Hunting skills in support of the Armed Forces

IMG 0867In order to maintain sports shooting skills and raise funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on August 13, 2022, an open championship of the district in bench shooting among owners of smoothbore hunting weapons was held on the basis of the Mykolaiv Hunting and Fishing Farm of the district organization of the Ukrainian Society of Hunters and Fishermen.

The organizer of the competition is Mykhailo Adam, the head of the Mykolaiv hunting and fishing industry of the district organization. The event was held with the support and participation of fighters of the NGO "Mykolaiv Self-Defense", as well as the head of the Lviv Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Society of Hunters and Fishermen Roman Uglyar, Oleg Nastasyak (member of the presidium of the NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Hunters and Hunting Grounds Users") , Bohdan Vynohradskyi (master of sports in archery, head of the Department of shooting and technical sports, doctor of sciences in physical education and sports, professor of Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture), Ivan Deleghan (candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of the Forestry Department of the Ukrainian National Forestry University).

In the open championship, more than ten teams of hunters participated. The winners received valuable prizes and certificates. At the end of the competition, individual stand shooting for owners of smoothbore hunting weapons and a charity auction were held to raise funds for the purchase of a drone for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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