An international cluster conference for the forestry sector was held.

On September 28, 2023, an international cluster conference of the forestry sector on the topic "The wood market and the impact on the woodworking industry in today's realities" was held as part of the specialized international exhibition of the forestry, woodworking, and furniture industry, LISDEREVMASH (Kyiv).

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This year's conference was opened with a welcoming speech by the Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Zahorskyi, who emphasized that productive interaction between the state, industry, education, and business is necessary for the development of the woodworking industry, and such an event can be a bridge to discuss and make constructive decisions that will contribute to solving the current problems of the forestry, woodworking, and furniture industries.

The conference program was divided into three thematic blocks, in which 10 reports were heard and discussed, during which important issues were raised regarding: the European experience of forestry close to nature and ways of its introduction in Ukraine; state and prospects of the woodworking industry in the economy of Ukraine; the impact of price policy on wood and the development of the woodworking industry; logging is a business or a means of survival for woodworkers; wood market, realities and challenges facing woodworkers; banking services for the support and development of enterprises in the forestry sector; the stock exchange as a tool for ensuring the interests of the parties; corruption and illegal logging as an obstacle to access to EU markets.

Active participants and speakers were scientists, representatives of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine", representatives of enterprises and associations, and regional council deputies. The National Forestry University of Ukraine was one of the organizers of this important event. Our university was represented by: vice-rector for scientific work, Prof. Vasyl Lavniy; director of the Institute of Woodworking Technologies and Design, Prof. Volodymyr Majevskyi; director of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Automation, and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Prof. Ihor Rebezniuk; and associate professor of the department of technology of furniture and wood products. Vasyl Solonynka, associate professor of the department of technologies of wood composite materials, pulp, and paper, Halyna Ortynska.


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Technical support was provided by Oleksiy Sinkevich, an assistant at the Department of Computer Sciences; Ihor Tarai, an engineer of the communications center; as well as students of the specialty 187, "Woodworking and Furniture Technologies," S. Vovchanskyi, N. Kortous, and S. Svystun. The teachers of UNFU took an active part in the discussion of the thematic blocks of Ukraine online.

The developed proposals and recommendations of the conference will be submitted for consideration to the central state authorities and highlighted on specialized platforms.

The Ukrainian National Forestry University is grateful for the organization and support of Mykola Kogut, the head of the NGO "Association of woodworkers and loggers of Lviv region".

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