The Ukrainian National Forestry University is a partner and co-organizer of the scientific and practical conference "European Guidelines for Public Administration."

On May 8–12, 2023, an important event was held: EUROPE WEEK, within which the scientific and practical conference "European Guidelines for Public Administration" took place, the partner and co-organizer of which is the Ukrainian National Forestry University.

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Scientists of the Ukrainian National Forestry University together with representatives of the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of the European Union, the Higher School of Public Administration, UN Women Ukraine, the National Commission for State Language Standards, the Western Ukrainian National University, the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorsky", National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, National University "Chernihiv Polytechnic", Trade Union of Employees of State Institutions of Ukraine, Analytical and Consulting Center of Public Governance and Law worked out effective solutions regarding: relations between Ukraine and the EU; European values and their implementation in the public administration system; theoretical and practical aspects of the adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine to the law of the European Union; implementation of European standards of social dialogue as a mechanism for the recovery and development of Ukraine as a strong European country; European identity and cultural diversity.

During the plenary session, the first vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, Professor Oleksandr Sushinskyi, joined the discussion on the integration of efforts in the search for effective approaches to the solution of current theoretical, methodological, and practical challenges related to the formation and functioning of an effective system of public administration in accordance with the principles of public administration SIGMA.

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Teachers and graduates of the Department of Public Management and Administration attended sectoral meetings. The moderator of the section "European values and their implementation in the system of public administration" was the head of the professional development center, associate professor Andrii Lipentsev. Presentation topics: "Aspects of reforming public administration: the potential of higher educational institutions for the integration of efforts" (associate professor Andriy Lipentsev); "How the values of public service change: requirements of time or a threat to functioning" (professor Nadiya Kalashnyk); "Problems of social legitimation of human rights: the experience of Ukraine and of Poland" (Professor Larisa Novak-Kalyaeva); "Systematic analysis of the public law of Ukraine regarding the implementation of European values in public administration" (postgraduate student Sofia Shutyak).

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