Day of Defenders of Ukraine

IMG 0988The Day of Defenders of Ukraine is a national holiday of Ukraine, celebrated annually on October 14, together with the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, and the Day of the Creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. This is a holiday for everyone who at different times gave their strength, knowledge, and professionalism to the defense of our state.

Today, on the 233rd day of the war, we honor the Ukrainian heroes and heroines who defended and are currently defending Ukraine and its people from the full-scale invasion of Russia.

Sincere gratitude and a low bow to those who courageously and selflessly stand in line to preserve the independence of Ukraine and restore its territorial integrity by defeating the aggressor, the terrorist country. Among the staff of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, many heroes joined the defense of our state, in particular: Rostyslav Kupchik, Hryhoriy Noshchenko, Stepan Portakh, Vasyl Solonynka, Vasyl Taras, Bohdan Feshanych, Vasyl Khodzinsky, Viktor Sytnyk, Rostyslav Buzilo, Vasyl Gul, Roman Mydlyk, Mykola Volosko, Artur Semen.

We wish our defenders Cossack health, endurance, stability, success at the front, and victory, may the Mother of God protect everyone! We are proud of you and grateful to you and we are waiting for you at our native Forestry University!

We also commemorate the fallen heroes, we bow our heads in sorrow for those who gave their lives for the value ​​of freedom, deep respect for their immortal feat. The community of our University observes a minute of silence in honor of fallen heroes-forest engineers: Yuriy Dadak, Igor Izhik, Volodymyr-Vasyl Kulyan, Yuriy Onisyk, Sashka Kapinos, Igor Peron, Volodymyr Savchyn, Andriy Hankevich, and others. Heroes do not die…

The memory of the fallen compatriots will always be in our hearts.

Today, Ukrainian defenders represent the heroism and courage of soldiers of many generations, soldiers of different countries - all those who for centuries defended the ideals of freedom, defended statehood, and fought for independence.

Congratulations to everyone who holds the high title of defender of Ukraine! We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their service and protection!

Thank you, DEFENDERS, for protecting Ukraine!

The 233rd day of the war...

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