Rector's greetings on the occasion of Ukrainian national holidays

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the great national holidays - the Day of the State Flag and the 31st anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine!

This year's celebrations, unfortunately, are overshadowed by the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and the bloody war. The hostilities are taking place in the eastern and southern territories of Ukraine, the infrastructure and economy of our country have suffered enormous damage. The cities and villages, enterprises and educational institutions have been destroyed, and the worst thing is the numerous victims among the civilian population, hundreds of thousands of forced refugees!

The years of our country's independence became a test of maturity, tolerance, endurance and patriotism for all of us. However, we demonstrated to the whole world that Ukraine, with its rich history and culture, melodious language and hardworking people, emerged as a sovereign state capable of affirming democratic values and protecting freedom. We have a lot to be proud of!

In honor of the centuries-old history of Ukrainian statehood, the state symbols of independent Ukraine, and with the aim of raising citizens' respect for the state symbols of Ukraine, Ukraine annually celebrates the Day of the State Flag of Ukraine on August 23, and the Independence Day of Ukraine on August 24.

Throughout historical achievements, the blue-yellow flag became a symbol of the struggle for the national and social rights of the Ukrainian people. The hearts of all Ukrainians stop beating when the national flag is raised. It embodies age-old aspirations for peace, work, beauty and wealth of the native land. Under our glorious flag, three proclamations of Ukrainian statehood took place: in 1917, 1941 and 1990, and three modern revolutions, and now a war is being waged against the invaders.

IMG 20220823 090839Today, appreciating what the Ukrainian land has given us, remembering the heroes who gave their lives for it, we must move forward - to the creation of a powerful European state, so that the whole world knows that the blue-yellow flag is a guarantee of stability and freedom, and our descendants were proud of the achievements of their ancestors. The State Flag as a symbol of the country is the embodiment of national unity, honor and dignity, state-building traditions, history and the present.

Today we are already celebrating the 31st anniversary of Independence, since the age-old hopes of our people have come true - to be full-fledged owners of our God-given Ukrainian land, we are choosing our independence, our fateful European choice. We bow our heads low to the memory of the heroic fighters of current and past generations who gave their lives for the Independence and peaceful future of our country. Without a doubt, we will persevere and win in the fierce struggle with the aggressor, because the truth is behind us!

On this glorious day of Independence, in the heart of every Ukrainian patriot, the August blue sky and the yellow-hot grain fields merge into the colors of our Ukrainian state flag - a symbol of freedom and work of a free man on a free land.

On the occasion of these significant and dear to our heart holidays, I sincerely congratulate the university staff, especially grateful to the forest technicians who now with weapons in their hands courageously defend our country at the front, who are selflessly engaged in volunteering, helping Ukrainian soldiers, as well as those who, with their tireless work in the rear, provide life activity of the country. I wish everyone a peaceful sky above their heads, endurance and courage, success in all our aspirations for VICTORY!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

     With best wishes and hopes,                                                                                                               Rector Volodymyr ZAGORSKYI

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