Practice of UNFU students and lecturers within the discipline “Ecosystem Management in Transforming Countries” to the Romanian Carpathians 2024

Traditionally, students of the Ukrainian National Forestry University under the guidance of the teachers of the Department of Management and Marketing, Associate Professor Yulia Shvediuk and Associate Professor Nadiia Yurkiv, and with the organizational support of the Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science Oleksii Sinkevych, took an active part in the training practice in the Romanian Carpathians as part of the learning process of the discipline “Ecosystem Management in Transformation Countries” with the financial support of the international project “Fields of Conflict - A Discourse on Socio-Ecological Forest Restoration in Times of War and Multiple Crises”. This is a joint trip of students from the Ukrainian National Forestry University, the University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde, the State University of Moldova, the State University of Zhytomyr Polytechnic, the National Transport University, and representatives of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. The program of the excursion is as always interesting and full of exciting locations. UNFU students, a team of eight participants, prepared a report and described in detail everything they saw.

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Sunday, May 12. At the beginning of our unforgettable trip, everyone was amazed by the beauty of the scenery that unfolded outside the bus window. Mountains and valleys, rivers, and forests created an incredible panorama that we could not stop admiring. When we arrived at our destination, we all pitched our tents together, creating a small campsite in the middle of nature. Our brightly colored tents added a splash of color to the surrounding scenery, creating a special atmosphere of unity with nature. It was also an evening of acquaintances. It was incredibly interesting to meet young people from different countries and universities, each with their own unique story and goals. So, the first day of our trip was truly unforgettable. It filled us with excitement and curiosity, and we were looking forward to the new adventures and experiences that the following days promised. Anastasia Koval, student of the group IST-21, the educational program “Information Systems and Technologies”

Monday, May 13. The group of excursion participants (50 people) set off on a hike from the foot of the Piatra Craiului Mountains, accompanied by experienced guides. The route had a length of 14.7 km and a total elevation of 756 meters above sea level, 6.5 km of which was a hiking trail, the rest was an asphalt road. After that, we visited the Piatra Craiului National Park, whose main task is to protect and preserve unique natural ecosystems that form a national biogeographic space with natural elements of particular value in terms of physical, geographical, floristic, faunal, hydrological, and paleontological history. Visitors to the park have the opportunity to engage in scientific, recreational, educational, and tourist activities. The walking distance on this day was 19 km. Balabukh Victoria, student of group MO-22, the educational program “Management of Organizations and Administration”

Tuesday, May 14. Together with the tour group, we went on a fascinating hike to one of the most picturesque corners of Romania. The morning start from Plaiu Foii at 8 am charged everyone with energy and enthusiasm. During the 4-5 hour journey, the group, under the guidance of experienced guides, discovered incredible landscapes and alpine meadows, adding to their collection of exciting memories. From Plaiu Foii to the Tamasu Mare peak (1735 m), the hike was a real test for body and soul. But with every step, the proud peaks of the Carpathians gave us new impressions and unforgettable moments. After reaching the top, we descended to the Poiana Tamas wildlife camp, located at an altitude of 1435 meters. But the adventure was not over yet! The evening time turned out to be even more exciting because everyone together organized a real international holiday with music and dancing. During this time, we exchanged impressions and experiences of the day and shared laughter and joy. Ivat Tetiana, a student of the KN-53m group, the educational program “Computer Science”

Wednesday, May 15. Accompanied by guides, we set off on a hike to the northwest along the foothills of the mountains in the direction of the Pecineagu dam. On the way to the destination, there were altitude differences of about 1000 m, the group observed traces of wildlife and listened to interesting lectures by guides about management in exploited forests, the Romsilva organization, and the Carpathia Foundation. They saw the sites of selective and clear-cutting, got acquainted with forest management practices in detail, and had the opportunity to compare them. We also observed the areas with the destructive effects of windfalls. The length of the route per day was 19 km. Tetiana Shvets, student of group MO-41, the educational program “Management of Organizations and Administration”

