We are consolidating for the sake of the development of student youth.

The formation of the personality as a bearer of intellectual, innovative, professional, and cultural potential is one of the priorities of the Ukrainian National Forestry University. That is why the university management strives to develop cooperation in solving the topical issues of revealing the creative abilities of student youth, involving them in scientific research work and professional orientation, and targeting preparation for studying at the UNFU. In order to consolidate efforts, the Rector UNFU, Professor Volodymyr Zahorskyi, the First Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Oleksandr Sushinskyi, and the Director of the Lviv Regional Council Communal Institution, "Lviv Regional Small Academy of Student Youth Sciences," Ivanna Borodchuk, met on October 18 to discuss resource opportunities for cooperation. During the meeting, the goal and main directions for consolidation were agreed upon. The leaders agreed that joint activities would contribute to the formation of innovative human capital.

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Taking into account all the advantages of consolidation, the rector, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, and the director of the Lviv Regional Small Academy of Sciences of Pupil Youth, Ivanna Borodchuk, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, according to the provisions of which:

  • implementation of joint programs in scientific research work and education, professional training of school youth on issues of Ukrainian state formation and development of territorial communities, rational nature management;
  • the organization of the implementation by students of communal general educational institutions (ZZZ I-III degrees, gymnasiums, lyceums) of intellectual developments on Ukrainian state formation and development of territorial communities, rational use of nature, etc., as well as other educational and career guidance activities among student youth;
  • coordination of the development and introduction into the educational process of communal general educational institutions of experimental educational programs and educational and methodological manuals on the issues of Ukrainian state formation and the development of territorial communities, etc.

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The meeting ended with mutual hopes for fruitful cooperation and the successful implementation of everything planned.

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