Improving The Experience Of Joint German-Ukrainian Teaching

2020 05 EberswalseI met Claudia Brözel the first time 2016 when I was at Eberswalde University for a stuff exchange in an Erasmus+ program. I was attending her Module “eTourism” now for four years in a row.

The setting of this Module is very interesting, because it is interactive, and the teaching aspects are very extraordinary. Claudia Brözel, as an active part of the International Federation for Travel and Technology, has direct access to the latest research in this field. She is also reviewer for the conference papers of the organization. So, she is collecting peer reviewed papers and put current topic on the list for the students. She organized the module with a huge structure list, where every student gets a paper and related papers and articles. Every student has to prepare a paper and for another student one times the minutes, which are guided with questions. In this way the participants discuss a lot of current issues from papers, but also related development and research methods. The Module always has a Motto, which is always related to the current situation or development in the research discussion. The students get not only a lot of information about the current research ideas and results, they are also diving deep in their topics and understand different methods and why researcher used it. The course follows a clear and logical structure.

The introduction Claudia Brözel is giving, follows on the one hand the idea to describe the current situation in travel technology, also the discussion and the current issues and place the topics in a scientific context.

She also starts in her introduction with a short journal paper about “how to read a paper” and gives a lot of supporting ideas and questions, that help students to deal with research papers.

This year, 2020, was the first year the Module was held online, because of the Corona restrictions. Claudia Brözel managed it very well. She invited also other students and colleagues from different countries, who vivified the discussion. She also includes Guests – mostly from the tourism industry – which makes the research mainly more concrete.

This year she did a discussion before the course and recorded it for the students, so that they could individually watch the discussion with two outstanding and well-known analysts from the industry and discuss that in class later.

I really appreciate the format and the structure of this Module and how Claudia Brözel is leading this course. The students are highly involved and mostly the discussion after a paper presentation takes places on a high level. Even with the online format mostly all students made it to motivate a short discussion.

In this Module students deal with research papers, they learn to prepare a certain topic – also with time restrictions, and they learn how research is done and what are current topics.


Deputy director of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Ecological Economics and Management Alexander Adamovsky

Last modified on Friday, 29 May 2020 08:01

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