Training of IT students at the University of Valladolid

IMG 4329 logoTraditional projects of international academic mobility under the Erasmus+ program at the UNFU continue. In the fall semester of this academic year, two undergraduate students are studying at the University of Valladolid (Spain). The cooperation of UNFU with this university has been going on for more than 5 years, and this semester, for the first time, the list of specialties for which academic exchange can take place has been expanded. Thus, the mobility of IT students was added to the already usual mobility of forestry students and economics students.

The answers of Victoria Grenyukh and Yulia Sapsa, students of the "Information Systems and Technologies" specialty, to the most common questions about receiving an Erasmus+ scholarship are in this material.

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How did you get the Erasmus+ scholarship?

Victoria: "I saw an announcement about the selection of students to study in Spain on the university's website. And when I realized that there was an opportunity to study abroad in my specialty, I applied immediately. First, I submitted all the necessary documents, and then there was an interview, which was held in English, where they asked general questions about the specialty, about me, and my motivation, which I successfully passed and later received an answer that I passed the selection."

What is the size of the scholarship, and where do you live?

Yulia: "The amount of the scholarship is 1,100 euros per month for one student. This amount is enough for everything you need for a comfortable life. I live in the city of Valladolid in an apartment because it is more profitable and more comfortable than living in a dormitory. The city fascinates with its architecture and atmosphere. There are an extraordinary number of events taking place in the city itself, and university organizations hold interesting thematic events for students."

What are the first impressions of the host university?

Victoria: "I immediately liked the host university for its openness and willingness to help. When I had any problems, the international department quickly found solutions. Now they also keep in touch with me and help me with organizational issues. In the first days of study, we had an "initiation" where we were told about the university, the city, and the opportunities at this university."

Julia: "My impressions of the University of Valladolid are very positive. Location of faculties, infrastructure, and organization of the educational process at a high level Even before arriving in Valladolid, I was helped with all the questions that arose. The university offers many types of activities, such as dance, wrestling, volleyball, and many more. Also, every student can get a student card, with which discounts are available in various restaurants, use of the gym, library, etc."

What subjects do you study?

Victoria: "My specialty is "Information systems and technologies", so here I study disciplines similar to those of our university, namely programming, mechanical engineering, telecommunication systems, and algorithms. The curriculum here is quite rich, and all the teachers are open and teach the material well, explaining everything in detail."

Yulia: "My study program at the host university is "Telecommunications". Here I study higher mathematics, numerical algorithms, machine learning, information and communication technologies in the automotive industry, and business economics and administration. Studying at the university is quite intense: many theoretical and practical tasks, performing laboratory work, working in groups, etc. The teachers explain the material in an excellent and accessible way, so there are usually no difficulties with understanding."

What are the main differences between studying in Spain and Ukraine?

Viktoria: "The teaching of the material is mostly different in Europe, because here we study some subjects from a completely different angle. I study with students from France and Germany, who confirmed that their studies are quite similar. If you have questions, you can always sign up for a consultation with a teacher who will help you solve problems."

Yulia: "First of all, the large number of optional disciplines to study is new for me. If in Ukraine, students are formed into one group and attend all classes according to the schedule, then in Spain, in particular, students choose which subjects to study and attend only those they need. I also like the trend that in the Spanish university there is no clear division between lectures and practicals, like here. During classes, lecture material is taught, during which students still discuss with the teacher and among themselves, after which we can be given practical tasks. Another difference is that in the virtual environment of a Spanish university, you can sign up for a consultation with teachers at any time convenient for both parties if certain difficulties arise. I have not heard of such a practice in our country."

What advice would you give to someone who is hesitating whether to study abroad?

Victoria: "Don't be afraid to try, because you never know how this step can turn your life around. Independent life abroad is always a change of outlook, new opportunities, new culture, emotions, people, and places. During my month of living in Valladolid, I met incredible people and visited wonderful places. It is also a great opportunity to improve your English and deepen your knowledge of the necessary subjects. You will always be helped here, because there are organizations from Erasmus that organize various events for students and also help you get to know the city and its features. Overall, this exchange program is a great opportunity to test yourself. I wish all future participants success."

Julia: "First of all, it is not to be afraid to take this step. I was also stopped by the thought that I would have to live for half a year in a completely different country with different values, languages, and mentalities. However, the desire to gain new experience was stronger. During the month of living and studying, I met many interesting and wonderful people and visited new places and events. During this period, I also improved my English and started learning Spanish. For people who are worried about not knowing the language—in Spain, many people speak English—communicating through a translator is also not a problem. The people here are wonderful and understanding. I would like to wish success to the future participants of the mobility program; let no difficulties stand in the way."

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