of sustainability. The department produces bachelors and masters in specialty 051 "Economics", educational and professional program "Economics of the enterprise".

The department is intensively developing international cooperation. A number of the department's employees have been trained in EU countries.


  1. Viktor Yakimtsov, Dr. of Science, Assoc.Prof.
  2. Oksana Henyk, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  3. Rostyslav Kindrat , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  4. Serhii Kozlovskyi, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  5. Natalia Lutsiv, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  6. Tetiana Maselko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  7. Vasyl Mykhailovskyi , Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  8. Nataliia Nalyvaiko, Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.
  9. Uliana Pavliuk, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  10. Iryna Hurniak, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  11. Roksolana Risna, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  12. Liudmyla Harasym, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
  13. Orest Baran, Senior Lecturer
  14. Myroslava Yakuba, Senior Lecturer
  15. Sofiia Sukhoniak, assistant

Bachelor Programs:

Enterprise economics:

  • Ukrainian language for professional purposes, history of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture, foreign language, philosophy.
  • Basic concepts and methods of political economy, macro- and microeconomics, history of economics and economic thought, advanced mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, optimization methods and models, informatics.
  • Concepts and methods of enterprise economics, management, marketing, finance, money and credit, accounting, labor economics, statistics, sociology, international and regional economics, enterprise strategy, enterprise potential and development, innovative activity, project analysis, cost management, enterprise planning and control, life and labor safety.
  • Concepts and methods of industry technology, logistics, business performance analysis, operational management, personnel management, forest policy, quality management and controlling.
  • Concepts and methods of systems analysis, organization theory, ecological, environmental and natural resource economics, tax policy, economic legislation, insurance, audit, crisis management.

Master programs:

Enterprise economics:

  • professional skills of the strategic goals development in the course of enterprise economic activity taking into account the risk level
  • modern concepts of planning, organizing, motivation, controlling and regulation in the sphere of enterprise economic activity
  • understanding the informational needs, information and searching resources, and informational strategies of enterprises
  • understanding the market research peculiarities, trend of development, demand generation and sales promotion of products, including industrial enterprises
  • knowledge of methods and techniques of analysis of quantitative and qualitative data

  • Applied Econometrics (Financial Markets);
  • Organization and Global Leadership

  1. Synergistic strategy formation of entrepreneurship development of Ukraine.
  2. Socio-economic problems of sustainable forestry enterprises development.
  3. Econometric models and forecasts of economic activity of natural reserve fund enterprises and forestry enterprises.
  4. Methods of estimation of ecological and economic efficiency of activity of woodworking enterprises.
  5. Socio-economic principles of ecological safety of the population of large cities.
  6. Aspects of greening the activity of woodworking enterprises with the use of leasing and outsourcing.

H2020 “POWER4BIO” — “Empowering regional stakeholders for realizing the full potential of European bio economy”

RERAM (REsource efficiency and RAw Materials) Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials in the Forest-based Sector of Eastern Europe

IN2WOOD Development and Implementation Measures of a 6-Region Strategie Joint Action Plan for Knowledge-based Regional lnnovation

  1. H.Shevchenko, T.Maselko, J.Pavlyuk , R.Risna. Logistics: Tutorial – Lviv, 2019.- 208 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. Viktor Yakimtsov. Synergetic research in the economics: problems and prospects: monograph. Lviv, 2018. – 448 p. (in Ukrainian)
  3. R.Ya. Kindrat Controlling: Tutorial. - Lviv: SPOLOM, 2017. 200 p. (in Ukrainian)
  4. S.O. Kozlovskyi. Applied Econometrics (Financial Markets): Lecture Course and Workshop (in English) for Students of Economic Specialties of Higher Education.  Lviv: UNFU, 2015. - 71 p.
  5. Zagvoyska L.D., Kozlovsky S.O. Modeling of ecological and economic systems: Tutorial.-Lviv: Afisha, 2015, p. 94-102
  6. Kozlovskyi S.O. Quality management: Tutorial. - Lviv: SPOLOM, 2013. - 144 p. (in Ukrainian). 
  7. O.V. Henyk, S.O. Kozlovskyi, Yа.V. Henyk. Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine: Modeling and Forecasting of Economic Activity: Monograph.-Lviv: League-Press-2011.-304p. (in Ukrainian)
  8. The economics of woodworking enterprises: Tutorial. Еdited by prof. Shevchenko H.S. Lviv: UNFU, 2010. 376 p. (in Ukrainian)

Last modified on Thursday, 26 December 2019 11:20

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