Thursday, May 16. The fourth day of the trip was intense and interesting. Together with the guides, our group went to Poiana Tamas, where we enjoyed the picturesque landscapes and fresh mountain air. In the forest, we had a unique opportunity to exchange energy with trees. It was an unforgettable experience that connected us with nature and gave us a sense of peace and unity. We took an alternative hiking trail down to Plaiu Foii and changed our location to Casa Moga in the village of Buchum. In the evening, an interesting game awaited us, where the tour participants were divided into 4 teams. The game included a debate, which allowed us to express our thoughts and views on the feasibility of creating the largest national nature park in Europe. In general, it was very interesting. We enjoyed the scenery, nature, communication with the guides and other participants of the tour, as well as an interesting game in the evening. Victoria Matsko, a student of the group MZED-21, the educational program “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”

Friday, May 17. Today our team split into two groups to complete two important tasks. The first group went to the primeval forests of the Romanian Carpathians to explore their flora and fauna, as well as to appreciate the natural landscapes. The second part of the group met with the vice mayor and local residents to discuss the possibility of creating a national nature park in this area. The group that explored the virgin forests had the opportunity to see untouched forests, fallen trees, and other natural phenomena. Vasyl Pokynchereda and Iryna Yonash, our guests from the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, told us how the beech forests of the Ukrainian Carpathians became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Together with a ranger, they led a tour of the virgin forest, introducing its unique natural ecosystems. The group talked to the community to find out their opinions and concerns about the creation of a national nature park. These conversations helped to better understand people's attitudes and expectations about this initiative. At the end of the day, both groups came together to share their impressions and discuss the next steps. The exchange of information and experience helped to more clearly outline the action plan for the creation of the national nature park.  This day was an important step towards preserving a valuable natural heritage. Research and dialogue with the community helped to better understand the situation and make an informed decision about the future of the virgin forest. Yelyzaveta Maksymova, student of group KN-31, the educational program “Computer Science”

Saturday, May 18. At 6 a.m., when it was still raining, a small group of students went on a hike to see the Valley of Daffodils, a meadow covered with flowers. We also saw trees that we concluded had been struck by lightning. And we also met a woman on a horse),” shared her thoughts Victoria Kholodenko, a colleague from Kyiv. After breakfast, all the students worked on their presentations. Despite the excitement, they all managed to present their work well and informatively to the audience. Among the speakers were students from Germany, Moldova, and Ukraine. Representatives of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and Holosiivskyi National Park made a presentation. The foreign students were very impressed by the consequences of the Russian aggression on the natural ecosystems of Ukraine in general and on the territory of protected areas in particular. In the evening, we enjoyed a festive dinner, socializing and playing games. It was sad to think that the next day we would have to go home... so we enjoyed the communication. It was very interesting to touch the similar, but at the same time different culture of Romania. Then we taught foreigners our Ukrainian dances, and the German students were very good at learning our national dances. Khrystyna Myshchyshyn, student of the group LH-53m, the educational program “Forestry”

Sunday, May 19. The sunrise and rooster crowing marked the beginning of a new day. We were slowly collecting tents, packing our things, and preparing to say goodbye to the picturesque area and foreigners with whom we had spent all this time. The road home turned out to be not only long but also rich in impressions. The bus windows offered breathtaking views of majestic mountains, cozy villages with traditional Romanian houses, and interesting architectural monuments. Every turn gave us new emotions and bright angles for photos. Travel fatigue could not overshadow the joy of what we saw. We explored a new culture, met interesting people, and enjoyed the beauty of nature. Romania generously shared its treasures, leaving unforgettable memories in our hearts. Returning to Ukraine was a kind of culmination of the trip. The meeting with the native nature, the gentle sun, and the striking beauty of the rainbow that appeared in the sky seemed to confirm that this trip was full of happy moments. This trip to Romania was a real kaleidoscope of emotions and impressions. We discovered a new world rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. These memories will stay with us forever, inspiring us to new travels and adventures. Mariana Oliinychok, student of the group MZED-21, the educational program “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”

We are sincerely grateful to our German colleagues from the Center for Ecology and Ecosystem Management of the University of Sustainable Development Eberswalde, in particular Prof. Pierre Ibisch, Dr. Michael Spies, Dr. Axel Schick, Angela Dichte and the administration of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, in particular Prof. Vasyl Lavnyi, for their support in organizing the training practice in the Romanian Carpathians. We invite students of Ukrainian National Forestry University to join our trip next year, we promise it will be impressive, unforgettable, and informative!

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