A meeting of the Academic Council of UNFU 

S1760017On August 31, 2022, the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi held a meeting of the Academic Council and introduced the new Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the University, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Olga Vanivska.

After the chairman's opening speech, a minute of silence was announced in honor of the head of the Department of Forest Crops and Forest Breeding, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Mykola Huz’, who passed away on July 20, 2022 at the age of 70, and Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, Economic Theory and Law , longtime dean of the Faculty of Economics (2000-2014), doctor of economic sciences, professor Yaroslav Kulchytskyi, who passed away on August 30, 2022, at the age of 71.

At the meeting, certificates of academic titles and diplomas of honor were awarded. Serhiy Hayda, professor of the Department of Furniture and Wood Products Technology, received a certificate of the academic title of professor. Certificates of academic titles of associate professor were awarded to: Iryna Boretska, associate professor of the Department of Information Technologies; Volodymyr Kryshtapovych, associate professor of the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies; Ihor Rudko, associate professor of the Department of Forestry Production and Forest Roads; Yuriy Tsymbalyuk, associate professor of the Department of Forestry Production and Forest Roads.

For many years of conscientious work at the Ukrainian National Forestry University, effective work in organizing the educational process and research activities, fruitful international cooperation, public activity, and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birthday, an honorary diploma was awarded to acting Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, Professor Ion Dubovich.

In accordance with the agenda of the Academic Council, the Rector of Ukrainian National Forestry University Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi reported about the results of the administration's work during the holiday period; the vice-rector for educational work and international relations, associate professor Mykola Borys, reported about the organization of the educational process in the autumn semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.

The participants discussed the raised issue and made a decision: to take note of the information from the report and to organize the educational process of university higher education applicants in the autumn semester of the 2022-2023 academic year in accordance with the schedule of the educational process in compliance with the conditions of martial law.

The directors of the educational and scientific institutes reported on the training plans for the university's specialties for the 2022-2023 academic year. The members of the Academic Council paid special attention to this issue and, in accordance with the official statements of the directors of educational and scientific institutes and heads of departments, decided to approve the training plans for students for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The issue of the structure of the educational and scientific institutes was also considered at the meeting. After detailed discussions, the members of the Academic Council made the following decisions to form a Department of Public Management and Administration within the Educational and Scientific Institute of Environmental Economics and Management; and to form a Department of Information Systems and Computer Modelling within the Educational and Scientific Institute of Woodworking and Computer Technologies and Design through the division of the existing Department of Information Technologies.

Among other issues discussed by the Academic Council there were the composition of the University Academic Council, granting the right to carry out scientific supervision of the training of graduate and Ph.D. students; the report of the head of the editorial and publishing center about the recommendation to print the collection of scientific works "Scientific Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine". At the end of the meeting, the chairman of the Academic Council, Professor Volodymyr Zagorskyi thanked for the active discussion and effective decision-making, and congratulated all on the beginning of the academic year.

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