World Embroidery Day

IMG 9298On May 18 (Thursday), 2023, at 2 p.m. in front of the administrative building of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, a PHOTO FLASH MOB "Come in Vyshyvanka" will be held.

Action plan:

12.00: Viewing of the first documentary film about embroidered shirts "The Heritage of the Nation".

Director and cinematographer: Oleksandr Tkachuk; author of the idea and screenwriter: Lesya Voronyuk (reading room of socio-economic literature, main building of the university, auditorium 412).

14.00: Photo flash mob "COME IN VYSHYVANKA" (in front of the administrative building of the Ukrainian National Forestry University).

Interactive photo exhibition "Believe. Love. Wait", dedicated to the families of prisoners of war.

Vyshyvanka is love! To embroider is to protect, to believe, and to wait.

To embroider is to protect.

There are a large number of traditions and rituals in which an embroidered shirt acts as a talisman. But modern Ukrainians sacralize embroidery the most. Hundreds of craftsmen throughout Ukraine embroider shirts for defenders with love and hope that the embroidery will protect our soldiers from enemy bullets. And the militaries wear them as spiritual armor.

To embroider is to believe.

Embroidered shirts became a symbol of faith during the Soviet occupation, first for Ukrainians exiled in camps and later for dissidents and Ukrainians in general, which transmitted the idea of independence from generation to generation until 1991.

To embroider is to wait.

Ukrainians are embroidering shirts and waiting for the return from the front and the capture of their most precious ones. They embroider in anticipation of Victory.

This year, World Embroidery Day falls on May 18, the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Crimean Tatar Genocide, and May 18–20, the anniversary of the withdrawal of Ukrainian defenders from Azovstal. As last year, we urge you not to hold high-profile events but to focus on your inner understanding of the value of an embroidered shirt as an integral part of our cultural heritage, which unites Ukrainians through generations and time.

Everyone has their own vyshyvanka. But there is one that is most valuable for everyone. Embroider to survive.

Vyshyvanka is the genetic code of the nation!

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