Transformative Pilot Action (TPA) Project on Bioenergy for Boryslav – phase 2

Center for Development and Environment (CDE), Bern University (Switzerland) within the action research and implementation program in Boryslav (Lviv region) and in cooperation with the Boryslav City Council, Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU) and NGO “Forest initiatives and community” (NGO ForestCom) started the implementation of a project aimed at carrying out a Transformative Pilot Action (TPA) to increase the level of energy efficiency and sustainable use of bioenergy in Boryslav Gymnasium No. 9 – “Transformative Pilot Action (TPA) Project on Bioenergy for Boryslav”. This project became the first phase of cooperation within the program.

Bioenergy phase 2

With the funds of the project, modern windows and doors were installed in order to preserve heat in the premises of the school. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the boiler room, a generator and a chainsaw were purchased. In addition, analytical brief bilingual (Ukrainian-English) leaflet was prepared (Fig. 1). To view and download the analytical leaflet by link. You can read more about the results of the project by link.

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Fig. 1 Analytical brief bilingual (Ukrainian-English) leaflet on the results of the implementation of the first stage of the Transformational pilot action project on bioenergy for Boryslav

On June 15, the implementation of the next stage of the project “Transformation pilot project for Boryslav - stage 2” began. The goal of the project is to carry out Transformative Pilot Action (TPA) on the effective management and use of green waste (wood, branches) using technical means.

To achieve the goal, it is planned to purchase a modern MK-120BD disk-type woodchipper, which chops branches and other wood waste into technological chips 5...50 mm in size. The maximum diameter of the branches is 120 mm, depending on the species and humidity of the trees. Ready wood chips are fed through the outlet socket under pressure. The chipper can change the direction of the chip flow 360 degrees. The chipper is powered by an 18 hp gasoline engine. The device will be installed on a certified trailer. The purchased cuttings will be transferred to the balance of the utility company "Zelenyy Svit" of the Boryslav City Council. This stage of the Boryslav project is coordinated by the director of the Center for Ecology, Tourism and Sustainable Development of the Boryslav City Council, scientist Myron Zeitler.

The implementation of the project became possible thanks to the financial support of Switzerland and the long-term cooperation of partners within the project “Identifying of green energy opportunities in the Ukrainian Carpathians” under the leadership of Dr. Astrid Björnsen. This project was a part of the program Kooperation in der Waldforschung Ukraine-Schweiz 2017-2020, which was financed by the State Secretariat for Education, Development and Innovation (SBFI) of Switzerland (for more details, see: The key to successful cooperation with the Boryslav community over a long period of time is effective support from the leadership of the Boryslav City Council, represented by the mayor Mr. Ihor Yavorskyy.

Read more about the implementation of the second stage of the transformational pilot project on bioenergy for Boryslav in our next publications.

Oksana Pelyukh,
PhD, researcher at the UNFU,
Project manager at the NGO ForestCom
Lyudmyla Maksymiv,
PhD, assoc. prof., researcher at the UNFU


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