V4 Green Universities – International conference

v4gu 0V4 Green Universities – International conference

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Welcome - Prof. Riri Fitri Sari

Climate ambassador activities at Deák Ferenc Secondary School and Primary School 

Check the video recording of the conference (22 Sept 2020) at our YouTube channel

Green workshop:

Dr. Oletics Zoltán, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd.: Virtual Power Plant Program - An Introd

Ph.D. Ulyana Pavlyuk, Dept. of Enterprise Economics, Ukrainian National Forestry University:UI Green Metric's #1 in Ukraine: Beginner's Luck or Strategic Results? (Experience of the UNFU)

Gyarmati László, University of Szeged: Methods to Decrease Carbon Emission at the University of Szeged

Andrej Tárník, The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra: SUA in Nitra -what is behind and ahead us

Nagy Andrea,Budapest Business School: ISSUE project: more than Green Office

Lazar Petrovic, University of Kragujevac:Green University actions

Mudra Viktória, Eötvös Loránd University: Sustainability in practice at the university

Dr. Radvánszky Bertalan, University of Pécs:The Green Consciousness of University of Pécs

Szűcs Boglárka - Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Nature sciences section:

Prof. Dr. Vasyl Lavnyy, Vice-rector on Science, Ukrainian National Forestry University: The UNFU Efforts towards Implementing Close to Nature Forestry

Dr. Hynek Roubík, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague: Current Coronavirus Crisis and impacts on food security

Dr. Nenad Zlatic: Ex-situ biodiversity conservation of specific plant ecological groups on the Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac

Dr. Mészárosné Dr. Bálint Ágnes, Óbuda University: Emission of greenhouse gases from soil

Prof. Dr. Hosam Bayoumi Hamuda, ÓbudaUniversity: Climate Change Interactions with Agroecosystem, Food Security and Goals of Sustainable Development

Prof. Dr. Lóczy Dénes, University of Pécs: Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners’ engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and value chain organization

Social sciences section:

Dr. Lyudmyla Zahvoyska, Dr. Lyudmyla Maksymiv, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Dr. Astrid Bjoernsen Gurung, WSL, Switzerland: Problem-based Learning Applied to Economic Education for Sustainability

Tereza Pilařová - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Migrant flows and consequences

Dr. Tarrósy István, University of Pécs:V4 contributions to sustainable African development: innovations, investments, green solutions

Faragó Írisz, University of Pécs: Can we feed a future population a healthy diet within planetary boundaries?

Dr. Glied Viktor, University of Pécs:Changes –Hopes –Green Solutions

Plenary session – Presentations of V4 Green Universities:

Balázs Borkovits, University of Pécs: Green University program -seedbed for V4GU and further co-operation

Prof. Dr.Michal Lošťák(1stvice-rector of CZU; Vice-Rector for International Relations), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague: Is it easy to be environmentallyfriendly(the case of CZU)?

Andrej Tárník,The Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra: SUA in Nitra -Green University

Lazar Petrovic, University of Kragujevac: Green University

Prof. Dr. Ihor Soloviy, Dept. of Ecological Economics, Ukrainian National Forestry University: Greening the University Curriculum Model as Tool for Sustainability Transition

Last modified on Tuesday, 02 March 2021 08:35

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