Volodymyr ZAHORSKYI, Rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, was elected vice president of the Council of European Foresters and the European Forestry Academic Society.

On September 19–22, 2023, a delegation consisting of the rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, acting head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Business, Ion Dubovych, and director of the Stradchiv Forestry Plant of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, Oleg Danchuk, took part in the International Forestry Events held in the city of Jupiter, Constanta County, Romania.

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As part of the events, the following took place:

The international conference "Modern problems of implementing sustainable forest use in different countries", at which the Minister of Ecology, Water, and Forest Resources of Romania Mircea Feket, the General Director of Forestry of Romania "Romsilva" Daniel Nicolaescu, as well as other high-ranking officials of forestry of Romania, professors presented their reports to the forestry faculties of Romania (Brasov and Suceava), representatives of forestry, and universities of various European countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, and Ukraine);

Council of European Foresters, at which topical issues of the forest sector in different countries were discussed. After a long discussion of important issues regarding sustainable development in forestry, certificates were awarded to members of the Council of European Foresters and the Advisory Group of Forestry Experts in Europe.
The meeting of the European Forestry Academic Society, where the importance, prestige, and development prospects of this organization were discussed, According to the results of the meeting, the rector of the National Forestry University of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zahorskyi, was elected vice president of the Council of European Foresters and the European Forestry Academic Society, and certificates were presented to the members of the European Forestry Academic Society.

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It should be noted that for more than a decade, the teaching staff of UNFU has been actively participating in the international events of foresters, which are held every year in Romania and are organized by the Federation of Trade Unions "Silva" (Romania). Ukraine in the Council of European Foresters and the European Forestry Academic Society is represented by: rector of the Ukrainian National Forestry University, member-cor. NAS of Ukraine, Prof. Volodymyr Zahorskyi, Prof. Vasyl Lavny, Prof. Anatoly Deineka, Prof. Ihor Solovyi, Prof. Yuriy Debrenyuk, Prof. Yaroslav Genyk, Prof. Orest Kiyko, Prof. Ion Dubovich, Assoc. Oleg Danchuk, Assoc. Ruslan Vytsega, senior Khrystyna Vasylyshyn, and senior science collaborator Ihor Skolskyi.

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Such cooperation is effective and necessary and contributes to the establishment of close international relations not only between universities but also with specialists and practitioners of the forest sector of the European Union and other countries.

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