№1 in Ukraine!

certificate 2019

In 2019, the Ukrainian National Forestry University for the second time is the first among Ukrainian universities in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings.
This year, the results of their own sustainable development programs were shared by 780 world's best educational institutions. The top three world leaders whose analysis of 6-factor sustainability results have shown the best results are: Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands), University of Oxford (UK) and University of California, Davies (USA). Ranked 111, UNFU improved the result of 2018 by 86 positions.

According to the results of the past year, putting into practice the slogan "AD NATURAM VIVERE DISCIMUS", UNFU has succeeded in improving the indicators by most of the criteria - energy saving, waste management, water use and transport. Sumy State University and Uman’ National University of Horticulture (208 and 409 place respectively in the Green Metric World University Ranking) were awarded second and third place among the Ukrainian participants of the rating.

This year's coordinators of the rating project at UNFU were Volodymyr Yarkun - Senior Lecturer of IT Department, Head of the Web Communications Center and Ulyana Pavlyuk - Senior Lecturer of Enterprise Economics Department. Expert assistance was provided by colleagues from the Department of Ecological Economics Lyudmila Zahvoyska, Lyudmila Maksymiv and senior research fellow Igor Skolskyi. Through a joint effort, a powerful array of rating criteria information was elaborated and analyzed and the evidence base of UNFU's sustainability indicators was enriched.

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It should be also noted that participation in the rankings allows to objectively evaluate the work of the university and to determine its degree of success among other higher education institutions.
UI Green Metric's scores are based on quantitative indicators that allow universities to rank in such a way that they can be quickly compared by criteria for sustainability of their infrastructure, activities, environmental impact, comfortable living conditions and healthy living, learning and working for students and employees. Participants have the opportunity to evaluate the level of their environmental and natural resource base, as well as the weight of the components of sustainable development in educational and research activities.

Last modified on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 09:14

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