An exclusive meeting with a graduate of UNFU

On October 25, at the initiative of Ulyana Novak, assistant professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, and with the support of the staff of this department, an exclusive meeting of students with Igor Dulyny, a successful businessman, co-organizer of charity projects, youth entrepreneurship coach, and eco-ambassador, was held at the National Forestry University of Ukraine. The event was opened by the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Environmental Economics and Management, associate professor Mykola Matveev.

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Ihor Dulyn is a graduate of the National Technical University of Ukraine and in particular the Department of Accounting and Auditing, a candidate of economic sciences, an associate professor, the head of the public organization "Dobro.Diy" the co-founder of the West Ukrainian Business School, and the chain of bakeries "Vash Lavash" the co-organizer of currently known projects "1000 cars" and "Birds of Victory", and the ecoambassador of "Greening of the Planet".

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Thematic meeting "Volunteering vs. Business: How to Find a Balance?" took place dynamically and creatively, and students received valuable advice and motivational instructions for personal growth. Nataliya Pavlovska, who works in Igor Dulin's team and is the HR director of the Vash Lavash chain of bakeries, spoke about the secrets of a successful interview, which HR managers hide, and tips on how to get the dream job.

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Main messages:
Only professionals are effective in the long run.
A volunteer project has an organizational structure similar to that of a business project.
You don't earn money by volunteering, but you get intangible values: contacts, connections, friends, social capital, and corporate culture.

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It was especially interesting to hear about the unique lots at the auctions, such as a "Victory Bird" cap with Boris Johnson's signature, a stamp of Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny with an autograph, speakers from javelin tubes, t-shirts with autographs of Ukrainian aviation aces, and a lifebuoy from the cruiser Moscow.

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The administration of the university, the directorate of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Environmental Economics and Management, and the staff of the Department of Accounting and Audit are grateful to Ihor Dulyn for his openness and willingness to share knowledge and experience with students.

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